Evil-Natured Husband, Don’t Tease!

Chapter 1400: Only I can protect you

Ban Jianing nodded. "Glanced at it and knew that it was gone, and nothing was seen."

"Cheat." The priest did not believe it, which man would miss such a good opportunity.

"Kid, this is not what you should ask. Moreover, this is not your concern." Ban Jianing touched the head of the animal husbandry.

"What is my concern?" asked the shepherd.

"How to make your mom eat fat, and if you encounter a typhoon in the future, you won't be blown away."

"Every time the typhoon, my uncle is at the side of Mommy, Mommy will not be blown away."

When the animal husbandry heard it, the heart moved slightly.

She subconsciously looked at Ban Jianing, and the expression seemed to say ‘this idea is good’.

However, when she touched the smiling eyes of Ban Jianing, she remembered that he had a girlfriend, she could not be a junior.

This idea, let her suddenly wake up like, do not dare to directly home to Ning, dodge the eyes, a little innocent.

Finally, she had to go to the pastor: "Nonsense!"

The priest spit out her tongue and made a cute face. I was nonsense, and I was nonsense!

"The husbandry is right, to the background wind, or I am safe with you. Just now you also saw that the girls also accompanied by a boyfriend, the result is not blown away." Ban Jianing smiled.

He licked the head of the priest. "I didn't expect this kid to be so sensible."

The priest raised the handsome face of the makeup, "Mummy taught."

Ban Jianing raised his eyebrows, "Oh, is your mommy still teaching you these words?"

"What do you say, Ban Jianing!" Shepherd heard, anxious. "The shepherd said that he is so sensible, I taught, not that the words he just said were taught by me, you distorted him. Meaning!"

"Oh, sorry, I misunderstood." Ban Jianing smiled and looked at the animal husbandry with charm. "No matter who said it, with the background wind, only I can protect you."

Shepherd heart heard this, it is heart-warming.

She looked at Ban Jianing faintly, thinking that he still likes himself as he used to.

She almost asked: "You don't protect your girlfriend?"

Then I immediately thought that what he said was unrealistic.

M City and City A, there are very few typhoons, she grew up in M ​​City, have not seen a typhoon.

If he had brought her here, and saw the typhoon, she thought that she would not be able to see the typhoon in her life.

Therefore, what he said, with the background wind, will protect her, is unrealistic.

She grinned and said faintly: "I will not go out when I encounter a typhoon. My house will protect me."

"Why didn't you say that outside?"

"How is it the same outside? Besides, if you have to stop here and rest, I will not encounter a typhoon."

"I want to protect you, but I hurt my arm."

"I didn't cry out and ask you to protect me. Big deal, like the girls, I was blown out by the wind, my head hit the railing, or I walked away." After that, she sneaked a sneak peek at Ban Jianing. Then lie down in bed.

"The mouth is the heart." Ban Jianing cold, obviously moved, not to say this, interesting?

Ban Jianing squatted at the animal husbandry. "Tired, let's sleep."

The priest was very embarrassed, lying on the bed with the arm of Ban Jianning, and Ban Jianing covered the quilt for him, and said thoughtfully: "Open the air conditioner, cover the quilt."