Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 532: Like a broken bamboo

When the members of the Hell Knights passed by the enemy's camp, the opponent was already in panic, and then caused a commotion.

They were still rushing forward, and the enemy appeared behind them.

Those red scimitars are like red-hot soldering irons. When cutting the human body, it is like cutting tofu, and even the speed of the Knights is not affected.

The members of the knights passed through the enemy lineup, still where they passed, a scene of hell.

But this time because of the denser crowds, a short charge immediately caused more than 1,000 casualties.

"No, what kind of unit is this?"

"Is this a cavalry?"

"No, these are monsters at all."

"Supernatural person, fight back!"

The members of the Hell Knights quickly pierced through the opponent's camp, and then left the opponent more than 500 meters away, and then began to turn the horse's head to prepare for the next charge.

During this period of time, the members of the Death Legion and the soldiers of the ordinary Legion began to react.

In the face of such an enemy, only the capable person can deal with it.

As a result, countless abilities began to pour out.

Storms, frost, flames, and soil thorns continued to smash the members of the Hell Knights.

At this time, a golden light appeared on the members of the Hell Knights.

Those golden rays of light, on the members of the Hell Knights and the mounts under them, are like a golden shield, which firmly protects them.


When these golden shields appeared, Chu Feng gave the order again.

Then, he led the charge.

The members of the Hell Knights, under the order of Chu Feng, launched a charge towards the enemy without fear. At a terrifying speed of 80 meters per second, most of the abilities could not directly hit. For them, only those large-scale spells of group attacks can descend on them.

However, the power of a spell on an individual is always inversely proportional to the scope.

Those few powerful magical abilities were captured by Chu Feng's soul body, and then a few fire dragons or ice dragons flew, directly dispelling those powerful spells, and splendid fireworks bloomed in the air.

The remaining abilities attacked the golden light on the **** knights, and then disappeared like a breeze.

"Impossible, are they monsters?"

"What is the golden light on them?"

"Oh, run away!"

When they discovered that their abilities had no effect on these black-armored knights, the members of these legions immediately began to panic. Except for the death legions mixed in them, which could remain calm, the rest had already begun to find ways to escape, even Some got directly into the snow.

The charge of the Hell Knights came again. Although they had been prepared, the rush of preparation did not have much effect.

Especially under those terrifying bends burning with scarlet flames, no matter how hard they tried, there was no way to stop those scimitars from attacking.


"No, disperse, disperse quickly!"

"No, it's over when you spread it out!"

"Stop them."

The dragon family's legion has been in chaos, even if it was the death legion that originally had a powerful force in their hearts, it was a stab at these terrifying knights.

When there is no way to stop the attack, the difference between Tier 2 and Tier 4 is not too great.

Even a powerful Tier 5 powerhouse can hardly resist this terrifying iron torrent.

Some intrepid death legions desperately intercepted the path of the members of the Hell Knights, but faced with the defense of the golden light, they had nothing to do.

Of course, it is not completely ineffective, at least those golden lights have become dimmed.

But before the golden light completely dissipated, the members of the Hell Knights were not harmed.

Even some weak people don't even have the qualifications to harm Jin Guang.

Because the really effective defense of those golden lights is attached to their body surface, there are mysterious iron battle armor outside their body surface, the damage of most people's attacks to the mysterious iron battle armor is close to 0.

Only the masters who can break through the profound iron battle armor and those with the ability of the spell system are eligible to consume golden light.


The blood spattered again, and the members of the Hell Knights were like cavalry from hell, reaping lives in this place unscrupulously.

None of the enemies blocking their way can take their tricks.

In the second charge, there were more than 400 casualties. Among them, two members of the Hell Knights were pulled off their horses by the opponent, and then rescued by Tian Jing and Su Yuyan.

Chu Feng brought Tian Jing and Su Yuyan with him only to reduce casualties.

At the end of the second charge, they still had no intention of stopping.

"Hell Knights, turn around, charge!"

The mighty torrent of steel, after a short break of a few seconds, quickly began the next round of charge, rushing to disperse the opposing team once again.

When the three assaults ended, the 3,000-strong force they had overtaken had already been damaged by one third.

But the charge of the Hell Knights is not over yet.

"Hell Knights, charge!"

All the soldiers in the Long Family trembled when they heard the command to charge. This command had become a shadow in their hearts, and they couldn't help but mentally collapse.

"Run, run away!"

"We are not opponents of these monsters at all."

"Run away! Only if you catch up with the big troops can you have any hope of survival."


These soldiers madly discarded their weapons and equipment, as well as some of the supplies they carried, because these would become obstacles to their escape.

Even the members of the Death Army began to retreat under the command of the commander, because their precious lives cannot be wasted here.

In ancient battlefields, most of the casualties were not caused in frontal combat, but in the process of hunting down.

So under the leadership of Chu Feng, the Hell Knights began to chase behind them, continuously harvesting lives.

The soldiers fleeing in the front were constantly running away. They rode on horses and kept harvesting their heads behind them, and blood sprayed all the way.

The elite division from the southern capital in the rear now has only one job to harvest the battlefield.

Because they were all skilled, there was no such thing as a sneak attack by anyone who was killed and causing unnecessary casualties.

Xu Yan followed the people who cleaned up the battlefield and made up the knife to the battlefield. Seeing this hellish scene, she finally understood how stupid her previous decision was.

If you are fighting in a small team, blitzkrieg and kite flying are feasible.

But in Legion combat, if you leave your back to the enemy, it is simply an act of self-destruction.

The Hell Knights in the front are still charging.

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