Evolved From Polluting the World

v1 Chapter 31: strange sea

Cleaning up miscellaneous soldiers is a task that does not require much technical content, so even an "ordinary person" like Qiao Xun can do it well after a simple study.

Because he "has no talent", Xin Yu went to the army to report and get some equipment—

Bulletproof vests, rifles, bullets, flashbangs, exothermic bombs, etc.

These equipment are naturally for Qiao Xun.

For ordinary people, without systematic study and training, even if there is a gun, the effect is average. But Qiao Xun is different. He has tempered the talent of "amphibious creatures" to the extreme, to the point where there is no further progress, and his dynamic vision and response are exceptionally good.

It's not too easy to deal with miscellaneous soldiers.

He was guarding the temporary sentry tower at the south gate of the community, accurately shooting every miscellaneous soldier approaching here. Xin Yu and the others are going to deal with higher pollution values ​​and denser aberration populations.

Headshots with guns are just basic operations.

There is not a single mutant corpse within 50 meters of the south gate of the community.

Qiao Xun even felt a little bored. He was accustomed to confronting aberrations head-on, and he didn't like this stronghold-style combat method.

But there is no way, this is the task the captain gave him.

Xin Yu was willing to accept him to join the team as an intern. He was still very grateful, and he still had to try his best to complete this task.

His communicator rang,


"Qiao Xun, how are you over there?"

It is the captain Xin Yu.

Qiao Xun replied:

"Everything is stable."

"very good."

There was a lot of movement on Xin Yu's side, with the chirping of many distorted species intertwined, as well as the commanding voices of other teams. Just by listening to the sound, you can imagine how fierce the battle is.

The population of Zhidong City is 12 million, and the number of aberrant species is increasing exponentially every day. From the first week of the pollution outbreak, according to the observation by the control center, the number of aberrant species was only about 300. Now, half a month has passed, and there are as many as 100,000. There are still a large number of aberrant species with a latent period that have not yet entered the statistics.

If there is no outside interference, Zhidong City will completely fall within a month.

Qiao Xun stood in the sentry tower, always watching to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net.

The time came to nine forty in the evening.

Qiao Xun used a rifle to headshot a fish that slipped through the net. He was about to change the magazine when he suddenly felt a gust of wind.

If it was just a gust of wind, I wouldn't feel anything. After all, Zhidong City is close to the river, and it is normal for the river to have a wind at night.

But this gust of wind grew too fast, and it only took a few seconds from the initial "breeze blowing" to "roaring past".

The fallen leaves on the street were swept up by the strong wind.

Qiao Xun immediately judged from the movement traces of the fallen leaves that it was a whirlwind. Afterwards, he soon discovered that the whirlwind revolved around the community where he was located.

The fallen leaves, garbage, paper, dust and other objects were rolled up by the cyclone and revolved around the community at high speed.

The visibility of the surrounding environment rapidly decreased.

Everything is changing so fast that people can immediately understand that this is no ordinary whirlwind.

He crouched in the sentry tower to prevent being hit by objects blown by the wind.

After looking around, he found that the eye of the cyclone, that is, the center position, was the mobile unit building. And a certain floor of the unit building actually glowed red.

There is a problem, there is a big problem!

At this moment, his communicator rang again, and Xin Yu's urgent voice came:

"Qiao Xun, hurry up and hide! A large number of distorted species suddenly gathered nearby, and our defense line was broken. The tide of distorted species is gathering towards your community, hide, don't show your face!"

After speaking, Xin Yu cut off the communication without giving Qiao Xun a chance to ask questions.

Qiao Xun quickly adjusted his body temperature and smell to blend in with the surrounding environment. Afterwards, he lurked on the sentry tower and carefully observed the surroundings.


Intensive and urgent voices sounded all around.

Soon, he saw densely packed mutants coming from afar. Jumping frogmen, crawling and running salamanders, wriggling murlocs and sideways walking crabs.

From the low roof, from the dark alley, from the sewers, from the main road...

Any place that can walk together is crowded with aberrations.

In a trance, Qiao Xun felt as if he saw the outbreak of a zombie tide in a sci-fi movie.

But these aberrations are much faster than zombies. They scrambled to gather towards the community, and the level set outside was destroyed without even surviving for a second.

Among them, there are even aberrations that are significantly larger in size, that is, those with a pollution value greater than 150.


There are super aberrations like the Stitcher, which looks like a giant among a bunch of tainted creatures. They are extremely fast and powerful, and many polluted creatures are directly trampled to death by them.

"This... what is this..."

Seeing such a scene, Qiao Xun didn't have any desire to shoot resistance at all.

You know, even if he has reached the peak of his "amphibian" talent, he is still only a single-person warrior without AOE skills. With so many polluting creatures, he could spit to death by spitting one by one.

However, after the polluted creature that rushed into the community stopped at the center of the wind eye, it was like consuming a hundred kilograms of tranquilizers, crawling on the ground and motionless.

The gust of wind continued to howl, and the distortion seeds kept coming together.

In this community, there is a fatal attraction to them. And this attraction is different from the attraction of Qiao Xun's blood, it is more like a... call.

Look at how they crawl in front of the unit building reverently.

The word "believer" appeared in Qiao Xun's mind.

It is not a "believer" who ascends the god's long rank, but a "slave" who inspires faith.


In the control center, Zhou Sibai immediately knew that the aberrations in the whole city were converging in the same place.

He looked at the big screen in front of the console. The bird's-eye view of Zhidong City was on it, and the countless flashing red dots on the map were moving quickly towards Jinhua Community from all directions.

Too many, so dense that the defensive line is completely out of control and impossible to stop.

This was within Zhou Sibai's expectation~lightnovelpub.net~ After knowing that the pollution incident was led by Heige, he knew that a super-large-scale pollution wave would definitely break out.

It's just that he didn't know what the purpose of the black leather was to create pollution and spread it, so he couldn't find the right medicine, so he had to see what to do.

His brain was spinning fast, trying to judge what was about to happen from the current situation.

In his years of combat experience, there are three possibilities for all these polluted creatures to converge in the same place:

First, there are tainted creatures who have advanced to the third step after the long step of gods, even those who are still, deacons and demigods;

Second, there is a source metal that carries a complete totem;

Thirdly, there is a large-scale talent with a seductive and seductive nature at work.

He was the first to rule out the first possibility. If there was a third-order polluted creature after the advance, the "tower" would have monitored it as early as the first time.

And the second possibility,

"Complete totem... The totems that can attract these amphibious aberrations are 'Siren', 'Poseidon', etc."

He thinks the possibility is low. The source metal of a complete totem is very rare, and the environment in which it exists is generally harsh. In a metropolitan area like Zhidong City, it is basically impossible for this source metal to appear.

The last possibility is the third one.

He immediately thought of the Black Revolution.

"Since the dolls of the girl 'Red' are all here, it shows that Hei Ge attaches great importance to this matter, so there must be other core members."

Thinking of this, Zhou Sibai knew that he could no longer stay in the control center.

Because the core members of the Black Revolution are simply not something that control teams can handle.

Afterwards, he briefly explained some things to the team members in the command office, and then took a helicopter and left.