Evolved From Polluting the World

v1 Chapter 20: Long live the end of the world!

The color of the sky is dizzying.

A color somewhere between orange-yellow and deep purple. Accompanied by a burning flame-like cloud of...radioactive particles.

The day after tomorrow is the end of the world.

Well, this is something everyone in the world knows.

A year ago, news reports from various governments also said that it was just a comet that was about to pass the edge of the star's orbit around the star of Carroll. No one cared about this humble news. After all, every day, a large number of comets, or some celestial debris, pass near Carroll.

Just a comet.

But half a year ago, someone suddenly said that it was not a comet, but a runaway asteroid. Even passing by Carroll Star will have a huge impact due to celestial gravity. Governments must seriously consider whether to use planetary weapons to blow up this asteroid in advance.

In the turbulent world situation, this statement was quickly submerged.

The nations of the planet Carroll are busy competing for a newly discovered energy source - "source fire". This energy is said to accelerate and direct the evolution of life. A life that has successfully evolved can acquire extraordinary powers. Moreover, because of its extremely high efficiency, Yuanhuo can be used to create powerful equipment and overcome some scientific problems that are trapped in energy.

No matter from which point of view, Yuanhuo is an epoch-making resource.

In this case, of course no one cares about unreliable asteroids.

Until three months ago, a huge asteroid passed by Carroll Star. On that day, everyone in the northern hemisphere could see the huge star, like a burning fireball, occupying the entire sky. The asteroid passed by, leaving behind material never before seen on Carroll's star, tinting Carroll's atmosphere with its current color.

No one knew what substance it was.

Scientists from all over the world have invested in research.

It took a full eighty days.

Finally, ten days ago, everyone knew what those substances were.

A pheromone, or... a marker.

The asteroid that passed by Carroll Star before was just a... striker, or a scout. Just to find Carroll, the planet with life, and tag it.

The real enemy is behind.

A life planet called "Death" by Carroll Planet, it is the real enemy. The life planet mentioned here is not a planet with life, but...Death, as a planet, is also a life.

The entire planet is a complete life.

When first realizing this, all the countries on the planet Carol fell into a daze. No one can imagine that there really is life in the deep space of the universe... the size of a planet.

And "Death" came to Carroll Planet for only one purpose——

Have a good meal.

For planetary life, it seems that only by devouring planets that also have life information can they continue to grow.

No one knows how many planets like Carol have been devoured by "Death".

The answers handed over by the governments of all countries are exactly the same:

In the face of the coming "Death", they are powerless.

All the energies of all the weapons on the Carroll Planet can't cause any substantial damage to the "Death God". What's more, they don't have that means. The most powerful nuclear weapons can only cause damage that is pinched by an ant. This obviously can't stop "Death" from preying on Carroll.

Some people even think pessimistically that, for the "Death God", their human beings are nothing but innocuous bacteria that depend on Carroll to survive.

Just like before a person eats fruit, he should wash it at most, and he doesn't care how many harmless bacteria there are on it.

This kind of pessimism quickly pervaded the planet Carroll because of the desperation of the government's inability to do anything.

Three days ago, all the TV programs and Internet channels on Star Carol broadcast the same news, which was officially confirmed that the end of the world would arrive in three days.

There's no April Fool's Day on Carol where you joke around with everyone on a particular day.

Anger, abuse, fear, despair, excitement...

There are all kinds of emotions.

Since there are people who fear the doomsday, there must be people who hope the doomsday will come. After all, there are always people who hope to find someone who is not so dick, and who can lead everyone to die together with a justifiable reason.

Tracy William is a member of the Doomsday faction.

It is also one of many "celebrating the coming of the end". Doomsday people are full of excitement and excitement, hoping to revel in the last three days and do things that they usually don't have the chance to do. For example, the rich people who gnawed the granary like mice were stripped naked, hung on the street lamps in the shape of a cross, and a fire was burned underneath, and they were roasted like a roast pig.

For example, smashing all the authority platforms, rushing into the Capitol, peeing and **** on the speaker's seat.

For example, rushing into the homes of celebrities who are usually sought after by thousands of people, and do something unscrupulous that should be done at the end of the day.

In the face of the apocalypse, the moral and legal system established in the civilized age is as fragile as a wafer.

Tracy William found his goddess. A nineteen-year-old female entertainer with a thriving acting career. Her name is Linda Jereof.

He knew very early where the Linda Jerome family lived. This is what he got for following more than 100 kilometers all the way from the set. He was interrogated by the police several times because he followed too closely. However, he was stubborn and did not shake out any evidence that he was committing a crime.

Found her home, but...he couldn't do anything.

Of course, this popular female artist lives in a well-secured place. He can only live in the overpass bridge hole nearby. He couldn't explain why he did this, he probably just looked at it from a distance... and thought it was fine.

According to his observations, Linda Jerome lives alone and does not live with her family. Only a nanny in her forties lives in her home.

Looking at it from a distance, you can only look at it from a distance.

Tracy loves Linda, but he is sober. He could only watch from a distance.

But now, he has waited for this opportunity.

At the end of the day, this once well-secured street has also become chaotic.

Under the orange-yellow and deep purple sky, the streets and alleys present an atmosphere similar to a horror game at any time. Coupled with the constant shrill whistles and whistles in the distance, it is a perfect background music.

Tracy thought, this kind of atmosphere is too suitable for crime...

Do not!

This is not a crime. The law no longer exists, there is no such thing as a "sin".

"I'm just... just doing what I want to do! Yes, just doing what I want to do!"

No one will stop him.

Like a hungry lone wolf, he set off.

There was only the villa with dim lights in his eyes.

Linda, Linda must be in that lighted room!

what is she doing?

Like her Thorndike Rolla in "A Variety of Love", did she put the diary on her lap, tremblingly write down today's fears and despair? Oh, this is really like a lovable little sheep.

Still like Joss Stephanie in "The Needle", soaking in a bathtub sprinkled with rose petals, with eyes closed, listening to music from the 1950s, and then between the snowy mountains and the deep Have fun?

Linda, Linda...

I am coming.

Tracy William used a crowbar to pry open the vent fan and drilled in.

caused a whole body of dust. However, it doesn't matter anymore. After living in the bridge cave for several months, the stench of sweat and excrement had already rewritten his definition of hygiene.

He grabbed a pair of scissors from the table and cut his beard as he walked.

Perhaps, like a gentleman, you should avoid letting your beard pierce the lady when kissing.

He had already thought about it.

Where to start loving.

He repeatedly watched the movie starring Linda Stephanie a dozen times? Dozens of times? Forgot, but not important. The important thing is that he remembered every detail of her.

Her fingers... slender, pianist-like fingers. Should be delicious if sucked like a baby.

Her smooth, rounded calves...

She is plump and plump...

Maybe, maybe the chest is not like the girls in those R-rated movies... But, for the nineteen-year-old, for her daughter-like face...

The wooden stairs creaked.

Tracy could almost hear Linda Zelloff's breathing and heartbeat.

Linda, Linda...

I am coming.

He pushed open the door, and then, the rapid and brief gunshots sounded, quickly drowned in the chaos of the apocalypse.

For a moment, everything was quiet.

After that, a ghostly voice resounded like a devil,

"Linda, the shot missed."


Damn brother, **** brother!

Twelve-year-old Hannah Criss has a small shovel in her hand, shoveling the trash thrown in in the backyard.

She felt it was extremely unfair. Why should her younger brother, who is only two years younger than her, sit in front of the fireplace to keep warm, while she could only brave the cold to pick up the garbage thrown in by these doomsday fanatics.

He should have stood at the door with a rifle to guard the house!

Why does he need to do nothing to get the care of everyone in the family as a matter of course.

Because he is the youngest in the family?

But he is ten years old! Why didn't I get that kind of love from him when I was ten years old.

Maybe... he took away the love that should have belonged to me.

If my parents had only me as a child... they would definitely love me very much. Definitely wouldn't let me out to clean the backyard in such cold weather.

"Apocalypse... what is it? Apocalypse is when you will not bear the consequences no matter what you do."

This line originated from a certain apocalyptic movie she had watched, and it circled in her mind.

Whatever you do... will not bear the consequences.

"Now, it's the end."

But Dad was convinced that it was just a deliberate panic created by politicians for votes. He believes that anything bad is done by those politicians for votes. The price of gasoline has gone up, it must be the politicians! Power outage, it must be a politician! I was scolded in the company because the politicians did not promulgate a good labor law!

"But everyone says it's the end..."

Hannah ruffled her hair. She put down her shovel and walked through the back door. The younger brother really was warming up in front of the fireplace.

And mom and dad are arguing.

The fire crackled, sparks fluttered onto the carpet outside, and they were extinguished in an instant.

Hannah shouted:

"Timmy, Timmy."

Little Timmy stood up and said with a smile:

"elder sister."

"Can you come and help me?"


Timmy ran over happily and held Hannah's hand, "Sister's hand is so icy, wouldn't it be better?"

very warm. Hannah felt warm.

"Timi, come out."

She pulled Timmy to the backyard and closed the back door.

"Sister, do you want to pick up this garbage into the bag?"


Timmy started happily.

Seeing how his younger brother could also have fun picking up trash, Hannah clenched the shovel in her hand and walked towards him.

The sound of incendiary bombs exploded in the distance, accompanied by gunshots and car alarms.

In the middle may be mixed with the sound of a blunt instrument stuck in a hard object.


Zhi Shuixiong put away his umbrella and staggered into the house. His shoulders were almost completely wet from the rain. The eyes were also blinded by the rain and fog. Once inside, he removed his eyes, wiped them with his sleeves and put them back on. Afterwards, he put aside some of the ingredients he had hard-earned outside, and shouted:

"Jade Flower, Jade Flower!"

He called his wife's name. It's really uncomfortable to be wet.

"Bring me some dry clothes!"

There is no sound.

Zhi Shuixiong complained with great dissatisfaction, but didn't say much, and was about to change his shoes.

Then, a thunderstorm passed by.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a little gasp.

The sharp intuition instantly made his back shine. He held his breath, took off his shoes, and stepped inside with his bare feet on the floor.

The rain dripped down the trouser legs on the solid wood floor. In normal times, this is almost unforgivable. Hardwood floors are just too expensive.

The gasp was getting closer.

Zhi Shui Xiongda's heartbeat is getting faster and faster. He swallowed unconsciously and walked to the bedroom door.

There is a crack in the bedroom door.

Zhi Shui Xiongda almost fainted when he saw that the door was not closed tightly.

Actually! Can you be so arrogant that you don't even close the door!

He pushed open the door angrily and roared in a murderous tone:

"Asshole! Asshole! What are you doing!"

However, when he saw the sweaty male protagonist clearly, his heart throbbed violently.

That is his son.

"You guys, you guys!" Zhi Shui Xiongda could hardly utter a swear word.

After a brief period of astonishment and panic, his son seemed to have a lot of confidence, and said with a hard voice:

"Dad, tomorrow is the end of the world!"

"The end of the world... the end of the world, can you do this?" Zhi Shuixiong was exhausted and felt increasingly weak.

"It's the end of the day anyway, and... and my mother hopes that too!"

"Sorry, Xiongda, I... just haven't been satisfied for a long time... and, this way, even more..."

Zhi Shui Xiongda looked at them, listened to what they said, and cried bitterly.

The orange-yellow and deep purple sky, as well as the sharp noises outside... urge their evil desires, the kind of "no responsibility for what you do anyway", which brewed repeatedly and quickly fermented to maturity.

In the sound of pain, the son's eyes were red, he lost all his dignity, and threw himself into the yearning for the plot of the regulatory film.

Most people have this longing. After all, "food and sex" is an inescapable threshold.

If morality and legal systems are the hoops, the given end of the world is the scissors that cut the hoops.

When "Death" appears in the sky and can be seen with the naked eye.

Madness has reached its peak.

Grief, despair and sensual excitement also peaked.

The civilization built by Carol Star on a million-year scale was pushed to the extreme in this madness. The drama after civilization is broken is the most gorgeous.

Don't be responsible for anything! Long live the end!

"Death" is just a growing planetary life, what can it understand? Eating the planet in front of it is what it needs to do.

But suddenly, something stood in front of it.

"Well, the 'universe' stars... This time, it was quite easy. I found it as soon as I came in. It turned into a life, and formed a self-awareness..."

As the voice fell, "Death" found that his body was instantly disintegrated and annihilated, leaving only it as the core of "life".

A palm-sized planet was suspended in Qiao Xun's palm.

He frowned.

The "still" mountain and the "universe" stars have self-awareness and become life. This is not a good omen.

This means that a similar situation may have occurred in the other three roots of the world that have not yet been found.

"God" light;

"rule" the throne;

The "Land of Life" Earth.

The roots of these three worlds remain.

Qiao Xun exhaled, and can only hope that the three paths have not evolved into life. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome to deal with.

After the root of the world has self-awareness, it will obviously resist the meaning of its own existence. This is undoubtedly a hindrance to Qiao Xun who needs to use them to create the world.

Like the "still" mountain. If he chooses to grab it from the beginning, it will directly explode if it is not good.

This "cosmos" star is only because it focuses on life in the evolution of consciousness and life, and the consciousness is not strong, so it can be easily taken away.

If consciousness and life evolved to the extreme...

After taking away the "cosmos" stars, he didn't delay much, turned his head and glanced at Carol Star, the place of life in this world. Then, take a step, break through the barriers of the world, and return to the gap in the void to start looking for the root of the next world.


The next day ~lightnovelpub.net~The God of Death suddenly disappeared for some reason, and the end of the world did not come.

Governments quickly came to power and began to maintain order.

The radio was quickly restored.

The TV program immediately followed the government's instructions and convened people to broadcast the news that "the end of the world has been dealt with".

Watching the host, who was obviously also in shock, read news words tremblingly,

"The end of the world has been dealt with by the relevant departments, please rest assured..."

Tracy felt confused, the end of the world has not come... What is Linda who can't open her eyes in front of her?

"Linda, Linda..."

Looking at the dirty goddess, Tracy's fear occupied every cell of him.

Trembling, he picked up the pistol next to him and inserted it into his mouth.


Looking at his father and husband who had not been treated in time because of a heart attack,

The disheveled son and wife cried in fear.


"You killed your brother!"

"No, it was the end of the world that killed him!"


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