Evolution Crisis

v11 Chapter 7: Prelude to chaos

Hearing Wu Tianya's words, everyone was not too surprised. Seeing his and Lei Dong's current expressions, they understood that things would definitely not be easy, otherwise they would not behave like this.

Realizing that it was his own cause that caused the current situation, Wu Tianya suddenly stretched his eyebrows and relaxed a lot, and said with a smile: "Wen Qiu, I was negligent. There must be a road to the mountain, and now things are not bad enough. At that point, we have time to prepare slowly, Lei Dong, you can tell them more specifically!" The article and Lei Dong are naturally old friends, but Wen's father and mother are not simple characters. They just entered the door. There is a slight difference, because in Lei Dong's body, they all feel a little faint breath of monsters, which is very different from their usual transformation. At this critical time, they will naturally pay extra attention, but Hearing the name, he naturally reacted. This is the friend of the article, and their vigilance was released.

Although he and the article call him brothers, but in fact, his age seems to be the same as the father of the article. However, this shrewd patriarch seems to have discovered this a little bit. It would be better if he didn't introduce it. The timing does not seem right. It’s not bad to skip it, knowing that the outside of the house is already on guard. This was a joint decision he had just discussed with the old patriarch. It’s a matter of great importance and it has to be so, but now is a special period, so it’s impossible to do so. It will be too noticeable.

Things are too amazing. It took a long time for Lei Dong to get over. As for the severity, you can see Wu Tianya's reaction after listening to it. In fact, if it wasn't for the tortuous relationship, Even if Lei Dong was killed, he would not easily confide this kind of "betrayal" information.

After organizing the language, Lei Dong said as simply as possible: "The article is the king of beasts they are talking about." As soon as he said one sentence, he was immediately refuted by the article's mother: "Impossible, you are talking nonsense. The article was born by me. Child, how could it be the Beastmaster?" This news was a little too exciting for her.

Wu Tianya could understand her feelings, took a look at Thunder, who was smiling wryly, stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly, calmed her emotions, and said, "Don’t worry, this matter is very complicated. You wait until Thunder has said everything. You'll know." Then he motioned to Lei Dong to continue his story.

Lei Dong smiled bitterly and said: "I also heard from Chief Wu just now that you had experienced the Warcraft turmoil more than 20 years ago. I wonder if you still have an impression of the appearance of that Monster? Is it all dark with eyes like Electricity, muscles are like iron, defense is amazing, basically unbreakable, and extremely powerful, invincible, although it is not appropriate to describe it, but it should be like this." The parents of the article nodded together and mentioned the matter. There was a hint of panic on people’s faces. Obviously, they still had lingering fears about the matter. The horrible guy left an indelible impression on them. Even in the end, they didn’t know how to solve the problem. Guys, only if it is God bless that they have a way to survive.

I can imagine their fear of the Beastmaster, glanced at the complicated-looking article, Lei Dong smiled bitterly, and then said: "The transformation of the article is also like this. I have seen it on Guanxing Mountain. It is exactly the same." Although it has been before. With some mental preparations, the parents of the article were taken aback. Their faces were full of unbelievable expressions. In the end, Father Wen was more rational and asked, "How could this be the case? The article's transformation? Shouldn’t it be his mother’s wolf transformation? How could there be two transformations?” Lei Dong smiled weirdly, glanced at Wu Tianya, and said, “I don’t quite understand this, but it can be a little bit. Explain." After hesitating, he said, "The Beastmaster is actually the king of Warcraft, the king of Warcraft Forest, but it takes a long time for him to grow up, and he needs to accumulate a lot of energy to evolve. As a result, Suddenly there was a leak this time, and the Beastmaster somehow ran out, and finally ran into you again.” The mother of the article hesitated for a moment, and then said, “But I remember that we should have eliminated that guy that time. Lei Dong smiled bitterly, and said, "Where the Beastmaster is so simple, it will be over. Even if you have twice as many people as the real mature Beastmaster, I am afraid it will be difficult to treat him. The Beastmaster has a skill. At that time, the Beastmaster’s beast soul would parasitize. This was probably the case at that time. This is the awakening of the article’s ability so late, it should be the result of being suppressed by the beast soul.” At this point, the parents of the article couldn’t help but report to the article. Projecting past apologies, if you follow Lei Dong’s words, it was their mistake that year. Although no one could imagine this, the article immediately reacted and smiled and shook his head at them, saying that he didn’t mind, anyway. It's already a thing of the past, and no one would have thought that such a weird thing would happen.

Lei Dong saw that he only pretended not to see, and continued: "Once the soul of the beast is intensified, it is very likely that the Beastmaster will transform. Some in the Forest of Warcraft may be sensitive to this. When the article saved me that night, he used the Beastmaster. Transformation, and as a result, there was a fish that slipped through the net. It might be intercepted under the mountain or on the road. They found that they were very likely to be unable to deal with the transformation of the Beastmaster who was able to deal with the article. Used such a trick." After hearing the article, the mother immediately said, "Then what do they plan to do with the article, will it be dangerous to go to the article tomorrow?" For the son who had just reunited, he immediately heard the news and told her In terms of it, it's not a good thing.

Now everyone’s eyes were focused on Lei Dong's body. Everyone knows the previous news. The key is how to deal with it. But Lei Dong shook his hands and said helplessly: "I don't know." Turning to a murderous vision, Lei Dong quickly explained, “Don’t look at me like that. You must know that the Beastmaster is the biggest secret and taboo in the Forest of Warcraft. Ordinary beasts may have never even heard of it. That’s the news, I There are many others that can be said through hearsay.” In this way, the faces of the people are more solemn, and the stricter the secrets are, the more important the Beastmaster is. In fact, their guess is not bad. The Beastmaster does exist as a secret weapon. Yes, if it weren't for a "traitor" like Lei Dong, how could they get the Beastmaster's information? At best, it's just guessing out of thin air. How can I think that the identity of the article would be so noble!

The father of the article did not speak immediately, but turned to look at Wu Tianya, who was frowning and thinking. He has more experience than them, and as the patriarch, he knows many things they may not know. Secretly, he asked carefully, "Elder Wu, what do you think about this matter?" Wu Tianya thought about it before he said, "I think since they are determined to get the article back, then they must have a way to do it. The beast soul is extracted from the body of the article, or there is a way to directly turn the article into the beast king, otherwise it is a more extreme method. No matter which kind of result, it is not good news for us." Even more extreme. You don’t need to introduce him carefully. Everyone can figure it out. In fact, he has guessed a big difference. There are only so many methods that can be used. Anyway, they won’t let the article go for nothing, everyone. There are counts in mind. The atmosphere in the room fell into silence again, obviously there was nothing to do about it.

To be honest, after knowing the news, the article was shocked at first, but it quickly eased down. After many trials of life and death, he seemed to have a lot of perspective on his own life and death. After the discussion, there will be no results for the time being, so he changed the subject and said, "There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Anyway, it will be announced tomorrow. It is useless to worry now. Patriarch, do you know the specifics of the attack? ?" Wu Tianya did not speak directly, but instead motioned to the father of the article with his eyes. Wen's father nodded and said with a heavy face: "This attack has caused us very serious losses. This is the history of our Hermit Village. For the first time, we have been on high alert for the past few days, and now there are secret whistles outside the village to prevent the enemy from attacking again." Lei Dong nodded as well. He was given permission to stroll around and found out. The damage in the village was very serious. Not only did he find outposts in many places, but under his careful observation, he found some secret posts in and outside the village. I think he didn’t find more. The peaceful and beautiful village was cast a shadow of depression and murder.

The article remembered what Xia Xue said on the plane, and he hesitated for a moment before asking, "Do you know who did this thing?" This is what he cares more about. If you don't eliminate those hidden dangers, it is hidden. Zhecun will not be able to obtain real security for one day.

Father Wen couldn’t help but glanced at Lei Dong. Of course Lei Dong understood what he meant. He raised his hands and said with a smile: “Go on, this matter has nothing to do with me. Don’t forget that I am a fugitive now, or they are. The target of the hunt!" As soon as he said that, everyone laughed. It is true that he has been out for so long, and his life has been saved by the article. Now he is on the same line as the article. Just revealed such important information, in short, he is still credible.

After the laughter, the atmosphere relaxed a little, and Wen's father continued to speak: "This attack was unexpected and inexplicable. There was no warning beforehand, but it is certain that someone colluded with those monsters and launched this attack together. "The mother of the article also nodded and said: "A few days before the attack, several expedition teams came to live with us under the excuse of encountering wind and snow. This was also a very common thing in the past. This was in the far north. The only place where people can take a little rest. But that day a large number of monsters suddenly attacked from outside the village and hit us by surprise, and those guys suddenly created chaos in the village, attacking inside and outside, otherwise we would not have such a big casualty. "I didn't expect the situation to be so bad, which shows that the enemy's strength must be much stronger than they expected. However, the article is more concerned about the mysterious expedition team, and asked seriously: "Have you found out the origin of those people?" Wenfu said in an interface: "Most of those people have been killed by us, only a few people. Riding the chaos and escaping, they were all superpowers of high rank. After our investigation, we did not find any valuable information. In the end, an old friend of the patriarch gave us some secret information. These people It seems to have something to do with a gang that has recently emerged in the north, but it is difficult to investigate." At this point, he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. He couldn't imagine that someone would be so courageous to do such a crazy thing. You have to know that it is in their minds. , Warcraft has always been the public enemy of mankind. Although many people have no such knowledge in these years, the fact remains the same. Now you can see what those Warcraft do. However, it is obvious that the long-term semi-reclusive life has indeed made them somewhat separated from the outside world. The largest gang in the north is just saying that they have only recently emerged, and they don’t know what those people are for profit. It can be done.

In fact, when they were discussing this issue in the article, in a medium-sized outpost not very far away from the Hermit Village, two groups of people were negotiating. They are not acquaintances of the article, but they are very close to the article. The relationship between these two groups is the third and second priest in the Warcraft Forest, and the other is Shen Aoying, the number one in the Great Eagle League in the North. Both parties are discussing the issue of responsibility for their failure a few days ago. discuss aggressively.

A very dissatisfied glance at the second priest who hid all of his body in the black robe, Shen Aoying said emotionally: "Second priest, what you promised us, seems to have not been able to do it. I originally thought that you have the strength to do it in one fell swoop. The nail was dropped, but it was abandoned halfway, so that so many elites under me were trapped. How can you explain this?" The second priest was not a dry food either. Faced with Shen Aoying's accusation, he also said rudely: "Leader Shen, it’s a bit wrong for you to say that. You have to know that I have also lost a large number of capable men. I have already sent all the manpower I can send. If Lord Shen can fully cooperate sooner, maybe something will happen. The ending is not like this.” Obviously, both parties are now evading each other's responsibility for the failure of the raid, but relatively speaking, Shen Aoying feels more distressed, because his capable subordinates are not something that can be cultivated if they are trained. , Throw it all in at once, this old fox wouldn't do this kind of loss. The two talks collapsed, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly froze.

Seeing the embarrassment, another middle-aged man in military uniform and star in the room saw both of them pretending to be stupid. He immediately laughed and said, "Don’t you two get too excited about what happened that day? Didn't anyone think that the strength of a hermit village in a mere district would be so strong, there would be so many masters, and the loss would be so big, isn’t it something we don’t want to see? Now those guys have begun investigations. If it weren’t for me to cover up, I’m afraid they’ve found out something.” First showed their merits and saw that both of them stared at him with a little dissatisfaction, then the general knew that he had not tried his best. Fearing that the two would unite to attack themselves, they immediately reconciled and said: "At this critical time, we should cooperate wholeheartedly. How can we collapse because of such a small problem at this time?" Seeing the faces of the two They all eased a little, and then continued: "As far as I know, the hermit village has suffered heavy casualties after the last incident, which has damaged nearly half of the masters. We should take advantage of this good opportunity to chase them and take them in one fell swoop. "The two old foxes naturally understood this in their hearts, but after the first time, both sides lost a lot of subordinates and gave up halfway, so they didn't believe in each other in their hearts. The general naturally understood what they were thinking, ha ha. He smiled, and continued: "Why both of you like this? Didn’t we cooperate very well before? The leader of the deep alliance, the second priest, the noble son and your elite team are also cooperating outside to find your target, aren’t they also very cooperative? Happy? I believe there will be a good news soon. Let’s work hard together here. Wouldn’t it be better if we have a double happiness at the right time.” In fact, both sides know this in their hearts, but they just want to borrow the slope. The donkey, watching the general mediation again and again, all eased up, all pretending to be reluctant to smile, the general saw that his mediation had worked, and continued: "Okay, okay, let's talk about it now. Take advantage of the victory and chase, and completely wipe out the small village, so that the entire north is truly our chassis, so we can march to the south without any worries. You must know that the oil and water there are much more abundant than here!" Hearing his temptation, both Everyone nodded involuntarily, very satisfied with their performance. He also nodded and continued: "Okay, I believe that both of you have received my notice. We don't have much time. We have to take advantage of this. The opportunity will kill those guys in one go. It must be successful this time. I don’t think we will have a third chance again.” If we can’t cover up this matter silently this time, the conspiracy between them will definitely be. It was cleared out, so they would definitely not have any good fruits to eat.

Just as he was about to continue speaking, a lightning-like figure quickly rushed past the guard at the door, and stopped in front of the second priest, and began to whisper. The general stretched out his hand to prevent the guard from pursuing him, and joined Shen Aoying. Staring at the changeable look of the second sacrifice, he knew that something very urgent must have happened, otherwise his men would not rush in regardless of taboos, knowing that the previous one had unintentionally glanced too much. The guy was solved on the spot, and no one would dare to pass by here in the future.

Although Shen Aoying and the others were very curious about what they were saying, but considering the unfathomable strength of the guy opposite, the two did not **** up their ears to eavesdrop, but pretended to be indifferent and exchanged glances. , While secretly looking at the changes in the expression of the second priest.

The old guy was basically able to maintain his composure at first, but when he heard the next few sentences, he couldn't help standing up and his face became very ugly. The man who spread the word quietly stepped aside, obviously waiting for him. instruction.

Now their interests are closely related. If it weren't for a big mistake, the old guy wouldn't be so gaffe. At least since they cooperated, the two of them have never seen this old guy look like this. Shen Aoying would not be careful at this time, and immediately asked, "Why, what's the problem?" The second priest hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand to reject the subordinate, and then immediately whispered: "There is no time now, I too. I don’t want to hide it. I just got the news that someone broke into the forbidden area and rescued the queen, and some people seemed to have seen the figure of the high priest.” Shen Aoying's expressions changed drastically after hearing this, and they cooperated. After so long, they naturally understood what the second priest's words meant. The general couldn't help but ask, "Didn't the high priest be killed by your partnership last time? How could he save people again?" The second priest also had the same expression. After the change, the two of them projected their gazes at Shen Aoying. He was responsible for that matter. When Shen Aoying suddenly heard the news, he was full of disbelief. Facing the general’s questioning, he muttered to himself. He replied: "No, those guys have been killed last time, and in the end only one of my subordinates barely survived." Shen Aoying's expression suddenly changed, and he walked out quickly, and his face was full after a while. He walked in frustratedly and watched the two with a wry smile and said, "Damn, I just went to ask the subordinate who was in charge of the matter last time. They didn't complete the task last time, even though they had done enough beforehand. Prepared, prepared a lot of killer moves, but still fought a lose-lose situation. They have a few livelihoods. We only have one survivor here, my subordinate. As a result, he was afraid of me to blame, so he destroyed the scene. , I lied about the record, I was really annoyed.” The second priest heard this and said with hatred: “I’ve said that the high priest is not that easy to deal with, but you just don’t listen. Look at the trouble now!” How could Shen Aoying see that the other party treats him this way, and immediately said proudly, "Huh, you didn't propose the plan at the time. You also provided the medicine you gave. You didn't vowed to say that the medicine will definitely be. It worked. As a result, I lost so many manpower. When the news came, didn’t you doubt it?” The second priest heard that he now pushed the responsibility on himself again and couldn’t help groaning. "You!" Seeing that the two people were arguing again, the general was the least involved, and he was the first to react and said: "Then we have to solve them quickly, otherwise our plan will be finished." The other two also just now. I was panicking, so that's why they shirked each other's responsibilities without refusing to say anything, and they all reacted after hearing the words, and nodded hurriedly in agreement.

"This news has just arrived, so they probably haven't ran far because of the attack on the hermit village. In order to prevent them from fighting back, the forest side has been on high alert these days. It's me. If someone finds their trail, there should be a report, but it is not there yet, and when they were saving the queen, some of them were injured. I believe they should not be able to go far at this time.” The second priest carefully analyzed it. Once again, he was also the most anxious to deal with this matter, because the first thing that this matter affected must be his status.

Several people looked at each other. UU read www.uukanshu.com and nodded together. The general said, "Well, we will immediately send all the subordinates who can send out to find the whereabouts of these people. Pay attention to each other. Keep in touch with each other, not to be too scattered, to prevent being defeated by each, once you have an eye, you must jointly hunt down. But fortunately, this time I brought in the most elite personnel, I think it should not be so vulnerable, but I hope I can find them as soon as possible, and don’t make any more mistakes.” Shen Aoying nodded, and added: “I want to warn them, now is a very time, before you find those guys, pay attention to avoid the sphere of influence in the Hermit Village. , Don’t have a conflict with them in advance, it’s not time to launch a second raid.” The second priest also nodded and said, “Well, it’s not too late. Let’s arrange it right away. It’s best if our manpower can be mixed and organized. It’s okay to use the military’s name to hunt down the fugitives, so that even if they run into someone from the Hermit Village, they can cover up the past.” The three finally reached a consensus and immediately began to arrange arrangements. They were all confidants. They can't let go of what others say, and they are handed over to others. It's just that the plan that was originally planned for a long time, and the plan that was supposed to be foolproof has suddenly appeared such and such omissions, which really caused the three people to have a headache, and they were in a hurry for a while, but everyone in the Hermit Village had more opportunities to breathe.

However, as they issued instructions one by one, a mixed squad consisting of abilities, soldiers, and monsters quickly spread out in the north, and ambitiously embarked on a huge hunting plan, just waiting to complete this task. Launch the final attack on the Hermit Village. But the world is unpredictable, and the plan always fails to keep up with the changes. No matter how they are psychologically prepared, they can't think that a fatal storm is about to come.