Evil-Natured Husband, Don’t Tease!

Chapter 315: I want to hit Song Worry

"I am an orphan, no father, no mother, no relatives and no friends. Money is not the most important thing." Xu Jingxiao looked at Song Wuyou. "Since the lady changed, I found out that I was very happy with the lady. Come to Gu's work, but also learned a lot of things, Gu's colleague respectfully called me a quiet sister, but also Miss Fu's blessing. Gu's monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, is also the blessing of the sister. Every month 20,000 yuan is enough for me. As long as you can follow the lady, money is not a problem at all. If I sell a lady, am I still a person?"

Song smiled, looked up, and looked at Xu Jing with relief. "It's really my good sister."

Xu Jing heard it, I was embarrassed to smile. "Miss, you will make me feel astonished."

"Now, we are all holding Gu's salary, there is no master servant, we are sisters. You also know that I have no friends, you are a trustworthy one."

Xu Jing listened, very moved, and at the same time, felt sorry for Song Wu worry.

Yes, the young lady has no friends since she was young.

She did not treat her as a sister with her two sisters.

Think about it, her side seems to really only have a female friend of her own -

Xu Jing looked deeply at Song Wu, "Miss, I am going to work."

"Well, I called Song Sister so she didn't have to cook for us. We ate outside and went back."

"it is good."

Xu Jing went to work, and Song was slow to eat dessert.

She took a spoon and ate it in a small mouthful.

Frown slightly, my eyes are cold.

Song Yuyue...

What does she want to do?

After work, Song Wuzhe and Xu Jing were eating at a Sichuan restaurant.

When Gu Yu is at home, she is not allowed to eat greasy and heavy food.

After eating too long and light dishes, she suddenly wanted to eat some heavy taste.

She ordered spicy stinky tofu, as well as pheasant chicken, red pepper yak, and Tianjin lion head.

Xu Jing also ordered a few Sichuanese dishes she liked.

The two women ate with relish, and Song Worry moved fast but elegant, and there was an innate cool and unrestrained.

Xu Jing looked at her with her eyes brightly. "Miss, I really like you more and more."

Song Wuxi laughed: "Don't like me more and more, I will be shocked."

They said while eating, not long after, a meal was eaten.

After the checkout, they came out of the restaurant.

"Miss, go back now or go shopping?" Xu Jing asked.

Song Wu worry points to the left. "There seems to be a flower market, let's go shopping."

Xu Jing smiled happily: "Good."

They walked over there, and when they passed a crossroad, they stood on the side of the road and waited for the green light.

Suddenly, there was a motorcycle coming from behind.

The sound of snoring is a bit scary.

Song Wuzhe and Xu Jingyi consciously leaned in again, but the motorcycle was like a pair of them, like a cheetah flying over.

When Song saw no worries, he suddenly felt a danger hit. When she wanted to pull Xu Jing to go away, her arm was pulled hard, and she and Xu Jing quickly retreated.

Just as they had just retired, the motorcycle whistled and flew in front of them, leaving a sultry smell of oil.

When the motorcycle opened to the opposite intersection, he stopped and the motorbike turned back. He looked at Song Wu, and made a contemptuous action toward her, and drove away.