Evolved From Polluting the World

v1 Chapter 29: Arrogant and ignorant, will make people

Friday, December 6th.

Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi returned from the other carriages. To date, they have continued to observe and record 652 people. Counting new passengers in the entire general area, there are about 790 people in total. That is, they have roughly completed 80% of the recording work.

This is very important information for them. Basically, any random event other than a safety day can be seen as a kind of competition among passengers. And their main competitors are undoubtedly other people in the same general area.

To fully understand the opponent, in order to occupy a favorable position in the competition.

At nine o'clock in the evening, they returned to the 4 car and walked down the dimly lit street.

The temperature on the train has dropped again these two days, and the humidity is high. The clammy and cold feeling is like a full penetration, full of magic attacks of magic power, no matter how many clothes you wear, you can't stop it.

Lu Xianyi was not wearing her black-tech thermostat, which needs energy. She doesn't want to waste energy at times like this. Energy is also very rare on trains and needs to be exchanged with a lot of points.

Without the protection of the constant temperature clothing, she was so cold that the tips of her nose and ears turned red, and her nails even turned purple.

In order to avoid revealing her ability to be observed by others, Qiao Xun did not create a temperature-controlled space for her as she did in Sumatra before.

The shopping mall in the service area does have thermal balls, but they are too expensive, and one needs 5 points.

After deducting the money for meals these days, Lu Xianyi only had 42 points left, so she had to save some money.

Fortunately, I have often acted in harsh environments before, so the physiological tolerance is not bad. Although it is cold, it can withstand it.

Lu Xianyi took a breath and said:

"Tomorrow is a random event. Also, our protection period is over."

"Well, the first random event."

"I feel that if I don't win this random event, it will be difficult afterward."

"Yes. For the newcomers, whether they can support better, the first random event is the key watershed, and it is the time when the performance is uneven."

"It's really worrying. But it's okay, I planned for the worst before I came."

Although Lu Xianyi looked indifferent, she actually had a very comprehensive consideration to become Xin Yu's trusted guide.

The two walked across a main road to their house.

A man is standing in front of Qiao Xun's house No. 13. not love.

Qiao Xun could see at a glance that he lived in the 4th car, the neurotic-eyed man in the elevator before.

After the nightmare attack ended yesterday, he was noticed in the dining area. He originally went to the cheap area to eat, but yesterday afternoon, he went to the civilian area.

This seems to show that he performed well in the nightmare attack and won the championship.

It can also be seen from the fact that his back has been straightened a lot and the dark circles under his eyes have faded a lot.

Lu Xianyi frowned slightly,

"The visitor is not good."

"The good will not come."

Qiao Xun stepped forward, pretending not to see the middle-aged man, and was about to open the courtyard door.

The low voice of the man with glasses sounded from behind.


Qiao Xun turned to look at him and asked:

"Is something wrong?"

"Rookie, your protection period ends tomorrow."

The man with glasses then looked at Lu Xianyi, narrowed his eyes, a strange light flashed in his pupils,

"And you."

Qiao Xun is not a person who looks at people with his chin, but facing the man with glasses, he raised his chin and asked:

"So, what's the matter with you?"

The glasses man's eyes narrowed into slits.

"Pride is frustrating, ignorance is perishing. Arrogance and ignorance are irreversible."

Qiao Xun was expressionless,

"I don't know if I'm arrogant or not, and I don't know if they're all ignorant. But if I go to someone's house and say such self-righteousness, if I'm self-righteous, I won't be a person who can live to the end."

The man with glasses was not angry at all, but instead showed a playful smile,

"A tough mouth is not a fighting force. A newcomer is a newcomer after all, and you can smell the stinky smell on your body."

He turned to look at Lu Xianyi, and reached out to touch her chin.

Lu Xianyi turned sideways to dodge, unhappy in her heart, but expressionless.

"Appearance is a woman's double-edged sword. It will make or break you. The only difference is the path you choose."

Lu Xianyi smiled slightly,

"The same goes for people who like to say big things. I'm sorry, I choose handsome guys."

Being mocked by Qiao Xun, the man with glasses didn't feel anything, but being mocked by Lu Xianyi, his expression froze.

"You made the wrong choice."

After speaking, the man with glasses smiled slightly and turned to leave.

His back was in the dim light, like a butcher in a rainy night.

Lu Xianyi frowned,

"This man is disgusting."

Qiao Xun watched the man with glasses disappear into the night. This kind of harsh words before the game is not lethal to him.

What really made him uncomfortable was the "lust", the almost morbid desire for control and conquest of the man with glasses, like a dying sick lion, maybe his claws were dull and his teeth were not sharp, but he was struggling to the death. A fatal blow is definitely not to be underestimated.

This person is definitely not just talking ruthless words, but has extremely high action power.

Love said before that for newcomers, in random events, the biggest threat is often not the random event itself, but the old passengers like hungry wolves. To them, the new man is the fat sheep to be slaughtered.

Joe Tour said:

"Xianyi, I think we have to prepare. He must die."

Lu Xianyi thought that Qiao Xun was also angry because of disgust, nodded and said:


In fact, Qiao Xun just wanted to completely solve this disturbing hidden danger.

Back home, after washing up.

Qiao Xun lay in bed quietly waiting for midnight to come.

The ordinary area under the night is as quiet as a no-man's land. The train has only limited isolation from the wind and tide of the sea. The whirring wind was blowing outside, echoing in the spacious and empty streets. The dampness makes people feel dull.

Twelve midnight.

The clock tower chimes.

dang dang-

The announcement follows:

"Dear passengers and friends, good evening. A new round of random event day has arrived, this random event...random arena. The seven-day newcomer protection period for newcomers who boarded the train on November 30 has ended, and will also be Participate in this random event. The random arena will officially start at 6:00 am, please be prepared.

Good night everyone. "

Random arena...

Qiao Xun's head sank into the soft pillow, a touch of incense lingering on the tip of his nose.

Everyone in the ordinary area will enter the arena.

There are a total of twelve arenas in the arena. In the first round, 12 random people will become the champions, and the others will be randomly assigned to a ring to fight. After the fight is successful, he will become the leader and continue to be challenged by others. Totally random. The twelve people who stay to the end will be the top twelve and start a two-person elimination match.

The more times you defend, the higher the score you get.

Finally, train officials in the restraint area will divide the score line and judge the winners and those who fail.

There is no skill at all, just pure strength.

Immediately after the announcement of the random incident, there was movement outside. Qiao Xun got up and looked at the window, and found that the lights were on in many houses, and then the passengers came out one by one and walked towards the 4-car rail elevator.

What is this doing?

After the announcement of the random event Nightmare Invasion, everything was quiet and dead, and now it's the complete opposite.

Lu Xianyi asked in the local area communication network:

"Did you see those people? They all went out after the announcement of the random event."

"I see, I don't quite understand the reason."

There is very little introduction about random events in the manual itself, there is no information available in the search center, and love does not say much. Therefore, even though Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi have been busy gathering intelligence, they do not know enough about random events. The barrier of poor information is very difficult for newcomers to cross.

"Let's go out and see."

"it is good!"

The two quickly dressed and went downstairs and followed the crowd.

After entering the elevator, everyone had different expressions on their faces, both happy and worried.

Random arena, a random event with high strength requirements, is obviously a way to widen the gap, and it is not very beneficial for those who rely on intelligence and planning ability. It's like fighting in the same ring as the strategist and the charge general. The overall quality of the charge general is not necessarily higher than that of the military division, but it is indeed more advantageous to simply fight in the arena.

The crowd was heading towards the mall in the service area.

After entering the shopping center, no one cares about the daily necessities area on the first floor, all of which are gathered in the supply area on the second floor and the equipment area on the third floor.

Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi understood that this was to purchase pre-war supplies.

At the entrance of the corridor on the second floor, Qiao Xun found love in the crowd with his keen vision.

The two went to find him.

Qiao Xun patted him on the shoulder, and immediately made him tremble. Turning his head, he was relieved when he saw that it was Qiao Xun and the two of them.

"It's you."

"Are these people here to buy war preparation materials?" Qiao Xun asked.

love nods,

"Of course. The random arena is largely about fighting ability. You also know that not everyone in the evolutionary has a talent for confrontation, so it is necessary to strengthen their own combat ability from peripherals."

"Won't this be bad for those who are purely support or buffs? For example, people with healing talents."

"Of course it's not good. But so what, the random arena won't tell you fair and just things, as long as you don't violate the law, you can win. Besides, there are other random events that are beneficial to support and gainers. An advantage in one random event can be a disadvantage in another.”

love says:

"Those who can achieve big wins in the cycle and big wins in the year are all people who are comprehensive in all aspects and have no obvious shortcomings. Generally speaking, those whose main talents are spirit, enhancement, and healing will find ways to strengthen their bodies, whether it is injection strong Body medicine, compulsive implantation of talent or external equipment, as long as the result can be achieved, someone will definitely do it.”

Lu Xianyi blinked,

"I feel like I'm at a loss for this random incident."

Her main talents are supportive, and there is really nothing that can take the initiative to confront.

love to smile dryly,

"My suggestion is that if there is no chance of winning, it's better to just surrender and not get hurt. Seeing a doctor on the train and buying medicines are very expensive. Moreover, random events are inherently compact, one after another, if you are injured It will affect the next performance.”

Qiao Xun looked at him and asked:

"And you?"

"I don't have any fighting ability, just try not to hurt yourself. It's great to deduct half of the points."

"Then what are you going to buy here?"

"It's one thing to use it or not, and it's another thing to buy it."

"You can see it clearly."

"Hey, just a little experience."

They walked into the supply area on the second floor.

Qiao Xun looked at Lu Xianyi and asked:

"Are you going to buy something?"

"have a look."

They began to choose between the shelves.

The supply area is mainly pharmaceuticals, which are divided into dry and wet categories, such as tablets, powders, liquids, and sols.

Anti-pollution potion, anti-psychedelic potion, muscle stimulant potion, mind-boosting potion...

There is a dazzling array of medicines. Basically, there are all kinds of medicines that Qiao Xun can think of.

Good is really good, expensive is really expensive. A 5ml bottle of anti-psychedelic medicine costs 10 points, and the effect can only last for half an hour.

Looking around, Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi found that basically all the potions here were useful to them, but there were no key supplies that could change the situation of the battle.

"I feel... how should I put it, it's a bit tasteless to me." Lu Xianyi said, "If the strength is equal, then I don't need these potions at all. The strength gap is small, I have something more cost-effective, and the strength gap is too big. Yes, these medicines are useless."

"That's true."

Qiao Xun still doesn't know how much black technology is in Lu Xianyi's storage backpack.

All the children have a solid background.

As for Qiao Xun, these things are of little use to him. His talent distribution is very comprehensive.

Supplies like supplies are either used to restore the state or to make up for shortcomings, but if there are no shortcomings, naturally they will not be used.

Spending points to buy things that are not needed is obviously not something he will consider when he is still frugal.

For love, he wants to buy all kinds of potions, but there are too few points. I had received a reward of 20 points before, and I ate for a few days. Even if I ate very frugally, there are only 11 points left, which is enough to buy two minimum doses of potions at most.

He gritted his teeth, thought for a while, and decided to spend 10 points to buy a bottle of anti-psychedelic medicine.

In the random arena, there are many ruthless people. After the start of the game, they use the spiritual talent ability to hallucinate their opponents, do not give them a chance to surrender, and then harvest.

Then, the three went to the equipment area on the third floor.

The equipment on the third floor made Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi dazzled. literal meaning.

It's not that it's amazing, but there are so many strange things.

Puppet Heart, Vampire Wings, Clam Tide, Supercharged Tail Fin, Psychedelic Music Box, Coughing Blood Doll...

Before coming up~lightnovelpub.net~ Qiao Xun thought that he would see all kinds of standard equipment, firearms, armor, ammunition, mobile suits... In fact, they were basically equipment with different uses that were transformed by pollutants.

Just like this puppet heart, it can temporarily shut down the user's emotions and stop the secretion of emotion-regulating hormones. Is this thing really not a side effect?

From a doctor's point of view, being emotionally closed, without mood swings, is not as good as it sounds. After all, emotions are a very important regulatory mechanism in the human body.

Vampire wings, which can fly like a vampire when installed, but can only be used at night;

Clam tide, can store a lot of water in the body, only seawater;


Strange, these things make Qiao Xun puzzled.

In the end, Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi just watched the fun and went back without buying anything.

Their experience is that instead of spending time in that kind of place, it's better to get a good night's sleep.