Evil-Natured Husband, Don’t Tease!

Chapter 1102: The wound on the body was saved by Mobso

Brenda looked at the tender shrimp and smiled: "Well, the shrimp you peeled, it must be delicious."

Huang Ling said: "When this shrimp is bought back, it is very fresh. If it is good, it depends on what water is used to raise it."

Brenda smiled and said: "It makes sense, but I won't see what kind of shrimp is raised with water."

Huang Ling smiled. "I won't."

Brenda ate the shrimp and nodded and said: "It's delicious! It's delicious!"

"Is the wife coming here? I have never seen you in and out of the community before." Liu Fengfeng asked.

Brenda nodded: "Yes, just moved here for a few days. Like Huang Ling, call me Brenda."

Brenda smiled and looked at Liu Fengfeng: "Looking at you is almost the same age as me, calling my name, I will feel more cordial."

Liu Fengfeng is not restrained: "Well, Brenda, you eat more food. We are in the same community, and later are neighbors, there are more flights. Right, who are you in your family?"

Brenda: "I live with my dad, but my dad will come over tomorrow. My husband and son are not in M ​​City."

Liu Fengfeng: "If you have time, bring your old gentleman to my house to eat."

Brenda: "There are neighbors like you. I want to live in the community in the future. It must be very interesting."

Liu Fengfeng: "Yeah, I just didn't get used to moving here. After I met my neighbor, life became more interesting."

Brenda: "What do you usually do?"

Liu Fengfeng: "Walk around with neighbors, play cards, raise health, and dance square dance. Brenda, what do you usually do?"

Brenda: "Look at the newspaper, beauty, talk to your son about the video."

Liu Fengfeng: "How old is your son?"

Brenda: "Thirty years old."

Liu Fengfeng: "Is it married? Hold your grandson?"

Brenda sighed, a pair of hate iron is not a steel expression: "The stinky boy, has not been a girlfriend, we thought he did not like women. A girlfriend, is a two-married."

After that, Brenda glanced at Huang Ling: "This woman is not very beautiful. It is far worse than the friends with friends."

Liu Fengfeng smiled and said: "As long as the child likes it, the girl is healthy. The beautiful is not necessarily easy to get along with. The personality may not be good. It also shows that the girl will be good."

Brenda nodded and smiled. "It's right."

Liu Fengfeng continued: "There is nothing in the second marriage. Some women will cherish and love the other half after they have experienced a marriage. My family, Huang Ling, is also divorced. Now I also find a man who loves her. I am really happy for her. ""

Brenda heard it, and looked at Huang Ling with amazement: "Huang Ling, have you been married?"

Huang Ling is not too embarrassed. Anyway, Mobson treats her well. He said that his mother also likes her very much. She is not worried about anything.

She smiled calmly and nodded: "Yes."

Brenda smiled and said: "I can't really see it, you are so small... Yes, the scars on your face and hands will not be left behind by domestic violence?"

Domestic violence?

Huang Ling looked at Brenda with a funny smile and said: "No, not a domestic violence."

She has never beaten her before, and her injury is not a domestic violence.

"She was not left behind by a domestic violence, but she saved Mobosen." Liu Fengfeng said.