Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 463: Long Ao's Sins

Long Ao, one of the nine kings of the last days, is even faintly known as the head of the nine kings of the last days, the most powerful man in China, and the person who brought the greatest disaster to China.

After Chu Feng was reborn, he re-examined Long Ao's life.

During this process, he suddenly discovered that Long Ao should know something.

Although he doesn't know many secrets like he was reborn, he must know some secret information, especially about the zombie crystal core.

In later generations, Long Ao initiated a coup.

In that revolution, the strong around Long Ao came out in large numbers, and the army that did not listen to the orders of the central government was directly defeated by him. Countless soldiers who defended the country did not die on the battlefield. Instead, they died in the hands of Long Ao. The direct line of the army directly controlled Shangjing as his foundation.

If it hadn't been for the Mosling of the Southern Capital, who had shown strong combat effectiveness and military commanding ability, Long Ao would have already traveled all over China.

If he can become the guardian of Huaxia, then even if he is cold-blooded, many people can accept it. After all, there is no way for the dead to be resurrected, but those who survive must still live, as long as the fire of Huaxia can be retained. That is a peerless hero.

However, he is not the guardian of China, but the disaster of China.

Because the crystal nucleus of a zombie can increase strength, and the stronger a person becomes, the stronger the crystal nucleus will be after becoming a zombie, so he even did something like cultivating a zombie.

Countless strong men were forcibly turned into zombies by him, and then absorbed power.

There are even countless survival bases, all under his calculations, being broken by zombies, and then he will kill the zombies in the past, become a hero, and collect crystal cores by the way.

In the early stage, he was playing the trick of raising his own self-respect. Even if someone discovered his drama, no one would expose him. Later, when people discovered it, it was too late.

Long Ao even only killed some powerful zombies, letting those weak zombies have a chance to grow, and also helped those weak zombies kill humans, let these zombies evolve, and finally turned the entire North China region into a paradise for zombies, and eventually became him. The growing back garden.

When people discovered his true colors, it was too late.

Apart from Long Ao's people in North China, there are only zombies left.

Chu Feng would never let go of such a frenzied person. Even if the two sides did not hate, letting this kind of person survive is irresponsible to his relatives and friends.

As long as Long Ao is given enough time to grow up, he can even turn the entire earth into a paradise for zombies, and then use it as the source of his power.

In his eyes, only his own power is real.

As long as he himself gains eternal life and powerful power, what about the destruction of the entire earth?

He alone can represent the earth.

"Long Ao's crime was not judged because people needed his power in the early stage, and his actions did not actually violate the bottom line."

It is cruel to say, but it is an indisputable fact.

"If he is allowed to grow up, then no one will be able to contain him. The biggest turning point in his life, or when he really starts to start, is to kill all the Chinese Legions that refuse to obey him and replace them with their own. The status of the Chinese Army Corps."

"The 300,000 Chinese soldiers did not die on the battlefield, but died under their own butcher knife, but he committed the most unforgivable crime, but..."

Pain and unwilling flashed in Chu Feng's eyes.

"Winner and loser."

Winner or loser is a cruel idiom.

No matter how brilliant you are, and make great contributions to the nation, as long as you fail, successful people will spare no effort to discredit you.

People will instinctively obey the winner, even if the winner once ravaged your home.

Long Ao is such a successful person. No matter what crimes he committed, even the slaughter of 300,000 Chinese Legions, the survivors in Beijing will command and obey him.

No matter how angry those people are at his actions, under his powerful power, the only thing everyone can do is destroy or obey.

Since then, no one can stop Long Ao from unifying North China.

However, fortunately, there were many talents in China, a mosling was issued in East China, and many heroes appeared in the Central Plains. They used their lives to prevent Long Ao from raging across the country.

It is precisely because of this large-scale civil war that this caused great pain to China and made China's position in the world very embarrassing.

Now if Chu Feng directly attacked Long Ao, he would be punished by the military.

He had only one chance now, and that was to wait until the turmoil subsided and when Long Ao started to swing the sword against Huaxia's legion, that was his only chance to take action.

If Long Ao wins, then Shangjing will fall unstoppable.

If Chu Feng wins, if Huaxia's legion wins, then Long Ao will be directly nailed to the pillar of shame, and his past crimes will be settled with him one by one.

Winner and loser.

This principle applies not only to Long Ao, but also to everyone.

No one will sympathize with a loser, unless it is a person who is full.

Fortunately, there are not too many people who are full in the last days.

As long as he can defeat Long Ao at this time, he will become a hero instead.

Chu Feng was not interested in being a hero, all he wanted was a chance to kill Long Ao.

If he missed this opportunity, he didn't know that he would have to wait a few more years.

Under the guidance of the military, Chu Feng's team quickly came to a defensive line, but what made Chu Feng a little uncomfortable was that he found many demon hunter teams in this room.

"For the mutant zombies, Shangjing has divided a total of 24 theaters. The one who came from the southern capital to support and be responsible is theater 23. That is a very dangerous theater. In order to prevent a large number of casualties of your people, we have specially called for it. Some demon hunter teams will assist you in your defense."

The officer in charge of receiving and arranging was polite, "I wish you all come back alive."

"what did you say?"

An angry roar came from the troops in the southern capital, "There are a total of 24 theaters. As long as we are in charge of one, we need to cooperate with the demon hunter squads? Are you kidding, don’t you know that there are Some people who do not obey the arrangement, what will be the consequences? Call the person in charge of you, I want to know whose arrangement is this?"

The officer in charge of the reception said politely: "This is what our General Long Ao meant. If you can make contributions here, we can of course give you more defense work."

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