Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1102: Ending (26)

When he roared a few words, he rushed back to the study room, grabbed the documents that the other party had faxed before, and carefully checked the words above, and could not help but get angry.

The document is very clear, the other party's payment is calculated on the working day, but the time is calculated according to the natural day, which means that he has not yet received it, but has already owed the other party's interest.

These words are a small piece of small notes in a row. At that time, he was not worried at all. Chen Ziming secretly concealed the other side's heart, but he could do nothing.

He used a similar method himself, but he did not think that he would become a prey for others. He wrote it in black and white, signed his name, and witnessed the bank’s Mr. Mike as a middleman. The document already has full legal effect.

The file fell heavily on the table, and Chen Ziming threw himself into the chair and started the screen to see it.

On the screen, Muhammad's stock has already risen last time. At this time, it has reached the 80% price before the full decline. Compared with 60% of the opening, it has risen by 20% - he missed the 20% difference.

This would mean that he would buy at least 20% more money if he bought the same amount of stock.

Chen Ziming raised his hands to support his forehead, his face was full of decadence and helplessness. Now, he can only pray that the other party can put money on his account on time on Monday, so that he still has a chance.

Once the stock price rises above its original value, it will become impossible for him to want to take the absolute stake in Muhammad.

Chen Ziming did not know that the person who promised to borrow money thousands of miles away was squinting and bathing in the gentle sunshine fishing in the afternoon.

Lightly fishing rods, the fish that have been caught swimming in the lake, the land is not eager to bring it to the surface.

“In our country, this is called 'slip fish', it is a very interesting game, knowing that it can't break free, but giving it the illusion that it seems to have the opportunity to escape, when it hopes to be the biggest...” The fish raised the water and the servant immediately reached the net to catch it. "And let it be absolutely absolute, this is the true meaning of fishing!"

The housekeeper smiled elegantly. "The young master said it is very interesting. This fish, how are you going to eat?"

From the side, look at the fish that has just been removed from the tank.

"This kind of thorn is more fleshy, tasteless, and cooked to feed the cat!"

The housekeeper smiled and noticed the figure on the **** not far away. He whispered, "Miss Emma is coming?"

Lu Yi narrowed his eyes, "The fish today is really much!"

In the voice, Emma has gone down the grass, came to the lake and said hello to the butler. She bent down and hugged her from behind, kissed his cheek.

"Dear, how is the harvest today?"

Lu from the bend and pick up another fish to catch, "In addition to the mermaid, other fish are hooked!"

Emma laughed. "So... do you want me to be hooked too?"

"I don't want sharp fish to stab your mouth." Lu was raising his hand and patted her face. "Today, please eat fish."

Say, lift the other fish rod as soon as the hand is lifted.

Sure enough, a beautiful pale gold fish hung on the fishing rod, and the scales were bright in the sun.

Emma is busy helping him catch the fish. "Wow, is this fish beautiful?"

"Exactly, the beauty eats the beautiful fish!" Lu said with a smile.