Evolution Crisis

v10 Chapter 2: Unexpected meeting (part 2)

Seeing the other people nodded consciously, Tang Meng continued with satisfaction: "That person is very powerful, although it is only for a moment, but to be honest, I don't want to have anything to do with that guy. I can feel that guy is there. To vent the anger in my heart, or murderous aura, I don’t know if he is targeting what happened in the fire, but I have an unknown premonition that he might be targeting us. In that case, I don’t want to take risks, so I will let you all come back."

Hearing this, the young people all swept away their relaxed look just now, and they became cautious. Tang Meng is not only their elders, but also an experienced master of supernatural powers. Since he said that, he shouldn’t be. Falsified.

The young master said calmly: "Is it our enemy? We have just arrived here, and we have been cautious along the way, and we have not found any suspicious characters. Maybe it is not against us?"

The young man who started talking also echoed: "Yes, if those people really know us, then they should know our background. Our Eagle League is not easy to provoke. No matter who is hostile to us, we must be sure. Will think twice."

Tang Meng listened and said with a wry smile: "In order to integrate the forces in the north, we don't know how many enemies are open and secret. I am not surprised if they are hostile to us, but our action this time is very secretive. And I’ve never met someone who threatened me such a big deal before.

Hearing this, several other people were also very cautious. They did not encounter many characters who made Tang Meng so vigilant. In other words, this enemy may be stronger than them. The biggest problem is that they have nothing to do now. Clue, the enemy hidden in the dark is the most terrifying.

At this time, a young man leaning on a cabinet on the side was a little worried and said: "This is not our chassis, and the local guys have absolutely no good feelings for us. If this guy who is hostile to us deliberately leaks this news out If we do, we are likely to be in big trouble."

This is absolutely true. Although the Eagle Alliance is powerful, the process of continuous expansion is a process of continuous accumulation of enemies. Although the Eagle Alliance now occupies most of the northern chassis, the number of bright and dark enemies is still quite large. If the news is revealed If they come out, not to mention the current enemies, even the local gangs that have nothing to do with them will definitely think that they are here to grab the territory, and that would be a big trouble.

After this continuous analysis, the young master nodded cautiously and said: "Yes, after we have done what we should do, we must go back immediately. Remember, it is best not to go out casually, let alone cause trouble. This is not our place. I don't want to get into any trouble."

Several other people also nodded. There was a powerful enemy hiding in the dark, which made them unaccustomed to it. They were always the only ones staring at others, or attacking others overtly or secretly. No wonder they would appear today. This situation was originally thought to be an easy task, so Tang Meng was just in case, and he didn't expect it to become so complicated now.

Seeing the performance of these young people, Tang Meng nodded slightly in satisfaction. Of course, relaxing experience was not their intention. Only a little crisis could really exercise their abilities. A trace of satisfaction flashed in his heart, but he wrinkled immediately. He raised his eyebrows, because now things were a bit beyond his control, and an unpredictable enemy appeared. Although he might be as powerful as him, the breath only flashed by, and he couldn't find much real things at all. This is what he worries most.

Tang Meng said, "We are still unfamiliar with the place of life here. It's better to be more careful. When we finish the matter with those guys, we will go back immediately. Everyone must be careful."

Just as they wanted to continue talking, the doorbell rang, and a long and stout guy walked in. Several people who seemed a little nervous said, "I found it. We're going to start working on it."

Several people nodded together, quickly tidied up, and took out a lot of weapons. Obviously they were about to deal with their enemy.

After a long wait, the two of Yang Wei finally regained consciousness from the coma. Yang Wei was about to ask. The article had wiped away the traces on his face, and then put on the mask, as if everything was back to normal, waved his hand to stop it. After Yang Wei's inquiry, he said to the driver: "Go back to the headquarters!"

The driver's awe of his gang leader now can be described as being promoted to three levels in a row. He didn't even know what method the gang leader had just used to keep him in a coma for so long. Hearing the order, he hurried to the headquarters.

Yang Wei knew that there must be something in the article that they didn't know, and they didn't want to let them know now, so he sat aside wittily and began to recall anything he had just seen.

When they returned to their temporary main hall, the hotel's alertness rose obviously. Obviously Feng Ziqiang was also very worried that the attack was against them. When they came back after seeing the article, although they didn't speak, many people could feel relieved by the article. It seems that he has become the true spiritual pillar of Heaven.

Ye Tianbing and the others were waiting for them in the conference room. They were very happy to see them coming back, but the article still saw the hesitation in them, and it was obvious that they were a little worried about their coming back so late.

Feng Ziqiang said: "Okay, thank you for coming back, Lao Ye, you first introduce the situation of the fire that you know about it to the helper, and see if these guys are targeting us."

Ye Tianbing also knew that the situation was urgent, so he started to briefly introduce the situation: "We don't know the specific situation very well. Now we only know that four brothers went to the fire to drink at night. Now two brothers have died. Two were seriously injured in the hospital. Only one brother reluctantly told us about the situation at the time. The police only asked us for questioning and did not reveal much information. Perhaps this incident added a lot of pressure to them."

Seeing that everyone’s faces were very dignified, Ye Tianbing continued to speak: …ww “According to the brother, they were drinking at the time, and the boss of Agni and his girlfriend were also there. Suddenly a few very strong came in. The guy and the two seductive women, the boss and them seemed to be acquaintances. The two gangs had a conflict as soon as they entered the door. The thugs in the bar were quickly knocked down by them, and the guests all escaped. The brothers I thought it was other gangs who were making trouble, but I was knocked down in a few moments, and when I woke up, the bar was already burning."

Ye Tianbing thought about it and hesitated and said, "That brother is a bit unsure. He said he heard something similar to howling a wolf before he was unconscious." At this point, Ye Tianbing looked up and read the article. It was obvious that this might be possible. It is related to the supernatural person, and the article in this area is the expert.

The article remembered the weird place found on Lei before, and immediately confirmed it, and raised her head and said, "Well, it should probably be." It seems that these people should have come to Lei, and these people are obviously different. Those who can, obviously they have the upper hand, otherwise the fire would not become like this.

Thinking of this, the article immediately said: "Big Brother Ye, you quickly ask the brothers to find the whereabouts of Boss Agni."

Ye Tianbing nodded and said, "Well, as soon as it happened, I mobilized all the people who could mobilize to look for it, but there is no news so far, but it seems that someone has seen two more groups of people leaving the flames one after another, starting a fire time."

"That's it. The boss of Agni should have left now. When we find him, we will know what happened. We will notify me as soon as there is news." The article has unusual feelings for Agni and Lei. They were at the beginning. Helped him a lot, Lei looked a bit like another relative to him.

Ye Tianbing and the others were able to understand a little bit, and Hu Changsheng also understood that their relationship was very good after that night, and could understand why the article cared about Lei so much, not to mention that their gods were deeply involved now.

Feng Ziqiang nodded and said, "Don't worry, someone has already looked for it before you come back, and people from other gangs have come to discuss secret cooperation with us."

When he paused for a while, Yang Wei interrupted and said, "Well, that was planned before. Tonight is just a farce. That is a way to divide them."

Ye Tianbing nodded his head to express understanding, and continued: "Several gang members have come here. We received them separately. You didn’t come back. We didn’t know how to continue, so we dragged on until the accident happened. , We took the opportunity to stop the negotiation, and also told them that asking them to help find the whereabouts of the boss of Agni is a small bargaining chip for help. If there is news, we should be notified as a bargaining chip for benefit exchange."

The article nodded. Although what happened tonight is just a farce, there is no doubt that they all yearn for the benefits in their hands. Ye Tianbing and the others have done very well. Using benefits as bait should be able to expand their sources of information. The intensity of the matter surpassed their previous expectations. He didn't have time to wait for the result slowly. Only when Lei's matter was resolved quickly, could he consider how to deal with his enemies with peace of mind.

Hu Changsheng leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Big Brother Wen, I feel like this is a battle of supernaturalists, do you tell Sister Ting and them?"

The article thinks about it, although I don’t want to involve them all, but now the situation has become so complicated, they have to be more careful, and there are things he doesn’t want to involve Hu Changsheng and the others, turning his head and whispering: "They It should be in the hotel where you are staying at this time. Just call them." Then turned to Ye Tianbing and said, "Brother Ye, you take him to make a phone call."

Ye Tianbing nodded, knowing that he was trying to inform those mysterious friends, and walked out with Hu Changsheng~lightnovelpub.net~ The article hesitated and raised his head and said to Feng Ziqiang who was discussing something in a low voice: "Wind Brother, can you help me find the whereabouts of another person?" After hesitating, he changed his words and said, "Not one person, there are several people, but I only know the name of one of them."

Feng Ziqiang was a little surprised. He glanced at Yang Wei. Before he could speak, Yang Wei said first, "Are they the people on the fire scene tonight?"

Knowing that he must have thought of this, the article nodded.

Yang Wei smiled and said without hesitation: "Of course it's okay. You are our gang leader. Why are you so productive? Any clues? Tell me, I will send someone to investigate right now."

As soon as the words fell, Feng Ziqiang followed with a smile and nodded. The three of them all laughed. The article did not know whether Yang Wei and the others knew about the Eagle League. After thinking about it, they finally decided to speak: "I want to find someone. His whereabouts, his name should have been Tang Meng, but I don’t know what it is now. Tonight, he appeared on the fire scene in Lihuo with several other people."

Yang Wei was taken aback when he heard the name, and then couldn't help but exclaimed, "Tang Meng of the Eagle League?" But he didn't notice that the water glass he was holding in his hand fell quietly.