Evolution Crisis

v7 Chapter 7: Strong enemy

Yang Wei sent them to the elevator, but he didn't go in. Seeing the article, he looked at him puzzledly, nodded and smiled and said, "Help me, please go up and take a break. I'll make arrangements first, otherwise those guys really think we are Is it possible for them to ask for what they want?" The article nodded, wearing such a group of mysterious characters and went straight to the presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel. There were still a few big men in black in the corridor guarding the article. A few of them came over, although there was an expression of surprise in their eyes that could not be suppressed, the expression on their faces was very respectful.

They also knew that a powerful enemy had come to the gang, and the mysterious gang leader appeared at this time naturally to solve the crisis. When I saw the article approaching me, I said loudly and respectfully, "Help me!" Along the way, these voices kept coming and going. The article just nodded at random, which made them excited, and stood one by one more energetic. straight.

A waiter who stood at the door graciously opened the door for the article and asked if they needed any service. The article was asked to open it. The presidential suite basically had everything that should be in the presidential suite, and they only slightly Take a break, and go down to deal with those troublesome guys, there is no need to be so troublesome.

When Peng Hansheng, the last person who came in, closed the door, the article that had been trying to maintain the majestic image of the mysterious boss suddenly softened, and he lay down on the sofa with a comfortable feeling that made him sigh. Several other people also found their own suitable positions or sat or lay down to rest. The environment of the presidential suite was much more comfortable than the place where they lived. Maybe they didn’t know where to ask for a while. After all, the article The shock to them all at once was too great, and several people stared at the article firmly without saying a word.

Although she wears a mask, the article still feels the piercing eyes of the six people on her face. The meanings are different. The most piercing is of course Wu Qingting's eyes. The article can clearly understand the meaning of her eyes. It was just asking why he didn't tell her such important things. The article hurriedly smiled and said: "Well, don’t worry, this matter is not deliberately hidden from you, but it was only recently settled. I would not dare to tell you this matter casually until there is no definite news. "In fact, the relationship between him and Ye Tianbing and the two gangs is not very complicated, and there are not many parts worth concealing, so he told the group of six about the matter between them without much water. Of course, the part about the Flying Dragon Society cannot be said nonsense. It mainly emphasizes the suddenness of the establishment of the Heavenly Dao. In other words, this gang leader is also very sudden. Finally, I talked to a few people about the incident that I came here today. Although they don't have to do it, it's good to have some preparations.

The six people have a certain understanding of the relationship between him and Tian Dao, which is not very complicated, but a bit special. They know that the article itself is also a little bit sudden, and the eyes of the past can be regarded as a little relaxed.

Hu Changsheng could not help but said at the first: "Then Brother Wen, aren't you a puppet gang leader? But it seems that the people below don't know it. You walked all the way just now, you are really majestic!" Even with a mask. , Can still see the look of envy in his eyes, as expected, he is the youngest and most childlike of the few.

"Not all puppets." Wu Qinglong, who had been concentrating on the article just now, heard Hu Changsheng's words and immediately retorted. Seeing the puzzled gaze that everyone looked at, he immediately explained: "Now that the person who knows the true identity of the article is It’s just a few people on the upper level. We have all seen the reactions of the people below. It can be seen that they are still in awe of the mysterious gang leader of the article, and according to the article just now, after the merger of the two gangs held on the night when the Tao of Heaven was established. At a high-level meeting of the People’s Republic of China, those people have been emphasizing the authority of the gang leader of the article, at least the article did not see any fraud in it." Wu Qingying’s mind was the most agile, and she immediately heard the meaning hidden in Wu Qinglong’s words. Shocked and said, "You said that those people weren't the puppet gang leaders who wanted the article to come, most likely they wanted to promote the article as the real gang leader." After a few words came out, several people stared at Wu Qinglong. It seems that they have put themselves and the article on the same side, consciously or unconsciously.

Wu Qinglong saw the gaze from the crowd, and knew that what he said was of great importance. He nodded solemnly and said, "Well, this is just my guess, but it seems that this is very likely now, because the article is now in The prestige in the hearts of ordinary helpers is good, and the appearance of the article in front of the helpers is full of fanfare every time. Today is no exception. I think if the article solves the crisis facing Tiandao today, his prestige in the hearts of Tiandao helpers is affirmative. It will be further improved. If this is the intention of those few people, it will explain my guess even more." Hu Changsheng said excitedly, "Then Brother Wen, are you not the real helper of this heavenly Dao? That's it. We can all enjoy you and drink spicy food in the future!" That action of fangs and claws attracted the unanimous contempt of several people.

Peng Hansheng also nodded and said, "I agree with Qinglong's statement, and it seems that the original bosses of the two gangs in the article are not bad guys. They don’t seem to be the kind of people who are evil or have great ambitions. Except for this military division, no one else should be very scheming. Moreover, Ye Tianbing and his brothers have a good relationship with the article. The article was willing to help them free of charge, so they should not unite with others to frame the article. Right! With that said, Qinglong's reasoning may be very close to the facts!" Liu Yun also continued: "Yes, Ye Tianbing voluntarily gave the position of the gang leader to the article, so he probably wouldn't deliberately frame him for a little power. Article! As long as you didn’t propose to let the article take over the position of the gang leader, why bother? And they all know the article is powerful, don’t you worry that the article will retaliate against them if something goes wrong? !" A few people analyzed the matter in a few words, and finally came to a conclusion that this heavenly path should be in the bag of the article, and those people probably want to use the ability of the article to build something bigger. His accomplishments, especially the military strategist Yang Wei, should have held this mindset, because if there is no strong strength, no matter how many conspiracies and tricks may end up in vain.

Li Huo suddenly said, "The article, we've been up for a while, why haven't you been told to go down yet, have those guys gone?" Before the article could speak, Wu Qingting quickly said, "I think This may be the idea of ​​the military division. Put those people there to dry first, and then go down when they are impatient. At that time, it should be easier to get the upper hand when talking!" The article nodded. Agreed to her idea, and several other people also agreed to Wu Qingting's guess.

While talking, there was a knock on the door outside, saying that Cao Cao had arrived. It seemed that he had been greeted to go down. The article quickly got up and tidyed up his costumes and masks to see if there were no flaws, and then he was ready to leave. Go out, think about stopping and turning around and say to a few people: "Qinglong, if you are interested, come down and take a look. If you are not interested, just take a break here. If you need something, let someone from outside bring you in. "After speaking, open the door and prepare to go out.

Several people looked at each other, Wu Qingting and Wu Qinglong nodded first, and then the remaining four nodded, Wu Qinglong immediately stood up and said, "Let’s go out and have a look. Maybe we can help. Are you busy?" Several people immediately cleaned themselves up and followed the article.

It was Yang Wei who knocked on the door. They were all ready when they saw the article. They said softly, "Helper, those guys downstairs are already waiting impatiently, you see?" The article puts on this suit, and after putting on the mask, it seems like He became another person, full of the majesty and mystery of the superior, and the gaze from the mask was also full of domineering, making people afraid to look directly. He only nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: " Well, let's go down and see now, what kind of guy dared to come to our Tiandao headquarters to make trouble after eating the bear heart and leopard." After speaking, we took the lead and went on, Yang Wei and a few others followed him silently. Behind.

Wu Qinglong and the others can see clearly from behind. Although the big guys standing guard in the corridor are full of excitement that can't be suppressed, they just stare at the back of the article with excited eyes and do not make any inconveniences. Appropriate actions or making any inappropriate sounds.

Wu Qinglong deliberately fell behind by two steps, and whispered beside Li Huo, "These people don't look easy." Li Huo also nodded and said, "Well, I heard my boss say such things, so I can still follow the rules like this, for sure. They have also been trained for a long time." Wu Qingting also whispered in front: "Their skills should also be very good, and they are not like the kind of ordinary mixed players. The quality of the helpers of this heavenly way is not low. Look. The true strength of Lai Tian Dao is likely to be much higher than we thought!" Liu Yun also leaned forward and said, "By the way, we just listened to the article about him and Tian Dao, and we forgot to ask the article. What is the relationship between the matter of Tiandao and the Flying Dragon Club? Knowing this matter, we may be able to understand the true strength of Tiandao." Only six people’s heads came together, and Wu Qinglong suddenly raised his head. Take a look, and whispered to a few people: "Okay, let's talk about these things later, we're here, everyone don't talk." It turns out that they have arrived in the conference room, and there are a dozen people sitting in it. From time to time, there were loud and yelling voices.

When Yang Wei walked in with six or seven guys wearing black robes and mysterious masks, anyone who saw it would be a little confused for a while, and the noise in the conference room suddenly calmed down. Yang Wei led the article to one side of the long conference table and sat down, because there were two decently dressed men sitting on the other side. Their expressions were fairly calm, but the faces of the people standing behind them The above just stated a few words that I was very dissatisfied with, all of them stared at the visitors arrogantly.

The golden horse of the article sat opposite them, did not speak, just stared at them coldly, and Ye Tianbing, who was standing in the room, also stood behind the article one by one, and they stood with Yang Wei. On the left hand side of the article, a group of six people dressed up as mysteriously as the article stood on the right hand side of the article, distinct, but very imposing. Ye Tianbing, who had been negotiating with visitors before, respectfully introduced: "This is our gang leader. You can call him Mr. Clown. If you have anything, you can tell him directly. All things in the way of our heavens are up to him. Then he stood behind the article and said nothing.

The article cooperated with a cold glance at the opposing group of people, and found that they were slightly surprised that they were hard to detect, and then concentrated their mental power into their own words and directly pressed them toward the opposing group, "No Knowing that you come to my heaven, what is it so expensive to do?

The few people on the opposite side were pressed by his mental power just now, and they immediately became dull. They didn’t respond to the article for a while, and only then woke up. The person sitting across from the article blushed a bit, knowing that he was just now. After being caught in the way of others, he immediately said sharply: "Our organization has always had business dealings with the Flying Dragon Club. He recently owed us a large sum of money, and then we heard that he had an accident and we immediately rushed over to take a look and listen. It is said that your club inherited the business of the Flying Dragon Club, so our boss wanted us to come over and see if we can recover the arrears, which is a lot from time to time, only one or two billion." Several people's faces behind the article said. There was a slight change, and the faces of the people on the opposite side showed excitement. This meant it was extortion, but they didn’t say anything. They looked at how to deal with the article, and where did the article ignore them, he laughed strangely, and then Only then screamed, "I don't know if you have any evidence of arrears?" At this moment, the other person on the other side deliberately stretched out his hand and scratched his head, looked at the article with an embarrassed expression and said, "Mr. Sorry, you know that in our business, most of what we do is underground trading. Our boss and Mr. Long do business on the basis of the friendship and mutual trust between the two parties, so these things that will leave traces, the two of them The boss basically doesn’t use it, so there’s no evidence or anything. But think about it, you should have heard of our boss’s reputation. Our boss is the Blue Dragon of the South’s largest gang of Blue Dragons, so he can’t lie because of his reputation!” The article doesn’t have much feeling about the name, but it seems that I heard Zhiying mentioned something to him when he was on the run, but I still remember it now, so the people on the other side can clearly see the questions that came out of the article’s eyes. It means that there are a few people who are in the road who have never heard of the name of Southern Qinglong. Doesn't this guy's expression show that they deliberately despise their boss?

Just when they were about to get angry, Yang Wei, who knew that the article was inexperienced, hurriedly went to the ear of the article and introduced the situation of Qinglong softly and quickly. This Qinglong is really not easy. It took more than ten years to rely on his own power. The Azure Dragon Society was established in the time, and his enemies were eliminated, and then he has been working hard to expand the territory of the Azure Dragon Society. Up to now, the Azure Dragon Society is one of the three largest gangs in the south, so the Qinglong person is very powerful.

In the end, Yang Wei also gave his own reference opinions. Those who came were not scattered. He had never heard of the relationship between the Flying Dragon Club and this Qinglong. According to his opinion, 80% of people came to use this as an excuse. When their Heavenly Dao is not firmly established, they will annex Heavenly Dao and take the opportunity to occupy the territory of Xinghai, but the article can test them for a little bit.

Seeing this scene on the opposite side, the people on the opposite side suddenly couldn't help but a curious thought arose in their hearts. Could it be that this new gang leader of the Heavenly Dao didn't even know anything about the Dao. As Yang Wei explained in the ear of the article, the sitting two glanced at each other, and they affirmed each other’s thoughts in their hearts, and suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded. Then they just moved their boss’s reputation out of the scary behavior. Idiot?

The article listened to Yang Wei’s opinion, and first tried to see what their true purpose was, and said without emotion: “It turned out to be the subordinate of the boss of Qinglong. I really admired the name.” That look, no matter who it is, it’s right. There was no sincerity in what he said. The few people standing behind the article saw the article fooling each other so unscrupulously. If it weren't for the immediate situation, they would probably laugh out loud.

In the article, we can naturally see that the faces of the people on the opposite side have a strange look. They know what they are for, and they still say without any strangeness: "However, you should also know that we have just established the way of heaven, and all of our savings have almost been used up. We really can’t get this hundreds of millions of dollars for a while, don’t you know if you have any good suggestions?” Hearing this, the other person couldn’t help but speak before the older person hadn’t spoken. Said: "There is a way. If you can't get the money, as long as you join our Blue Dragon Club, we will not ask you for this money, but we will also give you a large amount of subsidy!" "If we Not willing?" The article said lightly.

The man immediately changed his face and said, "If you don’t want to, we can’t do anything, but we don’t believe that you, who took over the business of the Flying Dragon Society, can’t even get this one or two billion. Since you don’t want to hand it over, then we have to I found it by myself, I think so many of us should be enough." After speaking, they arrogantly smiled at the article.

The older man blamed the young man for a while, why did he show his hole cards so quickly? Did that small victory just make him faint~lightnovelpub.net~ so many differences Is it a piece of cake for those who can clean up ordinary people from time to time? Does he now also regard the mysterious clown opposite as an ordinary person who can be crushed by him.

Everyone knows that the situation is a bit out of control now. The original intelligence showed that the only masters in the heavens were this mysterious clown gang leader and two or three others. They were fully settled, and how could they get rid of them with the strength of their dozens of people. . Now look at this guy. Six mysterious guys dressed up like him suddenly appeared behind this guy. You don’t need to ask to know that they are the back-up of this guy. Originally, he wanted to test it out. Where did he know that this rash guy didn’t care about it. At seventy-one, he stepped in and started to stir the water. He suddenly felt that he was no longer so confident in this mission.

Sure enough, the article immediately became angry. He glanced at the other person coldly, then stood up suddenly, slapped the table with a "pop", laughed violently, and said with a finger to the man's nose without any kind of politeness. "Boy, don't be too arrogant, here is the Azure Dragon Club from time to time, but we are on our heavenly land. You want to blackmail us so blatantly. Are you too courageous? What's going on with the flying dragon? I think you guys are rushing for the transaction. It's really deceiving us. If you have the courage to try it out!" With the sentence of the article, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became tense, and the people on the other side immediately opened up. In the posture of preparing for the war, Yang Wei and the people in this article stepped back a little bit, and the poisonous snakes on the left stood in front, and the group of six was also on guard, and the atmosphere of the war was on the verge of breaking out.