Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 65: Kill the black cat

Yang Rongrong's body was shrouded and wrapped in a mass of black, and it seemed that something intangible was engulfing her, causing her to finally turn into a pile of bones, and then gradually disappear.

Then, a black humanoid creature appeared in the circle:

"Come at your call, my master."

This black humanoid creature exudes an evil aura, which makes people look very uncomfortable, but besides fear, everyone's eyes are more hope.

They had been shrouded in the shadow of the cat demon before, and now they finally have an existence that can save them, how could they be cast aside because of their appearance?

Chu Feng pointed at the cat demon and said, "Catch it for me."

When Chu Feng summoned the monster, the cat demon looked at Chu Feng with a vigilant look.

It was this human that hurt it just now, but it didn't give up on dealing with this human because of this, after all, it was still very confident in its own speed.

What's more, it is just a cat no matter what.

Even if it is a psychic cat, its wisdom is limited after all. The limited wisdom can make it distinguish that Chu Feng is an ugly character, but it can't make it wary of that strange formation.

Cats are very patient when catching mice. They can lie in the dark for a few hours. Then when catching mice, they will let go of the mice and give them a hope of escape. A little bit consumes the rat's physical strength.

Therefore, even if the mouse is desperate to die, there is still some room for resistance, and it will be helplessly killed by the superb hunting skills of the cat, and even the counterattack will cause some injuries.

Although it suffered a small loss just now by surprise, it did not dispel its idea of ​​continuing to hunt.

Just when it was wary of the Dark Mage, it suddenly discovered a chain appeared under its feet.


The cat demon let out a roar like a beast, and then jumped and jumped to the side of the road.

However, just as it fell on the ground, several black beams of light suddenly rose up around it, forming a black cage, sealing it in.

The black cat desperately grasped the black cage, but even with its hard work, it could not break free.


Its eyes were suddenly full of pleading, and shouted at Chu Feng in a pitiful tone.

Its pitiful appearance can almost make people forget the cruelty of killing several classmates before.

"Do you know the normal call now? It's a pity that it's too late."

Chu Feng sneered, then approached the cat demon.

An ice talisman passed, the cat demon's body shivered, and then looked at Chu Feng pleadingly: "Meow~"

It's a pity that Chu Feng is immune to even humans' cry for help, let alone a beast who has just killed several people?

He reaped the life of the black cat mercilessly, and then absorbed the crystal core.

When the black cat was killed, the students immediately cheered.

"Great, this monster finally died."

"We are safe."

"Long live big brother."

They don't know Chu Feng's name, but this does not prevent them from seeing Chu Feng as their only support. As for Chen Hao! who is he?

Chu Feng came to the very "conspicuous" classmate and asked, "What is your name?"

The student's back felt cold. He had a bad feeling, but he bit his head and said, "My name is Wanfang."

Chu Feng said nothing, but greeted Zhang Ziqing: "Let's go!"

It seemed that the act of asking the name just now was just a whim, and it didn't have any special meaning.

Wan Fang felt a bit chilly, he couldn't figure out Feng's thoughts, and he didn't know if the opponent was interested in him or he was afraid of him.

After solving the black cat, the students have a new understanding of this dangerous world.

If you don't have the power to protect yourself, then even kneeling and licking some people is meaningless.

Now only by following the strong can we have more chances in times of danger.

The group then set off and soon came to the woods.

There is a gravel road in the woods. Vehicles are impassable, but ordinary people can still pass. When it rained just now, it was only here that could pass people.

However, after just two hours of walking, everyone began to feel miserable, especially those girls with weaker bodies.

However, Chu Feng didn't mean to slow down a bit, as if he was just assuming they didn't exist.

A girl plucked up the courage to come to Chu Feng and asked, "Can we take a break?"

Chu Feng glanced at her indifferently and said, "I didn't force you to follow me. If you must rest here, you can stay by yourself."

After finishing speaking, he directly passed the girl's figure and walked straight forward.

The girl squeezed her feet in the back, but after looking at the surroundings, she still followed silently.

At this time, a boy with a stronger body came to the nun and said, "Let me help you backpack!"

The nun glanced at Chu Feng, then shook her head and continued to walk forward.

Seeing the nun's movements, everyone couldn't help but wonder whether Chu Feng had intentionally abused this beauty! After all, they also know that some people have very special hobbies.

Chu Feng has always been indifferent to people, maybe he is one of those people.

This made them more determined that they would part ways with Chu Feng as soon as they reached their destination.

After passing through the woods, everyone finally saw the buildings in the city and couldn't help cheering.

"Great, finally arrived in Yuanling City."

"We are almost safe."

Seeing everyone cheering, Chu Feng's eyes were cold, and he shouted, "Shut up!"

A girl murmured: "Don't even let people say anything? This is too overbearing."

There are also some people who dare not speak up in their hearts, even if they have some strength, they are too wide to control their voices.

However, at this moment, everyone suddenly heard a buzzing sound.

Chu Feng said: "I don't know how you lived until now, but many monsters rely on hearing to find prey in hiding. The louder the sound, the faster they die."

At this time, everyone also saw the true face of the voice. It was a swarm of bees.

"It's just a bee, don't worry."

The boy who wanted to share the backpack with the nun before smiled and said, but he found that everyone's expressions gradually became frightened, and even his legs were shaking.

He turned his head and looked, and saw that the group of "bees" were getting closer and closer. Originally, there were only some black spots in his field of vision, but as the distance approached, they gradually became fist-sized large bees.


Everyone shouted anxiously, and then ran towards a building not far away.

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