Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 990: Under devil

At the beginning, when he got the Ziyoshi stone that Star Glass gave him, he was surprised by its amazing attributes... And when he met the Rakshasa Ghost, the first time he showed the light of the purple slate, he was really Realizing the extent to which this purple slate is so strong... It is this little purple stone that has made the ghost king who has won his strength many times before him and fled in front of him, and even became a plaything in his hands.

At this time, the purple slate of his forehead once again released a strong purple light, the light is extremely soft...


Just as the three sages used the eyes of exploration to look at the gems that radiated purple light on the forehead of Ye Tianxian, there was a scream of screaming in the ear... This is the shout from the five ghost kings, the voice Miserable, the pain, just like the body suddenly pierced a dozen sharp knives at the same time, was ruthlessly cut into pieces. They have never heard of these demons making such a tragic sound... because the roots don't have any power, and what power is enough for them to do so. The three sages were staring at them. In the face of such a scene, they were shocked and did not know what to do.

The original arrogant five ghost kings all stared at their own eyes, the body quickly retreated in panic, and lost the ability to float in the retreat, one by one fell to the ground, but the root did not stand, but on the ground Painful tumbling, screaming... Their bodies are inexplicably distorted in the tumbling, as if something is tearing their bodies, distorting their bodies, and even cracking and falling apart at any time... Their barking is getting more and more embarrassing and more and more violent. Their screams spread throughout the lost city, and they were more fearful than ghosts. The city people in the lost city just heard this listening, and they were enough to think about what would happen under such a voice. A pain.

Even the three sages in the ears listened to their ears, and they felt that their hearts were cold and their hands and feet were soft. How much pain is going to make this powerful ghost king make such a loud and exhausting voice. In such a voice, they looked at Ye Tianxie... This time, they looked at his eyes differently than any of the past... that is, he stood still, but let the five ghost kings change. It’s so unbearable...

I have seen the misery of the Rakshasa King in the face of the purple glaze, and he did not feel surprised by the reaction of the Five Ghosts. This is enough to make the entire five devils who are lost in the mainland desperate, there is no threat of a trace in front of him with purple phoenix. He sneered and took a step forward. As he approached, the purple light was closer, and the screams of the painful five ghost kings were even more fierce...

"Don't... don't come close to me!! Ah!!" The Dark Ghost King made a terrible sound than the ghost crying. The body rolled wildly on the ground and rolled away from the direction of Ye Tianxie: "Impossible... his body... How can there be purple phoenix on his body! Impossible!!! Ah!!"

It seems that it finally condensed a little strength. The dark ghost king screamed with excitement. The body suddenly picked up from the ground and instantly moved a hundred meters away. Then, if there was no flies, it rushed to the south, and other ghost kings also went from In the nightmare, I woke up and condensed my strength. One by one, I fled in the extreme pain. No one dared to look back, let alone launch any attack, just like the five disabled dogs fleeing. Now... they just want to leave here, the farther away the better.

The poisonous power, the ghost knife, and the holy words of the five ghost kings who are fleeing and fleeing, have long been speechless.

This is not even the three sages who can't beat them. The devil's mainland power is second only to the demon's five ghost kings!

They looked at Ye Tianxie silently, and their eyes were violently trembled... A hundred years ago, how fierce they had gone through, how much they paid, how many partners they died, and they destroyed the nine devils. , blocking the eight, and he, is so simple to stand there, but let the existing eight demon king five become five funeral dogs, rushing in the pain ...

"Hey!" A low-pitched coldness was released from Ye Tianxie. He came here not only to let these big devils get out, but also to give them unforgettable lessons. After the cold, his The body ignited a white flame, and the energy field released by the new sacred inflammation forced the three sages to retreat several times. Under the effect of the sacred inflammation, Ye Tianxie’s body was like lightning. Rushing to the front, the speed made the poisonous sages almost disappeared.

In a twinkling of an eye, he has drawn himself closer to the fleeing demon kings, feeling the glazed glaze of the rear that makes them fear, the body and soul are cut, and the ultimate pain of being smashed. Reappearing, so that they can hardly maintain the ability to fly, this is a kind of **** like real hell... they don't want to stay one minute and one second under such pain. As a result, they struggled to spend a lot of dark magic to cut through the space, display space for ultra-long distances, escape to another space, and get rid of this terrible nightmare.

At the same time, the ghost kings began to condense the strongest magic to prepare to display space. At this time, the Luocha Ghost King who fell in the last place was chased by Ye Tianxie, just in the moment when she showed space and was about to succeed, Ye Tianxie Already behind her, the purple glazed mangling near the body made her body violently twisted in pain, and the space was directly interrupted. Ye Tianxie’s hands were black and white, and the moment of destiny was shaken by him. Lifted up high and slammed into the body of the Rakshasa King...

The moment of destiny... My partner, parting half a year, can finally fight side by side.

In my hands, show your power, miracle!

"Life and death sanctions - the soul of death!!"

The core of the Qingshen, shining with the gloomy blue awn, with this glamorous awning, the fate of the fate of the devil of the Luosha ghost king...



"Oh... the trigger for life and death is triggered, and the life of Rakshasa is forced to be deprived and is in a state of death."

With the fall of destiny, the blue light instantly spread the body of the Rakshasa Ghost, an incomparably huge dark number floated from her head, and her life value was instantly cleared...

Under the illumination of the purple glazed awns, her body is finally no longer distorted, but she is fixed there, and then in the silent, softly poured down, the blue awning around her and her own The black power of the mans also slowly dissipated.

"Oh... you succeeded in killing the 100-level magical system, the holy sacred boss, the Luosha Ghost King, and the reputation is +500000."

"Oh... your level has increased to 81..."

"Oh... your level has increased to 82..."



"Oh... your level has increased to 85..."

"Oh... your level has increased to 86..."

“Hey... your pet’s 夭夭’ level has been raised to 82...”

"Oh... your pet 'Beckham' has been upgraded to level 86..."

"Oh... your mount pet 'Kaka' level has been upgraded to level 70..."

Luosha Ghost King fell to his fate, and fell under the life-stricken sanction triggered by the Qingshen... At the beginning, he used seven days to continuously perform seven life-and-death sanctions on the Rakshasa Ghost King, but both There was no trigger. Later, he forgot the moment of fate and completely forgot about it.

In the past six months, this is the eighth time he has accumulated his life sanction on the body of the Raksha Ghost King. The miracle of the blue light shines at this moment, and the life value of this terrible ghost king is 3.2 billion, and it is empty and fell to the ground. And died.

The Luosha Ghost King is dying. She is also the first ghost king to die in the true sense... She is not dead in the hands of the goddess of Xi Yao, not in the hands of the twelve sages, but in the hands of Ye Tianxie... without any resistance, It was taken away by the moment of destiny in his hands.

Looking at the dissipated Qingguang and the Luosha Ghost King who fell to the ground, Ye Tianxie laughed and stayed there, clenching the fate of his hand... Although, on the surface attribute, the current fate is not comparable. Shura demon sword, but Shura demon sword never wants to have a sword to destroy the power of the ghost king. The moment of destiny is that the glass fairy is left to him. After she left, he never left it. In this destiny world, from the first day, it is accompanied, never left... until he will It is completely forgotten.

Today, it is returned to his hands, with its power to help his master to kill and kill the powerful ghost king.

"Rom... Raksha!!"

"Rakshasa old ghost!!"

"Ah!! Raksha old ghost... She, she, she is dead!!"

"No!! Impossible!! This is impossible!!"

The ghost kings who want to escape have issued a scream of incomparable fear... They feel the collapse of the dark power of the Rakshasa Ghost King, which is the collapse of the power of darkness that only appears to be completely dead! ! She was so in a blink of an eye, he was so hit... completely dying! !

It was also the moment when the Luocha Ghost King died. On the sky, suddenly there was a thunderous roar.

The black clouds hovering over the lost continent suddenly stopped moving, and then the rapid extinction occurred in the sound of the "rumbling", just like the smoke blown away by the wind, with the rapid disappearance of these dark clouds. The lost atmosphere of the mainland has become no longer gloomy, and the light has become more and more clear... and the black holes that continue to drop the magical soldiers have become smaller with little by little until they disappear completely...

"Rosa is dead... The day of the devil's day has broken!! Go!! Go!!"

"On the day when the devil is returned, there will be nothing to stop us from the Mozu. You can pray and struggle!!"

"This account, we will not forget! On the day when the devil is returned, you will all be turned into a dark residue!!"


The four ghost kings of the trepidation all consumed huge magical power, and they broke through the space at great cost and fled in the ultra-long distance space. Ye Tianxie did not catch up, and there is nowhere to chase.

Before, the five ghosts appeared in front of the lost city, each scorning the city in arrogance, and all human beings. Because they didn't think about defeat, they didn't even think that it would be a ghost king's death, the end of the four ghosts.