Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1018: Sun Zhengyi (10/10)

The reason why Feng Yu can look at those industries is not because Feng Yu has memories of past lives. To talk about investment, Feng Yu is really very general.

Even some contract negotiations, Feng Yu are worse than many people in the company, but the investment is right, that is, can get very high profits.

In the past, there was a well-known person in the venture capitalist, that is, Sun Zhengyi of the island country, especially the investment high-tech enterprise, which has won dozens or even hundreds of times, and made him the richest man in Asia.

However, it was a past life. In this world, Sun Zhengyi’s investment was not so smooth.

In the past two years, he has been involved in network technology companies, especially one billion dollars invested in Yahoo, which is one of his most successful investments in recent years. He has received more than 70 times the return, and the original investment of one billion dollars, now worth nearly eight billion dollars!

This also made him see the benefits of investing in such a company. He began to look around for this emerging network technology company, and even took the initiative to find a door to invest in the other side.

His investment is the same as many venture capitalists. After the investment, the other company's operation is listed, and then he can cash out.

Of course, if a company like Yahoo continues to hold stocks, waiting for dividends is also a good choice. If you are a VC, you are not afraid of losing money. Like Yahoo, even if it has been invested for fifty times, it will be a loss. If this time is successful, he will not be able to make a lot of money.

After research, he believes that the Chinese market and the South Korean market are the emerging markets for network technology companies in the future. He began to look for these two countries to find network technology companies that need venture capital.

When he was in South Korea, he was in trouble. Xiangjiang’s family had suddenly entered the South Korean market. He acquired and merged many companies, and he also invested in a lot of companies. The other party’s wealth was so thick that he did not react at all. Several companies he is optimistic about have already been paid for by their families.

This is nothing, how big is the market in South Korea, and how big is the market in China. Network technology companies, to put it bluntly, need huge users as support.

There are many Chinese people, what a big market it is. Although China's economy is still not developed enough, the economic growth rate has been very fast in recent years, and China's development of computers is also very important. China's Lianxiang Group, the sales and sales in these years have not risen steadily, it has exceeded A lot of computer brands in their island country!

Computers sell well, indicating that there are more users, and network construction will naturally become better and better, then network technology companies may be prosperous!

Moreover, he found that China likes to study the strategies of other countries and then imitate it to some extent. How much value did the country create by relying on network technology? Huaxia did not scream the slogan of accelerating network development this year.

He believes that there will be a lot of network technology companies in China, but there will certainly be a lack of funds. This is a good opportunity for VCs to shoot, he will definitely be able to invest in a lot of companies, and then make a big profit.

So he came to China with confidence and even brought a huge evaluation and negotiation team. He believes that Softbank will invest at least a few hundred million dollars in China. In the future, as long as one of the companies can reach half of Yahoo, or One third, he earned it.

But what he couldn't think of was that he came to China in a high-profile manner and even carried out some propaganda, but he did not wait for someone to take the initiative to find a door to invest.

He was surprised to find out what happened. Isn’t the company in China not aware of the VC?

The subordinate gave him a message that he couldn't catch up. Huaxia had a well-invested investment company at this time, and he was still a large-scale advertising investment company. He was optimistic about the companies that went to the company to invest. I want to find a soft line.

An investment company that focuses on VCs has spent so much money on advertising. This is incredible in his opinion, but there are companies doing this!

And this company claims to have billions of dollars to invest in, which kind of big deal, which rich company?

Thinking about it, he thinks there is only one possibility, that is, this company is the company of the Chinese super rich, the richest man in Asia, Feng Yu.

Taihua Supermarket Group, isn't that Feng Yu's industry? Taihua Consulting, from the name point of view, is likely to be Feng Yu's.

Moreover, he does not think that there are others in the mainland of China who can get a huge sum of billions of dollars!

He found himself in the opponent, and he was a very strong opponent. One person was more than their soft assets. Although the market value of the soft line has already exceeded 20 billion US dollars at this time, it is still less than Feng Yu's assets.

A venture capital company must have a focus on investment. He thinks that Feng Yu is focusing on those Internet companies. He can invest in other high-tech companies.

But what made him depressed was that Feng Yu’s Taihua Consulting seemed to invest in everything. No matter which company he saw, he was eventually taken away by Taihua Consulting.

Even some companies, he also took the initiative to find the door, gave his excellent conditions, but turned to others to take his terms, to talk with Taihua Consulting, and also talked about.

He did not know that many Chinese people have opinions on the island people. Although it is normal to do business, they can cooperate with Huaxia Company and they are not willing to cooperate with the island company.

Today is the case again. He talked to a company called NetEco for a long time. He thought that this company would accept his venture capital, but he learned that just now, NetEase signed a venture with Taihua Consulting. protocol.

Another company he liked was snatched away by Taihua Consulting. He clearly made such a big concession and even made a lot of controversy. He gave a number that other directors are unwilling to accept. Taihua Consulting signed the contract?

Is it possible to give such a good condition to Taihua Consulting? A normal venture capital company can't have better conditions than him!

He knows that Taihua Consulting is not a normal venture capital company. Some companies are required by Feng Yu to invest. Moreover, Taihua Consulting has been staring at the soft line. Any company that has been inspected by the soft line and is ready to invest, Taihua Consulting has almost given away!

The rest of it is really the opening of the other lion, Sun Lijie gave up the investment. And Soft Line is not interested in accepting the harsh conditions. He is a VC, but he will not make a risky investment. He can't see the future of those companies!

This time, the Chinese line, the soft line was completely defeated. Sun Zhengyi had to make a decision to lead the team to leave China. It seems that he can only go to Europe to try it.

If you have money, you can't invest. This is the first time that he has felt so wrong after he became a rich man!


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