Evolved From Polluting the World

v1 Chapter 14: Sirens

After returning home, Qiao Xun took a shower immediately.

The stench of the frogmen and salamanders is really strong, just getting close, without any secretions and blood, makes him smell like it has been fermented with canned herring for half a month.

Occupational reasons, as a psychologist, he has seen too many mental illnesses and the dark side of psychology, which prompted him to be extra hygienic.

This is not a clean addiction or obsessive-compulsive disorder, but a kind of psychological compensation. In layman's terms, it is a way to relieve psychological pressure.

After soaking in a basin of disinfectant and putting the arrows of the compound bow in, Qiao Xun came to the balcony.

Although Zhidong City changes every day, the sun rises as usual. Squinting, looking at the horizon of the distant mountains, under the light of the morning light, Qiao Xun felt that his whole body was sublimated.

To be honest, in fact, the strong desire for flesh and blood last night made his heart palpitate. Until now, seeing the rising sun, his restless heart has calmed down.

Early in the morning, people from the army came to organize the transfer of residents, and the community was buzzing. Disputes and criticisms are inevitable in this kind of thing. Fortunately, it is the army who is responsible for the transfer, not the general public servants. Otherwise, there will be a big movement.

Most ordinary people still respect the soldiers of the people's children.

Qiao Xun took out his mobile phone to see if there was any new news.

On the chat platform, Yu Xiaoshu had several unread messages. He opened it up:

"Is Dr. Qiao there?"

It was one o'clock in the morning. At this time, Qiao Xun had already gone out without checking his phone.

Half an hour interval:

"I can't sleep, I feel very excited."

"It's very strange. I have a very strange feeling in my heart, it's hard to describe."

"I just want to see you."

After reading this, you may feel that this young girl has feelings in her heart and wants to confess.

But the following news made Qiao Xun frown:

"My eyes are very itchy and itchy, and the color has changed. I don't know if the side effect of the eye drops happened."

A late-night selfie:

Yu Xiaoshu's hair is messy, his mental state is very strange, and his eyes are red. It's not the redness of the pink eye, but the dark brown pupils have turned red, as if there are many tiny red particles inside.

"I am a little scared."

"Also, someone knocked on the door just now. As soon as I got close, I smelled a stench and didn't dare to open the door."

After another hour and a half, the time came to three in the morning.

"Someone is knocking on my window, I'm so scared."

"The eyes are getting more and more itchy, and I have a feeling that I want to snap them out."

"Doctor Qiao, I'm so scared."

The news ends here, and there is no follow-up.

Qiao Xun suddenly raised his heart. Yu Xiaoshu's face full of youthful vitality appeared in his mind.

He subconsciously wanted to call and ask, but then he thought, if the situation she was in was not good, would the ringing of the phone have a negative impact?

Thinking of this, he cautiously sent a WeChat inquiry.

After getting along for a while, he knew that Yu Xiaoshu didn't have the habit of setting WeChat message ringtones.

"How are you?"

After waiting for ten minutes, there was no reply.

Are you sleeping?

Qiao Xun waited anxiously.

Yu Xiaoshu used eye drops called "Mermaid Tears", will it be contaminated and become pollutants?

The curtains were drawn tightly and the doors and windows closed. The whole room was very closed and in darkness.

On the bed, Yu Xiaoshu curled up into a ball, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. She closed her eyes tightly, and her eyelids kept shaking, as if something was about to come out.

She felt very cold. Even if the air conditioner was turned to the highest temperature and the quilt was tightly covered, it could not prevent the cold from spreading in her body.

The chill seems to grow in the flesh.

Next to her, the screen of her mobile phone on the pillow was lit. On the lock screen, you could see a chat message, and the nickname was "Doctor Qiao".

Dr. Qiao replied to my message.

She wanted to reach out to get her phone to reply, but for some reason, she was very frightened, as if something terrible would happen immediately if she stretched her hand out of the quilt.

This fear is different from putting your feet out at night when you were a child. It was a fear that made her shudder mentally and physically.

She didn't know what happened, how she became like this all of a sudden.

In the past few days, her eyes have been itchy, but only itchy, nothing special, until last night, everything changed. Her eyes became red, as if something was about to run out. She was so excited that she couldn't calm down and think, and her heart palpitations had been tormenting her.

"Doctor Qiao has replied to my message... I can't help but reply to him."

"He must be very worried now... He was always so nice to me... No, I can't see his news and not reply."

It seemed that replying to Qiao Xun's news had become her obsession, and she thought about it over and over again.

But no matter how she thought about it, her body was out of control at all, and she couldn't reach out for her phone.

Anxiety, fear, and heart palpitations occupied her whole body, like parasites that gnawed at the bone marrow, making her miserable.

Gradually, she felt tired, and drowsiness came wave after wave like a tide.

Can't fall asleep... Intuition tells her that she can't fall asleep...

But, she is just an ordinary young woman, how strong will she is. Usually I can't even buy a cup of milk tea, not to mention this kind of thing that destroys consciousness.

The tide finally covered her.

Before she lost consciousness, she vaguely heard the sound of the waves, the whistle of the dock, and the noisy voices of people.

Her breathing stopped, and so did her heartbeat.

Downstairs, an ordinary middle-aged man in a plain down jacket stared at a room hidden by the curtains for a long time.

At a certain moment, he exhaled, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Then, he took out his mobile phone and made a call. Probably because he smokes a lot, his voice is more sandy.

"Experiment 394 was successfully parasitized, and the next step can be started."

On the other end of the phone, a crisp female voice came out:


The middle-aged man smiled and said the same:


Hanging up the phone, a morbid flush appeared on the middle-aged man's face. A mist of water rose in his eyes, as if he had fallen into an orgasm, and murmured intoxicated:

"How far will the food of an entire city make you grow?"

"It's very exciting."

He took a deep breath, calmed down his restless heart, turned around and walked into Renxin Pharmacy.

The sun today is very good, probably the last good weather in autumn.

The sun shines through the heavy curtains and into the bedroom floor, forming a yellowish halo.

At a certain moment, Yu Xiaoshu, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, like waking up from drowning, gasping for breath.

She felt sticky and uncomfortable.

When she opened her sleepy neckline, the smell of sweat made her frown in disgust.

There was still some fog in his head, as if he had been drinking.

Yu Xiaoshu rubbed his temples, trying to remember what happened in the early morning.

Right, news!

She hurriedly took the cell phone beside the pillow and called Qiao Xun quickly.

After a beep, it was connected.


Hearing Qiao Xun's voice, Yu Xiaoshu immediately relaxed, like a taut string unloading.

She smiled unconsciously, silly.

As everyone knows, after Qiao Xun heard her silly but normal laughter, a hanging heart fell to the ground.

"Hello, Doctor Joe."

"What happened to you last night?"

"I don't know." Yu Xiaoshu recalled last night, she was sure it was not a dream.

"Are your eyes okay?"

"Wait, I just got up, I'll take a look in the mirror."

Yu Xiaoshu didn't even bother to put on his shoes, so he ran to the dressing table with bare feet.

She widened her eyes and looked left and right.

"Eh, it's weird, my eyes are better and not red anymore."

"Is there any change in your body? Or something uncomfortable."

Yu Xiaoshu stood in front of the mirror and twisted his waist left and right.

"No change, everything is fine, and there is no discomfort. Hearing Dr. Qiao's voice makes me feel much more comfortable."


"Ah, nothing! I mean, it's much more comfortable after a long sleep! Well, that's it. I'll hang up first, and I'm going to wash up!"

After Yu Xiaoshu finished speaking, he hurriedly hung up the phone.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her face was flushed, her eyes were blurred, and she quickly patted her face.

Yu Xiaoshu, Yu Xiaoshu, what are you talking about! Really shameless! shameless!

Probably because her brain was not very good, she took a bath in a daze before she realized it. She lay on the bed and rolled around with her head buried in the pillow.

Qiao Xun stood on the balcony, frowning slightly.

"Is it really okay?"

After thinking about it, he was still worried. UU reading www. Although uukanshu.com planned to visit in person, but now the city is closed, each community is under strict supervision, and it is fine at night. The sneak effect of "amphibians" is good, but it is worse during the day, and the outside is everywhere. They are stability maintenance personnel, and once they are discovered, they are bound to be in trouble.

He called Yu Xiaoshu again.

"Hello, Doctor Joe."

Qiao Xun said:

"I think you'd better do a checkup. Didn't you use those eye drops before, maybe there's something wrong."

"Ah? But..."

"What's wrong?"

Yu Xiaoshu hesitated for a while and whispered:

"I'm a little scared."

It's normal to be afraid, after all, she's a young girl who is alone.

Governor Qiao reassured:

"Don't worry, it's just an inspection. You can apply for a door-to-door inspection. It's very fast, it only takes a few minutes."

Yu Xiaoshu's voice became even lower:

"What if... what if there is a problem?"

"If there is a problem, whether it is checked or not, there is a problem. Check it early, and if there is a real problem, it can be treated early."

"Well... Dr. Qiao, you're right. I'll hang up first to apply."

Yu Xiaoshu hung up the phone. After hesitating for a while, he applied for emergency assistance in the special app, with a note of "door-to-door inspection".

In less than five minutes, the inspectors came to the door wearing anti-epidemic suits.

The results came quickly.

The pollution value is 0, and everything is normal.

Yu Xiaoshu told Qiao Xun for the first time, and his tone was relieved and happy.

Qiao Xun also breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought to myself, maybe the mermaid tears will not cause pollution. Maybe her physique will not be polluted like herself.

Anyway, no problem.