Evolved From Polluting the World

v1 Chapter 47: Multiple people attack < 2 people cooper

, the fastest update starts from polluting the world and evolves the latest chapter!

This group of gamblers who got together decided to send a representative to invite Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi to join the game.

Representatives were quickly selected and walked towards them.

Love is taking advantage of the gap and slipping away quietly. Of course, his departure did not attract attention. After all, why is a person who has no bargaining chips still staying at the stake, waiting to be made into a domestic animal?

The representative of the gambler came to the gaming table of Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi and said with a smile:

"Two, I want to invite you to a gamble."

All Gamblers Day, invitees must not refuse.

Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi naturally have no right to refuse.

"The two of us together?" Joe asked.

"Well, just the two of you. Of course, there are some people over there."

The representative of the gambler pointed to the big gaming table in the middle, and a group of people gathered around the gaming table.

"Okay. You go first, we'll be ready to go right away."

"Okay, we'll wait for you to come." The gambler's greedy eyes were written clearly.

Without the right to refuse, Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi had to join the game.

Lu Xianyi frowned slightly and looked at Qiao Xun, and asked in a low voice:

"What do you think?"

Qiao Xun thought about it and said:

"A group of people, who were still gambling normally before, suddenly stared at us and invited us to join. We also performed very well in the last round of random events. Generally speaking, it is not so reckless. Unless, they know that we are not good at it. Gambling, there is wool to pluck."

"The question is, how did they know?"

Qiao Xun raised his head and looked around, and saw Love in the corridor on the second floor.

Love looked at him with a smile.

The answer is already very obvious.

Qiao Xun said softly: "It seems that the face has been completely torn."

Lu Xianyi asked:

"what should we do?"

"It's stupid to sit still, and only a hard knock can make people remember. Let's go, finish this gamble first."


Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi came to the big gambling table.

The arbitrators read to them the rules of the game:

"This gambling invitation is a comprehensive gambling, covering gambling forms such as fried flowers, multi-player landlords, robbing cattle, guessing the size, card 9, twenty-seven, and gnawing the old family. The specific gambling is decided by everyone's vote. There are 60 rounds in total. After 60 rounds, the passengers participating in the gambling can choose to leave, and they are not allowed to leave the venue and stop betting in the middle. If there is a lack of chips, the train side will provide credit loans.

"Do you have any objections?"


The people responded in succession.

Lu Xianyi whispered next to Qiao Xun:

"It's all traditional gambling. Except for the multi-person landlord and the old clan, which are good targets, everything else depends on luck. If they really want to mess with us, most of them will vote for these two gambling."

Qiao Xun nodded and whispered:

"If it's a multi-player fight against the landlord, we don't grab the landlord in every round. If it's an old clan, we don't grab the parents' cards in each round. Although we can't control the victory, we can keep the loss of the losing game to a minimum. .

"In this kind of gambling where small groups play together, we try to avoid big bets. They must have internal friction with each other, especially those who rob the landlord. Once they lose, it is a big loss.

"We have a lot of chips, so we can never get ahead, take no risks, and try to give up if we can't get cards with high odds of winning, and compare with them.

"There are sixty rounds of gambling rules. You can't quit halfway. If you don't have chips, you have to borrow the train. If you don't get it, you will become a domestic animal. After playing, those who lose their chips to a certain limit will definitely panic, and they will go to the top. It will be difficult to cooperate later, that's when we cooperate to counterattack."

Lu Xianyi nodded.

Xun Qiao knew very well that the advantage of the two of them was that they had a lot of chips, and they were very rational and did not take risks. They did not gamble with the mentality of "winning chips", and both of them had detailed data models in their minds, and they were doing calculation problems. Where the crime of gambling harms people is that a large amount of capital accumulation or a large amount of consumption in a short period of time will stimulate people's desire to win and lose, causing a large amount of dopamine secretion.

If you completely avoid the impact of this on yourself, you will not be able to win money, but the probability is higher than the average gambler's expectation of victory.

Their weakness is that there are few people, and it is not easy to cooperate in multi-player games. So in the early stage, you need to hold on to it, and when you see the chips continue to decrease, you have to be calm.

Gambling is winner-take-all. In multiplayer gambling, in a round of gambling, there must be losers.

These gamblers are not monolithic, they are calculating each other in their hearts, so they need to be responsible for their internal wins and losses. At the back, the loser wants to turn the tables and the winner wants to make more money, so it's easy to reveal flaws.

"Passengers please vote for the form of gambling," said the arbitrator.

The crowd began to vote.

Sure enough, as Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi had guessed, the result of the vote was a multi-player fight against the landlord.

There are a total of 22 people. According to the rules of multi-player landlords, there are 2 big landlords, 4 landlords, 16 farmers, and 7 decks of playing cards as the card pool in one round of the game, and each person is randomly distributed 10 cards by the dealer .

The basic rules are the same as the three landlords, but the special rules are: the big landlord can get three extra cards, and the small landlord can get two extra cards.

The winning and losing rule is the evasion system. If half or more of the landowners escaped, the landowner wins, otherwise the peasant wins.

The difficulty of multiplayer poker is that it is not easy to guess the cards. There are 7 decks of poker, a total of 378 cards in the card pool, and not all of them are distributed to the players, unlike traditional poker, which can be guessed.

The bet begins.

The dealer begins to split the cards.

Someone looked at Qiao Xun and asked with a smile:

"Multiplayer Fighting the Landlord, have you played it before?"

"Seven or eight people have played." Qiao Xun said, "This is the first time with so many people."

When everyone heard it, they thought that he was really an honest baby, and he said whatever he asked.

Not much else to say, after the cards were distributed, the first round of multiplayer landlord battles began.

"A pair of four."


Such a large-scale gambling game naturally attracted many onlookers.

After seeing the group of gamblers and Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi, the old passengers who were familiar with the place basically guessed that the meaning of this gambling game was to slaughter the sheep, and could not help but look forward to the expressions of the two after they were eaten and wiped clean.

It excites them.

In the train, after being domesticated by various random events, most people hate to see the weak rise, because most people are weak and naturally do not want others to rise first.

Very fond of seeing the strong fall, especially as domestic animals. Because the strong fall, they are more likely to win from the competition.

In this casino where talents can't be used, they can't wait to see the scene where Qiao Xun and the two are wiped clean, owed high points and become livestock.

It's not that this kind of thing has never happened. Those who have achieved good results in other random events that require fighting ability are played by weak gamblers into domestic animals in the full gambler and the reversal moment.

Ai stood in the circular corridor on the second floor, looking at the gambling game in the lobby on the first floor, her eyes were very fascinated.

"Enjoy it...the feeling of being smashed into bones and sucking marrow..."

In a multiplayer land battle.

Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi strictly followed the plan between them, not robbing the landlord in every round, and being a farmer, they made the smallest bet and minimized the expectation of loss.

Even if you get a good card, you will never take the initiative to take the lead to take risks.

In the first ten rounds, the two lost 8 and won 2, with a minimum bet of 50, ate a few bombs, and each lost 450 points.

Lu Xianyi has a very good memory, and clearly wrote down everyone's losses.

After ten rounds, the two of them lost the most. Except for the two of them, whoever wins the most wins 850 points, and whoever loses the most loses 250 points.

Judging from the results, the initial cooperation effect of this group of people is very good. If the rhythm continues, at the end of the sixty rounds, Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi may lose up to 3,000 points.

3000 points may seem like a loss of less than half of the total points, but in reality, it will label them "fat sheep" and "rookie". In that way, more people will take the initiative to invite them to gamble, and if a large number of people take turns picking wool, the situation between Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi will be very dangerous.

Of course, this is the ideal situation for all sixty rounds.

Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi naturally couldn't let such a thing happen.

In the subsequent rounds, they will never take the lead, never take risks, never take the initiative to be the leader, and always keep their losses in each round within the minimum range of 200 to 500.

They can withstand such a loss, so there is no change in mood.

Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi even chatted and laughed.

This is an invisible psychological pressure for other people who also lose chips in the poker game.

In the fourteenth round, the first person to lose more than Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi appeared.

The loss reached 650 points.

Gradually, someone started to take over.

The losers want to turn the tables, and the winners want to make more.

Since Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi were completely out of the league, they didn't grab the landlord, and they didn't take the initiative to play the cards even if they caught the best cards. Even if they caught the Tianhu card, they still had the same attitude. Others couldn't get fat from them at all, and they also began to feel depressed. Will these two people play, and won't they grab the landlord if they get such good cards? I won't come here specifically to be a child boy.

These gamblers themselves are not monolithic. When someone loses beyond their psychological expectations, the situation on the field gradually changes.

Those who lost too much stopped targeting Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi, and began to find ways to earn points according to their own ideas.

Simply put, it's up and down.

If you panic, you will naturally not be able to cooperate well, and if you do not cooperate well, it is easy to have a big victory or defeat in a round.

In the twenty-seventh round, the biggest difference between winning and losing this round appeared.

The farmers escaped more than half of the cards and won. The six landlords lost a total of 2,400 points, the two large landlords each lost 600 points, and the four small landlords each lost 300 points.

Lu Xianyi looked at someone and whispered next to Qiao Xun:

"That person had lost 800 points before, and this round when the landowner lost 600, now he has lost a total of 1400."

Qiao Xun looked at the person Lu Xianyi said.

He looked young, twenty-seven or eighteen, but bald.

The bald man took a deep breath, his eyes almost staring out, listening to the croupier announce the result, and staring at the loose cards on the table in a daze.

After announcing the results, the croupier said:

"Player Zhang Xuanhang, the chips are exhausted, the current chips - 200 points."

The rules of this gambling, it is impossible to quit halfway, the chips are used up, and the train has to continue.

The bald man's heart skipped a beat... no, no! It must be turned over, it must be turned over! Can't be a domestic animal, must not be a domestic animal!

He knew that if the points owed were not repaid, once the full gambler's day ended and he left the casino, he would immediately be classified as a livestock because the points were negative and rushed to the livestock area. If you go to the livestock area, your life is really over.

Must turn around!

His fingernails were desperately digging at his bald head, and the red marks were all pulled out.

The reason why gambling has caused so many people to go bankrupt is because of the constant "winners want to earn more, losers want to make a comeback". Gamblers look for money everywhere, enter the casino with chips, and with the mentality of "I will make a comeback this time", they will only lose cleanly again in the end.

The gambling on the mainland is still like this, not to mention the more expensive and crueler sea trains.

Those who have made a lot of money have already laughed, and it is more psychological pressure for those who lose chips.

Of course, the game doesn't stop because of this.


In the twenty-ninth round, the second player who owes chips appears;

In the thirty-first round, the third player who owes chips appears;

Thirty-second round, fourth...

In the crazy thirty-seventh mile, three players who owe chips appeared at the same time!

Since this round, the nature of the game has completely changed.

And Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi have stabilized their decline.

In the last twenty rounds, Qiao Xun looked at Lu Xianyi with ambiguous eyes.

Lu Xianyi immediately understood that the counterattack was about to begin.

In the last twenty rounds, Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi, who were very stable without any psychological pressure, gave full play to their powerful brains to analyze and summarize the situation of everyone at the poker table.

When someone with credits close to bankruptcy gets the landlord, they will take the initiative to be the leader and put pressure on them.

When the big winners grab the landlord, it depends on the situation of the cards.

In the forty-eighth round, among the twenty-two players on the field, thirteen of them owed points. At the same time, Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi completed the comeback and achieved positive returns. Lu Xianyi immediately transferred some of her points to the card that Qiao Xun had expanded, leaving room to start earning big ones.

This kind of multi-person landlord, under the restriction of the rules that cannot be withdrawn, is itself a situation where the chips are constantly gathering, and it is the distribution of the chips in the pyramid. More people will lose, and 60 rounds of poker will make it more difficult for those who lose. Turned around by a moment of luck.

In this kind of big bet, if the chips are not enough, there will be one win and multiple losses in the end. Therefore, it needs a big fat sheep that can continuously supply blood to the audience in order to play.

Obviously, Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi were the big fat sheep they originally imagined, and they planned to use their lack of gambling experience to draw blood.

But these two people were not fooled at all, they were a stable group, and even chatted and laughed about the "Maomao Fight", each time the bloodletting was very little.

In this case, to maintain the operation of the game, it is natural to draw blood from other hapless people.

In the fifty-second round, Feng Shui took turns, Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi drew Hu cards at the same time, grabbing the big landlord.

And so, their performance began.

With their tacit eye contact, the two had a good understanding of each other's cards. Then, without violating the rules, they used sufficient off-site body language to lead the four small landowners, won a big victory, and refreshed the book again. Gambling record.

Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi, the two big landlords, each got 2,400 points in this round, and the other four small landlords each got 4,800 points.

The landlord won 7200 points, which, of course, would be split evenly among the 16 farmers, each losing 450.

This round of cards became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

In the next eight rounds, those who owed points desperately tried to regain their disadvantage, but unfortunately, the multiplayer landlord battle was not won by a single lucky draw. This is the card evasion system. What's the use of escaping by yourself, you have to run away with your teammates to win.

This group of people who had been on the verge of collapse for a long time could not cooperate well. Those who originally won a lot of points and then gradually lost back, in order to stabilize, it is even more impossible to take risks. They would rather lose small than take risks to win big. Even gamblers are afraid of becoming domestic animals.

If you lose everything outside, you will be left with nothing, and you can also go back to work to pay off your debts, but on the sea train, you lose all the time, and you can hardly stand up when you become a domestic animal.

Countless gamblers have explained to everyone with **** lessons that in the evil gambling game, the more you want to win, the harder it is to win.

There was almost no suspense. In the last eight rounds, Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi, with their absolute psychological advantage and tacit cooperation, won 6 wins and 2 losses, and achieved a comprehensive victory with fewer enemies and more enemies.

The moment the arbitrator croupier announced the end of the game, the 14 people who owed points almost collapsed in their seats.

Among them, the worst loser owed 2559 points. According to the previous law, this is almost the life of iron domestic animals. As for the other dozen people, if they can't complete the turnaround, they will immediately become domestic animals after today, so now they are panicked and start looking for other people to gamble.

In the end, Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi won the game with 3641 and 3477 points, becoming the biggest winners of this game.

In fact, in the second half of the game, when Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi started to cooperate in the counterattack, people outside the game had already seen that they were not good at all, but two ruthless point grinders. But the people in the gambling game only care about themselves, and even if they realize that they are not easy to mess with, it is difficult to attack them in groups.

Totally big win!

This reversal-style gorgeous victory dispelled the idea of ​​others taking the initiative to initiate gambling invitations to Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi.

No one came to risk disturbing them, no doubt.

The two left the gaming table and rested for a while.

Ai was standing in the corridor on the second floor, very annoyed... a bunch of stupid pigs, being played with no resistance! Lao Tzu gives you the opportunity to earn points, but in the end you feed others, what a waste! waste!

After resting enough, Qiao Xun glanced at the corridor on the second floor, smiled and said to Lu Xianyi:

"Now is the time to settle accounts after the autumn."

Lu Xianyi shrugged and said softly:

"You're welcome."

Qiao Xun got up, walked to the middle of the hall on the first floor, looked at Ai in the corridor on the second floor, and said loudly:

"Love, come, let's take a good gamble."

Ai paused, his expression froze slightly.

He didn't expect that Qiao Xun would invite him to gamble so directly.

There was no way to refuse, no right to refuse, he had to agree.

Ai took a few deep breaths and calmed down. Anyway, her face has been completely torn, and there is nothing to say... Besides, I have nearly eight times as much chips as you!

He has been looking at the previous gambling games, knowing that Qiao Xun won by virtue of his large chips and patience, but he has more chips than him and is not afraid of fighting at all.

He thought fiercely in his heart: You think I have less points, and you want to beat me in the same way, hehe, I have a lot of cards, come on! Let's see who is the final winner.

Ai lifted her chest up confidently~lightnovelpub.net~ walked down the second floor, completely swept away her previous humble attitude, stood in front of Qiao Xun, and said coldly:

"You will regret this."

Qiao Xun said in surprise:

"Yo, good boy has a long temper."

"You will pay for your underestimation of me."

Qiao Xun shrugged, pinched his nose,

"Aren't you just a child, what's not to look down on... Forget it, come on, find the arbitrator, let's start, just the two of us, let's have a good time, don't you have thousands of points, you should be able to Been playing for a while."

Thousands... Hehe, really ignorant, Ai picked up the corners of his mouth and didn't say anything, and followed Qiao Xun to find the arbitrator.

Lu Xianyi stood behind and looked at Qiao Xun with a strange expression, thinking that this guy is good at acting, is he really not an actor?