Evil-Natured Husband, Don’t Tease!

Chapter 1200: "You really are the daughter of Ban Dech

"No matter who said it, it's the same." Huang Ling came out of Mobson's arms, then took the chair with ease and sat down beside Mobson.

She raised her hand and waved to Mo Jingkai and Aina: "Hello!"

Mo Jingkai looked at Huang Ling with a sullen look: "There is no rule!"

Huang Ling thought that tonight Mobson was a person who asked her to eat.

When she came to the seafood store and didn't see him waiting for her at the door of the store, and she booked a private room, she guessed it.

When she came to the door of the private room, she stood for a while and listened to the movement inside.

Mo Jingkai did not like her, let her tie her heart. But Mobson’s love for her made her feel warm.

Mo Jingkai likes Aina and brings Aina to eat with Mobson.

Huang Ling felt that she was doing well in front of Mo Jingkai. In his opinion, it was also bad.

So she figured it out.

Mo Jingkai is letting her leave Mobson, the less she leaves!

As long as Mobson loves her, she must be nice with him!

She has heard a word, preferring to be moldy and arrogant, not to humble in love.

She is in love, she does not humble love, she wants to be noble, love has dignity!

What Aina, Li Xinxin, small three small four small five small six small seven small eight ... all sent her to the interstellar earth!

So, when she pushed in the door, she didn't even look at Kay and Aina and cast it directly into Mobson's arms.

With her understanding of Mobson, and her bet, Mobson would be very happy that she took the initiative to hold him, and he would not deliberately pull her away from him before he slammed the ground.

Huang Ling did not hear Mo Jingkai's words, and looked at the seafood dinner at the table with joy: "Momo, how much do you have to spend this meal? The night before, we ate a luxury, it seems to spend a dozen Wan."

Huang Ling deliberately put the price high, deliberately let Mo Jingkai think she is a loser.

Mobson touched her hair draped over her waist. "As long as you have a good time, good health, what is it worth?"

Huang Ling turned her head and rushed to Mobosen's sweet smile. Her smile was so sincere, so pure and beautiful. "Momo, I can love you in this life, it's good!"

Mo Jingkai was not too angry with Huang Ling’s attitude, a cold face, dark and dark.

"Huang Ling, Uncle Mo doesn't like girls who don't have rules, you converge." Aina faded the harshness of the coach. Now she is a well-behaved, gentle woman.

Huang Ling glanced at her and blinked her eyes and asked: "What kind of ghost is the rule? Can you eat it? Or will it make your own feng shui better?"

"Come, eat the king crab." Mo Poson stripped the king crab from Huang Ling and picked the cream inside to eat it.

Before she came, Mo Bosen did not let Mo Jingkai and Aina move the chopsticks first. When Huang Ling arrived, Mo Bosen gave her a sandwich.

Mo Jingkai is very unhappy, thinking: the soul of this kid has been taken away by this woman!

Mo Jingkai looked at Huang Ling with a critical look. Finally, gently lighten the thin lips: "Are you really a daughter of Ban Dechang?"

Huang Ling just ate a king crab, listening to Mo Jingkai's words, her movements, obviously moved a bit.

She looked up and looked at Mo Jingkai, then turned her head and looked at Mobson slightly: "Momo, how do you tell this to your uncle?"

She had no relationship with Song Po, she did not say to Mobson, but he had guessed everything.

He told Mo Jingkai that he knew it was thorough.