Evolution Frenzy

Chapter 304: Dun Fei support

  "Drink!" Chen Jiahao gave a cold voice, no longer worrying about anything. Before the monster closest to him had time to open his big mouth and roar towards Chen Jiahao, he was directly pressed onto the ground by the sudden increase of gravity, and the height difference of only one meter directly smashed the monster into a pool of fleshy mud. .

"Withdraw!" Li Feng suddenly appeared next to Chen Jiahao. His side was no longer good. The monsters rushing like a tide could not be killed. At least no less than 500 monsters died under Li Feng, but compared to For the number of monsters in this innumerable tide of corpses, five hundred is just an inconspicuous number.

   "But..." Chen Jiahao naturally knew that Li Feng was about to abandon these people in the base, although he knew that these people were greedy for life and fear of death, and directly exposed their position, which caused the whole situation to collapse completely. But if Chen Jiahao were to leave these fifty thousand civilians here, and allow a larger number of monsters to eat them, Chen Jiahao still couldn't bear it.

"Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood!" Li Feng didn't care much about the lives of these people. He had long reminded them of the consequences of resting in the wild, but they had to try to provoke himself and others. Authority, this is just the evil result of their own planting. Even if you want to refuse the evil consequences you have caused, you have to swallow it yourself! Li Feng is not a saint, and he has no sympathy for these guys who have been dead.

  Comparing these 50,000 people with the five reincarnation group members, Li Feng did not hesitate to choose the latter! Regardless of Chen Jiahao's objection, Li Feng directly took Chen Jiahao away. When he appeared again, it was already on Jin Bao's back.

   Seeing that Jinbao is also in crisis, Chen Jiahao nodded despite being unbearable in his heart. Immediately increased the gravity control of the monsters near Jinbao. Because of Chen Jiahao's joining, Jinbao's pressure suddenly dropped.

   "Guck!" With a roar, Jin Bao swallowed the D-class mutant closest to him in one bite. Immediately afterwards, the right paw was slapped out, and the other end was also slapped by the paw.

  "Go!" Li Feng appeared on Jin Bao's back again, and at the same time he carried Lin Ming and Anya one by one.

  "Big Brother, help me!" Suddenly a voice came from the hillside, and Li Feng looked at it, but Hua Liluo was being engulfed by the crowd.

  "Go and save her." Lin Ming, who was already too tired, looked at Li Feng pitifully. Lin Ming knew the current situation. It was impossible to rescue everyone, but it was still possible to rescue one person.

  "I'm afraid of you!" Reached out and nodded Lin Ming's forehead, Li Feng disappeared on Jin Bao's back again. When he reappeared, he was carrying a little boy and a little girl with each hand. It was Hua Liluo and her brother.

  "They are leaving us!" Suddenly someone shouted loudly.

"It was you who brought us out, but now you leave us and kill them!" It was one of the three people who had fled back who called this sentence. Seeing more and more monsters around him, he thought of it. It is not to ask Chen Jiahao to continue to control the situation and then launch everyone to counterattack the monsters, but to vent their anger from those who want to kill the Samsara team!

  I'm going to die anyway, before I die, I have to get sick, Li Feng and other guys who let myself face such a terrifying monster!

"You have committed sins, don't live!" Li Feng yelled, and the guy who shouted the loudest just now flew out suddenly and fell among the monsters, but Li Feng flashed directly in front of him, and then kicked him. Kicked him out.

   "Ah, I won't let you off if I'm a ghost!" Li Feng's strength is very accurate, and he directly mentioned the person to the place with the most monsters. The man was chewed to **** flesh in a blink of an eye, but before he died, he did not forget to curse Li Feng.

  But for this kind of curse, Li Feng doesn't care at all. A poor creature who is greedy for life and fear of death, even if it is dead, is nothing but a poor ghost who is greedy for life and fear of death!

"We are going to kill here, you follow behind us, and you can take action. If you want to have other ideas, sorry, our base is not a charity, and there is no obligation to keep you!" Roared towards the noisy civilians who only knew to dodge back and forth.

  Although I don’t want to pay attention to these guys, when the reincarnation group gathers together, there is absolutely no problem with self-protection. If possible, Li Feng naturally hopes to bring some people back.

"Okay, come and save us!" At this time, they no longer have the courage to yell at Li Feng and others. Compared with the reincarnation group that is more than enough to protect themselves, the civilians of more than 50,000 people only know to run back and forth. Never thought of reflexive and monsters desperately. At this time, there were more than 50,000 people, and in just a few minutes, more than 3,000 people had been quickly reduced.

   "Go back!" Although Chen Jiahao is the oldest, when Duan Fei is away, the leader of the reincarnation team will become Li Feng. After all, Li Feng went to university and likes to read military history books. Although he is far behind those who have experienced formal education, he is better than Chen Jiahao and others.

   Jin Bao opened the way, Anya controlled some monsters to guard around Jin Bao, Lin Ming was responsible for clearing it, and Chen Jiahao was responsible for the control, and Li Feng again jumped to the ground to clean up the fish that slipped through the net.

  Because the area of ​​responsibility is much smaller, Chen Jiahao also seized the time to adjust his body. The reincarnation group exerted its strength, and it only took less than three minutes to meet the civilians. Soon, Chen Jiahao immediately increased the scope of his control.

   "Go kill the monsters!" Li Feng yelled coldly, and made a demonstration. The head of a zombie had fallen to the ground.

In this era, weapons are necessary when going out. After Li Feng made a demonstration, some courageous ones followed suit. After all, there was Chen Jiahao. When they were really fighting, they were surprised to find that the monsters didn’t even imagine. So difficult to deal with.

  When a person with a relatively strong body, in front of so many people, he solved three monsters easily, and everyone's mood became lively.

  Gradually, as the number of people participating in the fight increased, the pressure on Jin Bao from the corpse tide gradually became much smaller.

  With Chen Jiahao's output to control gravity, and Jin Bao's aura suppressed, although after nearly 7,000 losses were paid, the first wave of the corpse tide was finally repelled.

  However, the monsters do not know that they are exhausted. Even if Jin Bao sits, the desires in the monsters’ hearts cannot be calmed down in the face of so much food. In a blink of an eye, the second wave of attacks will begin.

  "Drink!" Suddenly a figure appeared in front of the corpse tide, with a spear shaking in his hand, and a sharp flying cut directly smashed the bodies of a large number of monsters.

  "What's the matter?" The man retracted the wings on his back, and then shouted to the group of people behind, who was it if it wasn't Duan Fei?