Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 16: Still sensible

"Shut up!" Mu Tianye suddenly stood up. "Let me give you any brand value. If you can't help me make money, then roll!"

"Yes, Mr. Mu!" The project leader immediately nodded. "We will go back and modify the plan."

Several people quickly quit his office, and assistant Zhou Tao walked cautiously.

"Mu Zong, it’s almost nine o'clock, should you go home too?"

The work has not been done, even told him to go home?

Mu Tianye’s side, “You don’t want to do it?”

"Of course not." Zhou Tao accompanied a smile. "You... aren't you making an appointment with your wife?"

As his assistant, Zhou Tao certainly not only has to arrange for his work to be socialized, but also helps him remember all kinds of dating matters. Before Mu Tianye said to Ning Xiaofei in the underground garage, "I am waiting for me at night", Zhou Tao early I have already heard it, of course, it is also carefully remembered.

This is the first time the man got to the woman, in case he missed his date, when the prince started to temper, he could only eat and walk.


Mu Tianye flashed Ning Xiaofei's face in front of his eyes, and glanced at the documents on the table. The important work had been done, and the other tomorrow was not too late.

He got up from the chair, Zhou Tao immediately took his suit jacket, helped him to put it on his body, and turned to help him open the door.

The two left the office in tandem and walked to the elevator. Zhou Tao had called the driver and asked him to drive the car to the elevator.

After a while, Mu Tianye had already sat on the car driving to the villa, smelling the flowers in the car, Mu Tianye frowned and turned his face, and immediately noticed the gift box in the corner of the seat.

"I have prepared a bouquet for you, the best champagne rose."


Mu Tianye glanced at the gift box on the seat and snorted disdainfully.

"There is no need for this."

He is not going to ask her for joy, why should she send her roses?

Zhou Tao couldn't understand his mood and had to accompany his smile and regain his gaze.

Soon, the car drove into the most expensive villa community in the A city, the best in that location, you can see the entire lake view of the villa door stop.

Side face, look at the lights on the third floor, Mu Tianye stretched his legs and got off the bus.

Zhou Tao had already taken out the spare key to help him open the door. The driver saw the roses on the car and was busy holding it.

"Mu total, your flower!"

At this point, Zhou Tao has opened the door, Mu Tianye squinted at the flowers that the driver took, and grabbed the fingers and walked into the door.

Zhou Tao stopped at the door with interest. "Look, what time do I come to pick you up?"

Mu Tianye put the rose on the small table in the foyer.

"7 o'clock."

"Okay, Mu, see you tomorrow."

Say goodbye, Zhou Tao gently closed the door and turned to the car to leave with the driver.

In the room, Mu Tianye took off his suit jacket and hung it on the hanger in the foyer. He glanced at the empty hall and walked upstairs to the third floor. He walked straight into the door of the master bedroom and walked in.

There was no one in the room. On the sofa on the bedside, a champagne-colored women's bra was thrown. He immediately believed it. It was the one that Ning Xiaofei wore last night.

Capturing the slight sound of the jacuzzi in the bathroom, Mu Tianye satisfactorily raised his lips.

Knowing that he is waiting for him to clean up is still sensible!

Raise his hand and pull off the tie and throw it aside. Mu Tianye walked to the bathroom and lifted his right hand to unlock the shirt button. The left hand unknowingly pushed open the door of the bathroom.



The new book needs the nourishment of the girls, so please recommend the ticket here, thank you, what? ~