Ex-Girlfriend Blackens Every Day

Chapter 535: | Pre-girlfriend of the second generatio

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Lin Lang made headlines again.

This time, it is not only the number one hot search of the Xiaobei Forum, but also the most prosperous heroine in the capital's elite circle.

Within a day, she severely dumped the Li family and the Tang family's young master. The dumping was very level, which made people very convinced. Just because of the superb skills of Miss Lan, not only did she not be blamed by the Li and Tang families, she even emptied the white wolf and bit a piece of meat to the Li and Tang families. For the small giants.

The upper class is strict in class and quite particular. The first class is the most far-reaching family. The Li family is the most perfect representative among them. Zhong Ming Ding Shi, the door is expensive, also known as the top gate valve.

The second class is the great giants, without the background of famous celebrities, but the financial resources came later, and formed a chamber of resistance against the family, and the Tang family was also among them.

In addition to the aristocratic family and the giants, there are some non-influential small aristocrats and small giants. For self-protection, they often choose the master and followers, forming a small climatic force. But even the lowest-level circle is a foundation that has been hard-worked by generations. For example, Lin Lang, who can own a small wealthy man in a short period of time, shows that their eyes are completely blind and sour. Bubbling inside, one by one acid became lemon essence.

It looks amazing? Eyes are amazing? The sultry skills are brilliant?

A big female net celebrity saw Lin Lang appearing in the limelight, and secretly screamed in her heart. Sure enough, Lin Lang's indirect cream kiss came out, and even her male partner was seduced in the past, staring intently. This is a long-term meal ticket that she will book in the future. It is hard to make Xiao Fudi work hard to coax him to see himself. How can he be easily snatched away by other goblins?

Female net red racked her brains to show her beautiful career line from various angles, but when the banquet ended, the male partner still left her and hurriedly caught up with the goblin.

Female net red is so angry, she immediately joined her little sisters in the net red circle, worked together, and anonymously posted a post on the Xiaobei Forum to prove Lin Lang's vanity and worship gold. She was very diligent in seeking truth. A picture of the banquet was posted, half of which was evidence that Lin Lang "seduce" the man.

A post titled "The First Shameless Vixen in History" was just posted an hour ago, and the number of hits was rapidly breaking through.

University students prefer this kind of post about love, hate and hatred for cucumbers, so I hand a cucumber and click on the right mouse button while clicking, save the picture as, save the picture ... wait, what is my hand doing ? The university students were shocked to find that they unconsciously collected all the screenshots of the posts, and forgot the purpose of the drama they clicked in!

It's definitely not their fault, it must be that this little goblin is too attractive! Ma Ma, she can do magic!

Of course, some people would rather die in front of Mei Se. They yelled at Lin for worshipping gold and relying on men to stand out. This kind of thought corrupted by money is disgusting! This group of opponents took advantage of the liberal arts students, quoted the scriptures, and said eloquently, comparing her with the girl in the dead country, and wrote thousands of words.

Subsequently, an ancient essay on "Women's Disaster" written by the first talented man Gu Xiaobu exploded into the Red Xiaobei Forum, which also pushed Lin Lang's fame to a new height.

Lin Lang is a goblin going from wave to wave, not caring about this drizzle, the girls in the dormitory can't sit still.

Chen Lulu, a beautiful girl in the Department of Foreign Languages, said worriedly, "Lin Lang, your post has been red and refined. It's only been a long time since there were tens of thousands of comments. Is it really okay?"

Although there are many speculations in the outside world, I feel that these three beautiful women have come together, and it must be that no one is convinced and secretly tears. In fact, the three of them are of almost the same origin, the family is not wealthy, and they share a common goal. In comparison, Zhang Mingzhu worked at the Li family and had a stable monthly salary before leaving school, which is much better than the situation of the three.

Jiang Qingyu of the Computer Department calmly analyzed, "The school has not released the wind temporarily, but if the impact is bad, maybe it will ..."

Lin Lang's eyebrows were curved, "Lulu, I remember you have a little sister who is in the Chinese language department. Can you do me a little favor? Help me get the phone number of the first talent."

The first genius of the Chinese Language Department lived up to life. Like Li Yang, he was born into a family of celebrities and grew up as a talented person in Chilan Yushu. The export is a splendid essay. It is also called the Baihe Shuangjue, which is also called the Chinese Language Department with Liyang.

In the eyes of the professors, Gu Caizi is good, but his temper is not good. More generally speaking, this great talent has a special hobby. Like a broken mother, she always cares about petty business.

Anything that is not very peaceful, the poem is not sung, and the paper is not written. When he saw the unevenness, he immediately took out the two big knives he carried with him. Dark scripture, eloquent words, spicy pen, a large size can turn thousands of trumpets.

The strong fighting power of this fellow quickly became the gold signboard of the walking language department of Duda University.

Lin Lang burst into the Red Xiaobei Forum twice, and the entire network laughed, but it was all thanks to this person.

"May be, but what are you doing?"

Chen Lulu was a little dazed about the first talent who was famous all the time. The newly arrived elementary school girls do n’t understand the greatness of Gu Dacai. They lined up to express their confession with their red hearts, and because of their two-year-old fritters, how far can they live up to Gu and how afraid they are He stared at the negative textbook. Looking at Lin Lang's situation today, they have a bad heart, and they certainly have no face to meet.

"Communicate with him and be a good friend." Lin Lang put his hands on his cheeks and smiled particularly sweetly. "I don't know if the big talents are dedicated to the Buddha, do you like the vixen who reforms the evil?"

Chen Lulu shivered.

She is guaranteed by the head of her item, not only does the big talent not like coquette, but also wants to pluck out the hair of coquette!

The next day, a section of ancient Chinese literature in the Department of Chinese Language added an extra vixen.

The class bell hadn't rang yet. The old professor arrived early and was surprised to see Lin Lang, "This classmate, are you in the wrong classroom?"

Now the old university professor is advancing with the times, brushing the forum and Weibo more than younger and younger, he recognized the iconic beauty face like Lin Lang at a glance.

The old professor's eyes couldn't help but flew to the first row, where there was a person sitting upright, not who is Li Yang? The old professor couldn't help but worry. His old arms and legs didn't know if he could persuade him to succeed.

Lin Lang didn't care about the old professor's distraction, and shook the textbook in her hand, "Sir, I'm here to attend the class." Her smile didn't change, "It's worth saying that your lecture is vivid and interesting, and the brain that suits me best is grass The vase has a character. "

"Cough cough--"

The old professor coughed, and he dared to continue to ask, and quickly let Lin Lang go.

The eared students were stunned.

Not disappointed? Disappointed? Do they live up to their famous talents? How did he relate to Lan Linlang of the Fine Arts Department? No, their memory is not so bad, and the author of "Women's Disaster" is their great talent! Now this post is still at the top of the Xiaobei Forum. After three days in the slaughter list, the popularity will not drop!

They pretended to turn their textbooks inadvertently, and raised their heads quietly, and found that the seats in the first row were filled with suffocation.

Everyone could not help but admire the compatriots who were caught in the middle of the topic.

This classroom is a multi-person classroom. It accommodates hundreds of students. The seats are set as semi-circular row seats, and Leiyang sits in the first position in the aisle.

"This classmate, trouble let me, I want to go in."

As far as the eye can see, it is a slender waist, a coral skirt hanging to the ankle, and a pair of black lace-up sandals, contrasting with the snow-like instep. Lifting it upwards again is her beautiful pair of affectionate eyes. She seems to have forgotten what happened to the Li family and smiled softly and gracefully at him.

Li Yang's back leaned back, and his long legs and knees retracted back, giving way to the passing distance. A fragrant wind swept across the tip of the nose and disappeared instantly. Lin Lang passed him and walked to the middle of the first row of seats. A pair of ice-cold eyes pierced her like a knife. Lin Lang Shi Shiran sat beside the first talent.

Gu Dacai, Yu Rong, was cold, without giving face, crackling, tidying up the books and stationery on the table and moving to another seat.

Lin Lang also smiled and took his place.

He hid all the way, she followed, and quickly blocked people in the corner.

Taichou Gu had an arm bracing the wall, his brain leaping, and he couldn't bear it. "This blue classmate, the fox on you is too arrogant, can you stay away from me?" She didn't know how to write Lianxiangxiyu, she opened her mouth full of venom.

Lin Lang was very wronged, pursing her red lips, "Not disappointed, why are you still talking like this? Didn't I apologize to you? It's been so long, and your anger should be gone."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Gu lived up to the corners of his eyes and refused to fly. "Madam, please find out, do I have a half-cent relationship with you?"

Lin Lang sighed and said, "Don't you say that you hate Li Yang the most sincerely? I dumped him and helped you out? Isn't it good? I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't be jealous. , Agreed to Tang Shuo's pursuit in one breath. Be good, don't get angry with me, my favorite person must be you. "

His eyes turned red with disappointment, "You woman, what nonsense, when will I ask you to do such a thing!"

He is innocent of a peerless little white poplar. Why can't he think of it, he wants to be a den of vultures!

"I'm sorry, I made my own claim, and I won't do it again." Lin Lang confessed wrongly and reached out to pull his sleeve. "Then you are angry? Will you eat together after class?"

"Eat your fairy board, shut up for me!"

Talented student Gu Gu suddenly fluttered, and the noisy classroom suddenly fell silent.

The old professor was in a round of enthusiasm, "Okay, okay, it's all a family, er, no, I mean, everyone is classmates, and we can talk and talk after class."

Everyone was as quiet as a chicken, silently glancing at Li Gongzi on the background board.

He lived up to his own bad luck and stared at Lin Lang fiercely. He lined up his pens, pencils, red pens, tapes, erasers, and rulers one by one, just like a general's cloth, revealing a fierce rush Murderous. Lin Lang was not surprised. If this great talent knew metaphysics, he would definitely put Lin Lang on the spot and put the fox spirit to the dead gate to see if she dared to raise her tail to make a difference.

It's a pity that he can't, so he can only listen to a lesson after listening to a lesson.

He did not expect that greater trouble was coming.

"Let me, go out--"

Gu lived up to his teeth, and he was blocked by Lin Lang, and he had to pass her seat to get out. But Lin Lang didn't mean to give up at all. His knees were together, and his sitting posture was clever. He was serious as if he was unreasonable and troubled others.

"Why are you fierce to me again?" Lin Lang scowled a pair of meniscus eyebrows with a shallow mark on her eyebrows. I still felt pity. "Have you not angered yet?"

"Classmate Lan, I can seriously warn you not to corrupt my reputation any more. The consequences are not something you can afford."

"What are the consequences?" Lin Lang asked in a loud voice. She stretched lazily, like a glossy fox, half of her soft body lying on the table.

The wood is warm and silky orange, and her hair slips down like black satin, paving the desk into an ink painting. Lin Lang's cheek was pressed against the palm of her hand, and she looked at the person sideways. The pupils of the dark black stars smiled, "Did you catch me, Mrs. Gu's little lady?"

Little lady! She thought beautifully!

Gu lived up to the heartache of Lin Lang, and for the first time in his life, he made an inelegant move and jumped directly to the table and walked away from the second row. Their sturdy and dexterous skills fanned many female classmates, subverting their impression of talented scholars' weak bodies.

Lin Lang disagreed, with a long hair wrapped around her fingertips, "You can't escape for a lifetime."

Gu Dacaizi's footsteps stopped abruptly, and then pulled back abruptly, his fierce eyes could not wait to swallow Lin Langsheng alive, "What the **** do you want?"

Lin Lang's lips were colorful, "I'm not about your people, about your meals, isn't it too much?"

About you a fairy board!

Gu Dacai Zi promised her with a fierce light.

The teachers and students of the second canteen were fortunate enough to see a scene where the gods descended. Gu Dacai, who had never set foot in the canteen, was stabbed by Lin Lang and awkwardly held the dinner plate to the master window.

"Master, I want fish-flavored eggplant."

Gu couldn't live up to his thoughts, what's the trouble for him to make a dish?

Lin Lang poked his head from behind and said with a smile, "Master, put more eggplant juice."

The master didn't lift his head, he put a spoonful neatly, and the thick juice oozed into the full rice. He lived up to his discomfort and stared hard, trying to use his mind to get rid of the nasty vegetable juice on the white rice. The master was not very impatient and said to Lin Lang, "Female classmate, what else would your boyfriend order?"

Gu lived up and opened his mouth to refute, "She is not--"

"Another cup of sea cucumber chicken soup, thank you master."

The master looked at the young and strong boy, and put the soup on his plate solemnly.

Disappointed: "..."

He wanted to kill the woman next to him!

In the eyes of college students, this is a pair of awkward couples. The man is holding a dinner plate and a cold face, a pair of long crane legs are running in front, and the woman is chasing behind, smiling like flowers Lifeless.

Why did these two enemies collide together?

The soul of the burning gossip, how can the students miss this opportunity to watch the world war, even the aunt of the dining room shakes their flesh and shakes their bad behavior, and takes up the small dinner plate Join them.

Eavesdropping nearby.

Lin Lang lifted the lid of the stew, squeezed the spoon with delicate fingers, and scooped a thick soup.

"Come on, Dalang, you should take medicine."

Gu Dalang: "..."

Eat your fairy board.

Sooner or later, he will pluck the red fox's hair out, and see what she is shaking!