Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1328: Super Daddy (37)

The heart is tight, and the summer warms down the telescope quickly and hides behind the trunk of the spruce.

For a moment, I dared to look out and look at the direction of the balcony from afar.

At this time, the west city of the balcony has sent the smoke to the mouth, and the lighter is being ignited to ignite the smoke.

Such a long distance, such a dark night... He naturally could not see the summer warmth in the darkness with a black coat. The reason why he came out of the room was to think of smoking on the balcony.

Because of the two cigarettes left by her sister, he began to learn to smoke. In the past two years, he has already become addicted to cigarettes. Although he is not as fierce as the old smokers, he has to take three or four cigarettes every day, especially When I work late at night.

Just worried that the little guy got his second-hand smoke before he went to the balcony.

The balcony is open. In such a winter night, it is naturally very cold. Just after standing for a long time, the cold has risen from the foot of the slipper, just like a cold finger stroking the skin.

Pulling the cotton gown on his body, he spit out a group of blue-gray smoke, and the wind blew it up. He coughed out lowly, for fear of quarreling with the child, busy holding his mouth and nose with his palm.

Look sideways inside the house and make sure the little guy is not affected by him and re-send the cigarette to his lips.

With his arms on the railing of the balcony, he squinted at the night, and the things he pondered were naturally related to the children and the summer.

Outside the hospital.

After the summer, he hid behind the tree and peeked a few times to make sure that he did not find himself, and that the heart was lifted back to the original place.

This room should be the bedroom of Xicheng. The child, today he bought so many children's products in the mall, I don't know where the children will be arranged, whether he is with him or in another room.

He hasn't slept so late, is the child uncomfortable, or is he working?

There was no way to confirm the heart, but I could only pick up the telescope and look at the window behind him again.

There are curtains hanging on the window, only a wide gap reveals the light, and from her point of view, it is natural to see the scene inside the window.

The palm of the hand moved gently, and the sight of summer warmth fell on Xicheng again.

The man smokes a cigarette, and from time to time he turns his face and looks at the room. It seems that he is looking at someone - want to come, should he be in a room with him?

Thinking so, he has already accepted his thoughts. Before he saw his interaction in the restaurant and his thoughts, he was still very concerned about his thoughts. In the end, he was a father and son, and thought he would have difficulty accepting this child...

It seems that the thoughts should have been asleep, and her previous fears are superfluous.

The mood of summer warming gradually calmed down, and the object of concern in the heart shifted from mind to Xicheng.

With the help of a telescope, she can clearly see the face of Xicheng. The man frowns. The beautiful face looks more and more clear after the blue-gray smoke. It just looks for the lock eyebrows and reveals his anxiety at the moment.

He always likes to frown.

I remember, just transferred to his high school, she stood on the podium and saw the West Side sitting in the middle seat.

The boy was completely different from the half-sized teenagers in the class. All of them looked at her. He just looked at her calmly and moved his eyes back to the books on the table.

Later, the teacher arranged her to be at the same table with him. After she was seated, she saw his staff spread out on the table, and Xicheng was frowning and crossed out a string of notes just written on it.
