Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 710: Surnamed Valley, you give me a stop!

“Just Zhang called and said that the season has officially resigned, and now the employees are making trouble!”

"How could this be?" Ning Xiaofei looked surprised.

Ning Xiaofei has to say something more, Su Ying has come over, "Ning, the phone in the office, Mu always looking for you."

"wait for me a bit!"

Ning Xiaofei quickly walked to his office to answer the phone, Ye Qiao asked Xu Can, what is going on.

Xu Can will get the news from Zhang Yue.

As soon as I heard that Fengyun International bought the show, Ye Qiao was so angry that he was too angry.

"I know, it must be the rain of Gu Yu!"

Put the beef jerky in the hand on the table, she grabbed the bag and rushed outside the door.

"Ye Zong, Ye Zong!"

Xu Can chased it out, she has gone all the way and disappeared.

Ning Xiaofei took over the phone of Mu Tianye, remembered the resignation of Ji Mo, and simply called the phone to Ji Mo’s mobile phone.

Listening to the reason of the season, she just frowned.

"A good show is sold, are these leaders of the TV station a pig?"

"Their eyes are very short, only paying attention to the immediate interests, and have no long-term vision."

Ji Mo sighed. He was preparing for this program for nearly three months. During the period, he encountered a lot of resistance. He was released for the show and won the approval of the public. He made a very high standard program, but now he can only confuse people. The heart is naturally unhappy.

"But it's good, just because I still lack people here, why don't you come over and work with me?!" Things have already developed into this step, and sadness has no meaning. Ning Xiaofei is deliberately gentle and wants to help adjust the seasons. A mood, "Come to dinner at noon, Xiao Qiao is here, let's have a few chats."

Just saying, Xu Can has already ran in.

"Ning always, Ye always just hurried away, I looked at her expression is not quite right!"

"Where did she go?"

"I don't know, but..." Xu Can frowned. "I guess it may be Fengyun International."

Ning Xiaofei heard a frown.

"What's wrong?!" Ji Mo also heard the sound, worried about the inquiry at the end of the phone.

"Little Joe just heard that your program was bought, and he rushed out. I guess she must have gone to Gu Yu."

"This girl, I will pass right away."

"Well, I am rushing over now, we will see you later!"

Hang up the phone, Ning Xiaofei took Su Ying, hurried down the stairs, while dialing Ye Qiao's phone call, but the call was busy.

When I finally got through, the taxi that Ye Qiao took was already driving down to Fengyun International.

"Little Joe, don't be impulsive, you listen to me, don't be impulsive, I am on the road with Jimmo!"

The corner of the eye caught the rain that was coming down from the car. Ye Qiao hangs up the phone directly, pulling a piece of money out of the bag and stuffing it into the driver. She bites her teeth and pushes the door of the taxi, and trots all the way to catch up.

In the hall, Gu Yu stood at the elevator door and was preparing to go upstairs.

"You are standing in the valley, you give me a stop!"

Ye Qiao was a scorpion, and the staff in the entire hall looked over.

Gu Yu frowned and turned to her face. When she saw her, she suddenly turned cold and blinked her eyes. She walked into the elevator.

Ye Qiao screamed again. "Gu Yu, don't pretend to give me a donkey. If you have a kind, give it to Xiaoye!"

Frowning, Gu Yu turned and walked out of the elevator, went to the middle of the hall, and greeted Ye Qiao, who was rushing over, and assistant Zhou Rong immediately guarded her side.