Evolved From Polluting the World

v1 Chapter 27: raging fire

After Qiao Xun entered the elevator, he suddenly felt a violent shaking when the elevator reached the seventh floor.

The lights in the elevator suddenly went out, and an alarm sounded.

Trapped in the elevator, he subconsciously pressed the door button, but there was no response.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud cracking sound of steel bars from overhead. Afterwards, the heavy object hit the top cover of the elevator, making a sound, and even the traces of the top cover protruding downward can be clearly seen.

Before he could think more about it, the steel cable suspending the elevator broke, and the elevator lost its restraint and fell.

A violent feeling of weightlessness struck. Qiao Xun hurriedly lowered his center of gravity, stood in the corner, and firmly supported the two vertical elevator walls with his arms.

As soon as the elevator fell to the bottom, it slammed into the negative first floor.

The tremor of the huge impact made Qiao Xun feel sick for a while, but his physique was much stronger after being swallowed and digested some time ago, and he was not injured.

Even though the elevator had already fallen to the ground, the sound of bricks shattering and steel bars breaking off continued and densely sounded overhead.

A strong stench gradually approached.

He clearly remembered that it was the smell of the suture monster. This made him immediately understand that the suture monster was climbing down the elevator shaft from the upper floor.


Qiao Xun glanced at the scar on the back of his hand. The scar continued to bleed out, because it was not an artery, the amount of bleeding was very small, but the smell of blood was clearly exposed.

He remembered that when he fought against the eight-legged frog man before, he also became very excited and manic after he was injured and bleeding.

"My blood is very attractive to polluted creatures?"

As far as the performance of the Eight-legged Frogman and the Stitching Monster are concerned, they are almost inseparable.

At the same time, this shows that the target of the Stitch Monster is him.

Qiao Xun did not dare to stay in the cramped and cramped elevator, so he took out a dagger and inserted it into the gap between the two doors of the elevator, then forced the dagger horizontally.

The elevator door of this old-fashioned elevator does not close tightly, so it can be opened directly with enough strength.

With Qiao Xun's strength, this is naturally not difficult.

After slamming open the elevator door, he immediately found that there was a parking lot outside. No lights on, it was pitch black. But he could clearly see that it was full of cars. Before, because of the city closure, most people went home and could not go anywhere else, so the parking lot was full of cars.

Qiao Xun ran out quickly.

He just ran out a few steps when the suture monster slammed to the ground, flattening the elevator directly.


A loud screeching sound rang out. There was a strange smell of sewing in the air.

Qiao Xun ran quickly among the various vehicles in the parking lot. Because the vehicles were parked more densely, he couldn't stretch very far.

The Stitching Monster is different. It is very large. It moves forward by jumping, without avoiding obstacles.

Qiao Xun's blood is attracting it, making it excited and greedy, like a hungry beast seeing its prey.

The Stitcher raised a car with one hand and threw it vigorously in the running direction of Qiao Xun. The car slammed into a row of cars, and then pushed the neatly arranged cars in all directions. Suddenly, the route of Qiao Xun's running direction was blocked by several cars.

And because of the friction and fire, the gasoline leaked from the vehicle burned directly.

The fire blazed violently, lighting up the entire parking lot.

The black smoke formed by the combustion of gasoline cannot be effectively discharged and accumulates in the parking lot. The thick black smoke contained a large amount of underburned poisonous gas, which immediately suffocated the parking lot into a scorching gas chamber.

Under the high temperature, the tires of one car after another couldn't bear it and started to explode.

The power of the tire explosion should not be underestimated, the strong impact will push a car. So even though the cars didn't start, they were doing erratic movements in a chain reaction.

Such a movement undoubtedly blocked Qiao Xun's escape route.

Qiao Xun frowned tightly, his expression extremely serious.

Although the probability of a car burning and exploding is very small, it is usually an open open space.

The parking lot is huge, at least 500 or more cars are parked. These cars almost inevitably burn under such fires.

The fire is huge, it will quickly consume oxygen in the air, and emit a large amount of carbon dioxide and toxic gases that are not fully burned. The gas circulation in the parking lot can quickly become out of balance, and the space can almost be regarded as a closed system.

In a closed environment, the probability of a car explosion after burning will greatly increase.

If there is a large-scale explosion, the underground parking lot will collapse in all likelihood. Even if Qiao Xun had confidence in his own physical strength, he would not dare to resist the collapse of a one-story or even a multi-story building.

Must get out of here quickly!

The Stitching Monster pressed on behind him step by step.

Qiao Xun noticed a detail. After the fire, the stitching monster's beating range decreased significantly, and it deliberately avoided the burning area.

Is it afraid of fire?

Think about it too, even if this suture monster is a super mutant, it cannot change the essence of its amphibian. No matter how many of its kind it eats, it is also an amphibian.

The environment of high temperature and direct ultraviolet rays is the most feared environment for amphibians.

According to the theory of confrontational relativity, the enemy's weakness is one's strength.

Qiao Xun observed the distribution of the environment while dodging the attack of the Stitch Monster.

Judging from the signs on the walls and ground, there are four exits in the parking lot, corresponding to the four entrances of the community. But now, the rapid fire has blocked the forward direction of the four exits. It is unrealistic to cross the fire. The temperature of gasoline burning is as high as 400°C, and the fire wall is very thick. It also contains a lot of toxic gas and interior decoration. Burning dust. In any case, it does not support directly crossing the sea of ​​​​fire.

Soon, he found a security guard booth, in a place not surrounded by the raging fire, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and there is a safe passage not far behind the duty booth. It can be seen that there is an upward building, which should lead to the first floor on the ground.

The suture monster chasing Qiao Xun is obviously smarter than ordinary polluting creatures. Qiao Xun found a safe passage, and it also found it.

Although its intelligence is far inferior to that of humans, it can also judge where Qiao Xun is going based on his survival instinct.

So, it took the lead to turn around and seize the escape route.

Qiao Xun, who was running, suddenly saw the huge body of the Stitching Monster jump up, and then land heavily on the route leading to the stairway.

He braked the car and looked at the Stitcher with a tight brow.

The suture monster's mouth kept dripping with saliva.

Qiao Xun tried to communicate with it,

"It's not so easy for you to eat me. If I really go around in circles with you, you will never catch me for a while. The fire in the parking lot spreads very fast, and it will immediately become a sea of ​​fire, and then there will be an explosion. , the whole floor is very likely to collapse."

As he spoke, his eyes became extremely dark and dark, and he asked deeply:

"Do you want to die with me?"

The Stitcher paused for a moment. Although it can't speak, and its IQ is not high, but it can understand Qiao Xun's words, after all, it was a serious person before his death.

But it still didn't relax or give way, and a pair of eyeballs that were desperately bulging out turned irregularly.

The saliva secreted by the corners of the mouth is getting less and less, which means that it is starting to be dehydrated.

In such an environment, amphibians can run out of water faster than humans.

Qiao Xun is confident that if he spends hard time and cannot escape after the fire has expanded to the limit, he will surely die before himself.

However, dying first is not what he considered at all, he just wanted to live.