Evolved From Polluting the World

v1 Chapter 35: I hope you have me in your dreams

Most of the time, the darkened room is dead silent. At a certain moment, with a creak, the door was pushed open.

The light entered and fell on the spotted hyena toy on the desk.

A woman called "Ann". As the first secretary of general affairs, she came here for the first time. Pick up the spotted hyena toy, turn the clockwork at the back five times, and put it back on the table.

After a while, the spotted hyena toy trembled.

"Mr. General Affairs, the review of the fourth group has been completed."

The spotted hyena toy didn't make a sound for the first time. After a while of silence, he said:

"Half a day."

"Yes. They did it first, faster than the eleventh group, which was all assigned to the C-class VIPs. And, it has passed the review of the correction court. They were divided into two groups at first, and one team went to review the first group. Forty seats, team leader Qiao Xun leads the team to review the thirty-first seat, and then review the seventeenth and seventh seats together."

"The seventh VIP... So simple to cooperate with the review?"

"Yes. Judging from the review report, the seventh VIP cooperated throughout the whole process and was very candid. The attitude is completely different from the last quarterly review."


"I don't know the exact reason."

The general manager clearly remembered that the last time she reviewed the seventh VIP seat, she was the thirteenth seat. It took a lot of time, not because she refused to review, but because the ordinary correction team was simply incapable of reviewing her, and it was almost impossible to analyze her cognitive code under normal circumstances. It took several groups to go together, decoding layer by layer, and it took three days to complete the review.

This time, it was solved in less than half a day, and it was still the annual review.

Compared with the previous group, the only thing that has changed is that the group leader has been changed. Then the reason is obvious at a glance, it can only be the new team leader.

The spotted hyena toy trembled for a while and said:

"The new leader of the fourth group needs to focus on it."

What surprised the general manager was that in the previous communication with Qiao Xun, he did not feel that he was lying. But his appearance and the ability he showed are indeed not ordinary.

Secretary Ann nodded:

"Mr. General Affairs, I will pay attention to him."

The spotted hyena toy stopped, motionless.

Mr. General has left. Secretary Ann exits and closes the door.

Everything is dead again.

Qiao Xun left the VIP area. While curious about the other VIPs in the VIP area, now is not the time to delve deeper.

For the time being, you have to act like a normal team leader.

Although he has this special relationship with Lu Xianyi. But they all know that the general way of getting along with couples is impossible to simply deduce on them.

It's impossible in terms of identity, purpose, what you're doing, or the environment you're in.

Lu Xianyi thought a lot. The price of thinking too much is that you have to adapt to the separation of things between couples as soon as possible.

For example, they can't simply walk together, and they can't simply sit at the same table to eat...even, the connection between each other can't be arbitrary, under the strict management of the train, there must be something like "censorship work" The reason for this official endorsement can only be contacted and contacted.

Many, many things can't be done.

This is what needs to be broken up.

Therefore, when Qiao Xun left the VIP area, he could not help but have an illusion... Maybe, such a thing was just a fantasy.

But still in the memory, the touch of her lips is as clear as new.

Think back to the VIP area. In Lu Xianyi's understanding, there are indeed some very special and sensitive things in the VIP area, so that they cannot be mentioned on the train. Judging from her appearance, once she was mentioned on the train, she would be noticed immediately.

It's no wonder that Agnes contacted him unilaterally by writing letters, and hardly stated what to do in the letters.

This paradoxical atmosphere made the upper compartment of the train look like a balloon blown to the critical edge, and if you weren't careful, it would burst.

Go back to the office of the fourth group in the Correction Building.

The team members stood in unison at the door, curiously watching Qiao Xun walking in.

Joe asked:

"Is there a problem?"

Harry scratched his neck and said with a smile:

"The leader also asked us."

"You didn't write the question on your face."

Jiang You blinked,

"Everyone is very curious about your relationship with Miss Lu, team leader. Miss Lu is this year's star VIP, and she was at the thirteenth seat in the quarterly review not long ago, so she would have risen to the seventh seat. If it weren't for the lottery When it comes to her, we don't even know it yet."

Mary smiled and said:

"Not ordinary, definitely not ordinary. I can feel the wonder in Miss Lu's eyes."

Qiao Xun had a hard time dealing with Lu Xianyi, because Lu Xianyi had become very strong now, so strong that even he thought it was mysterious. But it's still easy to deal with his own team members. He didn't stop, walking forward:

"Lv Xianyi, a former friend. I became a train crew member, and she became a VIP. It's as simple as that. It's normal for old friends to catch up."

"But you two stayed together for four hours," Jiang You said.

"Played games with her for a while. She likes to play games."

When it comes to games, Harry is very excited,

"Leader, don't you want to introduce me? I also like to play games, so we can be together."

"Forget it, I'm afraid you will shut yourself out."

Harry suddenly became serious,

"Is the game level very high? Yes, to be able to create a 100% immersive game in the real world does require the support of high-level game technology."

Qiao Xun twitched and said in his heart, I'm afraid she will trick you into autism. Forget it, it's better to trap me alone.

"Okay, everyone, let's not gossip, let's hurry up and finish the finishing work. I'll treat you to a big dinner in the evening."

"Okay, okay! Fei wants to eat the deep-sea blue-blade ice-armored king crab!"

Qiao Xun looked confused,

"What it is?"

Jiang You said:

"Ah, hasn't the team leader even eaten the deep-sea blue-blade ice-armored king crab? It's a deep-sea seafood that has only recently appeared."

"Pollutant creatures?"

"Yes. But it's delicious. It's very expensive because it's hard to catch. Even if we are the staff on the upper deck, we can only eat once in a while."

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows,

"The deep sea has been reclaimed?"

"Preliminary reclamation is in progress. I heard that the overall planning area sent an investigation team into the sea in the Pacific Ocean and discovered an amniotic city."

"Amniotic Membrane City?"

"Well, it is an underwater city built with the body tissue of a super-giant Dormant Pollution Species. From a distance, it looks like a city wrapped in a giant placental amniotic membrane."


Jiang You Nu Nuzui,

"It's unclear whether Atlantis really exists, but there must be a submarine civilization like that. It's just that we know too little about it."

Qiao Xun nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After that, everyone quickly completed the follow-up work for the day and went down to dinner under the leadership of Qiao Xun.

Meanwhile, other review teams are still busy.

The general review process takes three days. It's rare to get it done in half a day like the fourth group. Therefore, Qiao Xun took the team members to a dinner break naturally, which attracted a lot of attention. People in other groups were very curious how they completed the review work in half a day.

Of course, just curious.

The connection between the different groups of the correction group is not large, after all, not every group can have a good atmosphere in the group like the fourth group.

Played until very late, and the fourth group of talents went back to their respective homes.

Joe toured the residence, and before he could wash up, there was a knock on the door.

Another messenger.

This is no coincidence, but the messenger has to get the letter into the hands of the recipient. When the recipient appears, it is natural to deliver the letter immediately after.

Also a letter from Agnes—

"My friend, it has been eighteen hours since the last time I wrote to you. Maybe today is a special day, and on a whim, I wrote two letters to you on the same day. The last letter mentioned My childhood, though too pale to say anything. This time, you can read about my experience of becoming a vampire—

"The dark Maknoy Forest was where I had to go on my way to marriage. I forgot what I was thinking, or maybe I was just an empty shell without a thought. I wasn't allowed to see because of the abominable blue eyes When I got to the sun, I heard that it would bring a plague. So, I set out with the guards at night. Human literature and movies always say that you need to be bitten by a vampire to become a vampire, but my experience is not like that. Alone , let's call her the witch, she robbed the carriage and took me away. She planned to use me, a blue-eyed woman, to make a cursed potion. I soaked it in the pot for about... a month? Maybe a year Well. I didn't become a potion, but under the curse, I became a vampire. Haha, isn't it interesting, you can become a vampire without being bitten. However, being bitten by a vampire can indeed become a vampire. Because, The vampire itself is a curse, a curse that can spread. Well, in the end, I killed that witch. Live, live, live, and live to be more than five hundred years old.

"What story should I tell next time? Maybe I should tell you about my hatred with Yihong.

"Finally, I wish you a good dream, if there is me in the dream, I will be very happy,

"Your dear,

"Agnes Jean Hibernian."

Although Agnes did not use any emotional words to describe her experience of becoming a vampire. But in the most straightforward description, Qiao Xun can also feel that this is a painful experience.

After all, not to mention soaking in potion for a month or a year, even soaking in water can turn people into waste.

In fact, the longest vampire life, she did not mention a word.

Qiao Xun felt that from the character she showed personally, the loneliness and loneliness for more than 500 years was the most painful.

Without friends, even if you have friends, you have to watch them turn into loess one by one.

Without lasting goals and motivation, immortality is the greatest torture.

Qiao Xun wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

Agnes did not give him a chance to reply, but only sent him some information unilaterally. I don't know what she thought.

As for her hatred with Yihong. This is indeed what Qiao Xun wants to know.

Agnes said that the Ace of Hearts is only an identity of Yihong, and cannot interpret herself. This evokes Qiao Xun's affection for Yihong.

Fatalism, in what way does this ability, whose principle is still unknown, affect him?

Qiao Xun couldn't help but doubt Yihong's painful campus experience. If the Ace of Hearts is only one of her identities, how can it be said that the campus high school student is not one of her identities?

The night is already deep.

Miss Lu was still not sleepy. She stood on the balcony with the cold wind blowing.

This feeling seems to go back to the time when I first parted with Qiao Xun on the train.

She looked into the distance.

With the intersection of light and darkness, a human-shaped phantom is condensed not far downstairs. Like the creator, she controlled all the changes in this dimension at will, gradually, gradually... She returned to the day one year ago, the day she parted with Qiao Xun.

In the dimly lit street, his figure gradually drifted away.

Lu Xianyi played herself in the recreated scene.

Only, this time something is different. In the same scene, even if Qiao Xun disappeared completely, she was no longer sad. Because she knew that Qiao Xun was by her side.

"But, why is it at this time... I want you to see the bad side of me... But no matter what happens, I always... love you."

She stood on the balcony for a long time before returning to the room.

All the scenes that were restored outside shattered in an instant.

After the review work was completed, the fourth group did not sit idle either.

In the last month of the year, all kinds of things follow. Correction will also impact performance.

On the one hand, we must testify in the court to correct the taint of the VIPs who have just been investigated and punished. On the other hand, we must conduct inspections on and off the train, including many contents, such as fortification procedures, energy distribution, random event operation, and reward task verification.

Qiao Xun can be considered to have realized the power of the correction meeting on the train. Wherever it basically goes, the person in charge will have to come out to entertain.

Especially when the fourth group went down to the power area of ​​the bottom compartment, the head of the power area, Mr. He Xiujie, was extremely flattering and tried his best to please him and give gifts, for fear that Qiao Xun might stumble him.

Of course, Qiao Xun is not so free yet.

But he couldn't hold back the old officials like He Xiujie. Originally, he just inquired about the origin of the Blood Jade Ring, and wanted to know more about Anan Nineteen, as well as the miraculous mountain in the Kingdom of Baipu during the Yin and Zhou Dynasties more than 3,000 years ago.

But He Xiujie mistakenly thought that he still wanted that kind of blood jade, so he just made some more.

A hosta, a jade Ruyi handle and a jade seal.

The function is the same as the ring, it is a space creation. But Qiao Xun searched carefully, but did not find the second Ah Nan Nineteen.

After extracting some cognitive information, Qiao Xun did not accept these gifts. He didn't want to have blemishes on himself, to be pinched by others, and these didn't have the necessary appeal to him.

Cognitive information is only supplemented to a certain extent about the miracle mountain of the Kingdom of Hundred Pu.

He was sure that it was a history without God, but someone tried every means to create a God. Moreover, it is not only limited to the country of Hundred Pu.

There is a sentence in the cognitive information:

"It's worthy of thousands of generals, but 'God' can't be said. All parties are famous, some people climb the Xuanlou, some people rise to the high platform..."

Qiao Xun has a feeling that in history, the drama of the past has been pulled apart.

Let's see when we can see the whole picture.

This routine continued for a week.

On November 21, 2036, with a loud pressure relief sound, the train slowly stopped in trembling, and then, the roar of the whistle resounded through the empty sea.

The train has stopped.

Moreover, it is not a temporary stop like a fixed-point mine collection. All pressure relief valves were opened and the rune plumbing system was operating at a minimum level, and the temperature on the train plummeted.

A cold wave is coming.

This means that the train has arrived in Antarctica. To start a month-long annual bounty.

Qiao Xun recalled what Xianyi had said before, that the train will be reclaimed in the uncultivated and extremely dangerous pollution area of ​​Antarctica, and many VIPs in the VIP seats will lead the team to set off. This is related to their promotion and reservation of seats, so most of the VIPs will move.

Of course, the fourth group of UU reading www.uukanshu.com, as the correction group, will not be required to participate in this reclamation work if they do not apply for it. Reclamation work is the responsibility of the VIP area.

However, two hours after the train stopped, the fourth group of the correction group suddenly received an order—

[At present, there is a serious stain problem on the VIP seats, which is related to a taboo-level pollution mine in the extremely dangerous pollution area of ​​Antarctica.

The order came from the restricted area, passed the correction meeting, and was directly sent to the fourth group of the correction group.

Just as the team members were at a loss when faced with this order, the team leader, Qiao Xun, received another invitation letter:

[The fourth group leader of the Correction Group Correction Group in the Correction District, Mr. Qiao Xun, the VIP area will hold the seventh meeting of this year on time at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. I invite you to be an auditor of the parliament. At that time, with this invitation letter, you can enter the VIP District Council Building

[Inviter: "Lu Xianyi", the seventh seat of the VIP area

【Time: November 21, 2036】