Extraordinary David (Transcendent David)

Chapter 633: Finalize

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"Who sent you, I can double, not triple ..." Baron Chapman glanced at the ridiculous and silly face of 'Assassin Mantis Puppet' and found that that face had not changed since he came in. He changed his mouth again: "I gave out ten times the gold coins of the gods, let us go!"

A trace of David remained in the body of the 'Assassin Mantis Puppet' heard the words of Baron Chapman, and secretly said that Baron Chapman chose the wrong target.

Standing on the tower, David saw the figures of the nine knights through the eyes of the assassin mantis puppet, and he was relieved.

The information of the Thieves Guild is still very accurate, and all the knights of the Atkins family are concentrated here.

As for the others in Atkins Castle, they could not escape the blockade of the thorny wall outside the castle, so David no longer needed to stay on top of the tower.

He jumped down from the tower, and at the height of forty meters he used a forward roll to reduce the force of falling.

The special power lifting device only has the function of lifting power, and this unloading still needs to be completed by himself.

David stood up, his feet pressed, and he rolled over several walls in a row.

The entire castle is full of chopped corpses. At the current size of the Atkins family, the family castle has a large number of guards and servants, plus the family members of the family.

Now none of these people can survive, as long as they do not hide in the secret room, with the ‘assassin mantis puppet’ ’s perception of life, as long as life within the castle ca n’t survive.

When David entered the restaurant, the 'Assassin Mantis Puppet' had forced the nine knights to shrink to the corner of the restaurant. Under the powerful momentum of the fourth-level Zerg, these nine knights had no courage to shoot.

According to the classification of the Great World of Gods, these nine knights can only be regarded as the second level, while the ‘Assassin Mantis Puppet’ is the fourth level. The gap between them is really too big.

Baron Chapman saw David coming in. David had a weak knightly blood, and he knew this should be a trainee knight.

Baron Chapman settled a little bit in his heart. Compared with the "assassin mantis puppet" who could not communicate, David, who just came in with a cold face, seemed to communicate more easily.

As long as he can communicate, Baron Chapman believes that with his eloquence, he must have the opportunity to persuade the other party to let them go. In order to survive, he is willing to take out everything.

"This knight, please let us go. I am willing to show enough sincerity to guarantee that it will be more than ten times more expensive than your shot!" Baron Chapman looked at the stopped "Assassin Mantis Puppet" and judged it in his heart. David's status should be higher, so he pleaded again.

"Baron Chapman, as long as you are killed, all the wealth in this castle is mine. Why should I listen to you?" David looked at Baron Chapman and said lightly.

"No, the family treasure trove can only be opened by me. As long as you swear to the gods to ensure our safety, I will open the family treasure trove. You can take everything in the treasure trove!" Baron Chapman said again, increasing the temptation.

In the world of gods, swearing to gods is a very solemn thing. The oath is guarded by the **** of justice. When the **** of justice is explicitly mentioned and then swears, once the oath is violated, it will be repulsed by the mind.

Especially for the cultivator, the oath against the God of Justice will interrupt the cultivation process.

"I don't know of any treasure house that can block several attacks of the fourth-grade weapons?" David pointed to the 'Assassin Mantis Puppet'.

But David's words gave Baron Chapman a clear heart, and David seemed to realize that he might have said something wrong.

In fact, any treasure house is protected by a special magic circle. The size of the treasure house depends on the financial resources of the owner, because the treasure house needs to consume kryptonite to maintain it.

The treasure house protected by the magic circle cannot be forcibly opened without the energy of the treasure house being completely consumed.

The attack of the fourth-grade weapon is only to accelerate the consumption of kryptonite, and it takes a short time to break the treasure house.

Baron Chapman is surprised that David lacks knowledge in this area. He thinks of the enemy of the Atkins family. Although he said that he had had many enemies during the growth of the Atkins family, David was a great world to God. Without understanding the basics, he immediately guessed David's identity.

"Baron Arthur, you led someone to assassinate my Atkins family, aren't you afraid that the aristocratic office will pursue it?" Baron Chapman cried out.

At this time, Baron Chapman had already regretted it in his heart. He knew that the Ruth family had four strong men, and he did not dare to offend the Lus family by giving him a few guts.

"Who knows I've been here?" David asked with a smile.

"No, you don't know the capabilities of the aristocratic office, even if we are all dead, their alchemists can find clues!" Baron Chapman is still working hard.

"No more struggling, I just want to ask, did anyone instruct you to deal with the Luce family?" David shook his head and asked.

Baron Chapman did not expect David to ask this question, a stunned expression appeared on his face, he wanted to lie with a look, but it was clearly seen by David.

"Needless to say, I know the result!" David waved to stop Baron Chapman's answer.

David also found that he was thinking too much. The enemies he faced were always very powerful. When he transformed into Arthur, he thought it was the same this time. There was a certain powerful force in Chapman. The baron's hands deal with the Luce family.

This is also the reason why he appeared, want to know the reason from the mouth of Baron Chapman.

David gave orders to the "Assassin Mantis Puppet" with his heart, and then the figure of "Assassin Mantis Puppet" rushed into the knight battle line.

Waving a weapon in the hands of the knight in front, greeted the 'Assassin Mantis Puppet', but when their weapon fell, they found that the target they attacked disappeared.

Then the knights found that their bodies were cut open. The eight knights who were standing in front of Baron Chapman had no space to start the knight battle. Together with the huge gap in strength, they were cut at random by the assassin mantis puppet. Fall to the ground.

The ability of knights and war horses to share their lives has not been able to save the lives of knights. This kind of fatal damage is not only unable to be healed by war horses, but also allows the vitality of war horses to be emptied instantly.

"Baron Arthur, you collude with the Atkins to destroy the Atkins family. The noble affairs office will not let you go!" Baron Chapman saw how the knights of the family were all dying on the spot and couldn't help shouting.

Know that the knight who fell to the ground has his own son, his brother, and the five family heirs are all related to him.

This kind of anger of the death of a loved one in front of him makes him almost crazy!

Baron Chapman seems to have forgotten that he himself sent someone to capture David, otherwise how could David appear here.

Baron Chapman was only half said, and was swept across the body by two lilac lights, his roar suddenly disappearing.

Shadow Servant flew forward and absorbed all the souls.

David was wondering why Baron Chapman said so, when did he collude with the evil spirit.

But when he saw ‘Assassin Mantis Puppet’, he finally understood what Baron Chapman had misunderstood!

Baron Chapman regards the 'Assassin Mantis Puppet' as a believer in evil spirits, because the **** is a powerful player in the world, and only the knight can disclose his identity. Most of the remaining powerful players are not recognized. of.

‘Assassin ’s Mantis Puppet’ has no knightly breath, and it does not even use the knight ’s fighting style when fighting, which is a good illustration of the problem.

A fourth-level strongman, if it is recognized by the gods world, then if you want to deal with a family like the Atkins family, you do n’t need such a secret action at all, as long as you show your strength, the Atkins family naturally Will surrender voluntarily.

David shook his head. Baron Chapman estimated that he had never been to Battle Star and knew very little about the Zerg, otherwise he would recognize that the weapon of the "Assassin Mantis Puppet" was the blade of the Zerg.

Baron Chapman had a space ring on his finger. His armor was good, but he was swept by the fourth-level blade of the assassin mantis puppet, and he broke a few pieces long ago.

David put away the weapons and space equipment that were still available in the restaurant, and then he made a circle around the castle to let the shadow attendants absorb all the soul.

He began to inspect the castle. Perhaps Baron Chapman thought the Atkins family treasure house was very safe and secret, but the secret treasure house was only a decoration for the shadow attendant.

Soon the shadow attendant discovered the underground treasure house, which was in Baron Chapman ’s bedroom. In the process, David even inspected the entire Atkins castle, and then more than 100 meters underground. There is no life.

Coming outside the treasure house, David looked at the treasure house under the protection of the pattern, and looked at the "Assassin Mantis Puppet" aside, the blades of the two hands on the "Assassin Mantis Puppet" waved towards the pattern on the surface of the treasure house.

The pattern is constantly flashing, and when the blade touches the surface of the treasure house, there is continuous energy.

This is the first time David saw something that could block the attack of a fourth-grade weapon. If it is not because the pattern on the treasure trove must be on the ground when used, this pattern can be used on large war machines. To a good defense.

Unfortunately, once the connection to the earth is lost, the effect of this pattern will be lost.

After David "Assassin Mantis Puppet" attacked dozens of times, he let "Assassin Mantis Puppet" stop the attack. He didn't have time to wait here for a long time.

His mind enters the shadow servant body, and then manipulates the shadow servant to directly enter the treasure house through the protection of the figure pattern.

No matter how powerful the defense is, it is rare to be able to block the shadow attendants in different spatial layers. David saw the situation in the treasure house through the eyes of the shadow attendants.

This treasure trove is larger than the treasure trove of the Ruth family, but it's no big deal.

In the treasure house, the first thing he saw was that ten space bags were placed in a row, which was particularly noticeable.

Shadow Servant flew past, and the spirit entered the space bag, and found that all of it was second-level reinforced meat. So many second-level reinforced meat, alone in terms of resources, is enough for 100 knights to practice for a year.

But considering the number of knights in the Atkins family, these resources are normal.

These ten space bags are just the outermost row, and two space rings are close to the inner row. The spirit of the Shadow Attendant turns out to be a third-level reinforced meat, which is enough for two knights to practice for three years.

David didn't know where the Atkins family got so many training resources, but wanted to come. This is one of the reasons why the Atkins family attracted the knights to surrender.

Inside are three sets of third-level knight complete sets of equipment, including armor, horse armor, heavy swords, short spears, and round shields. Inside, there are hundreds of books, all knight-related books.

David asked the shadow attendant to take all these items out of the treasure house a little bit. He hung all the space bags on his body. Two space rings plus the one of Baron Chapman were hung around the neck with a string. .

The internal space of the space ring used by Baron Chapman is larger than that used by David himself, and there are many cultivation resources and some living items in it.

Some of the remaining items were collected by David into the space ring, because with four space rings, he had enough space to take all the items in the treasure house.

Of course, the treasure trove is only part of the Atkins family ’s wealth. The currency like the **** gold coin seems to be the reason for normal use on weekdays, or for the family that started with business, the **** gold coin is relatively easy to obtain, so it is not placed in the treasure house Among.

However, the existing warehouse David had seen before, that the warehouse was only locked, and there was no additional pattern to protect it.

When David came to the warehouse, he twisted the lock with one hand and pushed the door into it.

Five space treasure chests in the form of a temple of wealth were piled up in the warehouse. He stepped forward and opened each one, and each of the space treasure chests was full. That is to say, these five space treasure chests alone had five million divine gold coins.

David couldn't help but be surprised by the wealth of the Atkins family. He was able to get one million divine gold coins because he exchanged for 10 billion assets of the Star Federation.

Although the divine gold coins have little effect on improving his strength, the addition of these divine gold coins allows him to squander at will in the divine world.

Looking at the time, he has been out for five hours. After calculating the return time, he did not stay.

Soon after David left the castle of the Atkins family, the wall of thorns that had lost the maintenance of David's spirit broke apart. This kind of thorns that used the "thorn bred pattern" to grow quickly did not last long. In life, the characteristics of thorns are raised to the limit.

David returned to his bedroom before dawn. When he returned to the bedroom, he also entered using the "underground sneak". At that time, in addition to a few duty guards and early servants, the rest of the castle was still sleeping. in.

He entered the bedroom and immediately placed all the loot in the treasure house through the shadow attendant. Now the treasure house in the castle, except him, no one can enter, which is the safest place.