Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 105: Canopy pig

Returning to the farm again, Feng Yu did not have to say goodbye to Li Na. Hey, at the same time, the family’s presence in the field also bought a house, and even the house, for a long time, no one lived.

Besides, the best partner, Wen Dongjun, moved to the field with his father's work. For the company, Feng Yu really didn't have much disappointment. Do you have any deep feelings for neighbors who have never been in contact for decades?

After returning home, Feng Yu did not idle. He first went to the processing factory to look at it. The production went smoothly. After a few laps in it, he did not see any violation of the safety rules. This made Feng Yu particularly satisfied.

There are many flammable items in this factory. Once something happens, firefighting may not be able to rescue. And in the event of a fire, the factory is abolished, and even the Taihua brand that Feng Yi is not easy to get out is also finished.

There was a famous Qiudu ham in the past life. At the peak of the year, the profit was several hundred million. That was a few hundred million in the early 1990s. The purchasing power far exceeded the one billion before his rebirth. Because of the fire, I couldn’t bear the loss of more than 40 million yuan. I continued to use the burned pork and added it to the ham. I was eaten with the smell of smoke. As a result, I was smashed by competitors, saying that the autumn was cremation. The field joint venture led to the brand of Qiudu stinking the streets overnight!

At present, the domestic ham sausages are basically all autumn, but it has not been a good time, and a company with a fortune teller as a think tank can have any development prospects.

Unfortunately, there is no similar production line in the Soviet Union. The sausages they produce differ greatly from the taste of the domestic ham. The Soviet-style sausages have arrived in China, but have they become the ice city?

Feng Yu is optimistic about this pig farm. The second reason is that the market of ham sausage is far from saturated. As long as he can get a production line, Feng Yu has the confidence to occupy the market in the northeast. Ten, one hundred million a year, it is easy to drop 10 million!

The current priority is to make the pig farm bigger. At least for now, Feng Yu believes that the pig farm should also be branded. For example, the previous Shuanghui cold meat, the country opened so many chain stores, every year can only bring tens of billions of profits. Feng Yu may not manage as well as the other side, but he has a sneak peek, and it is no problem to occupy the three northeastern provinces.

Only the name of the pig farm, so that Feng Yu's family once again caused a contradiction.

"You said, hey, is there a brand for pigs?" If he is not his son, he has already let the other party roll the egg! Pigs, not just selling meat, what brand? Isn't a brand a pig?

"Dad, you think about it, our soybean oil, with the brand, with our advertising, is it better to sell than the bulk oil of the grain and oil mills? And our sugar, get the brand, change to hardcover, Is the profit higher than you think? The same is true for pigs. With the brand, when others buy meat, the first thing that comes to mind is our pork!"

Feng Xingtai scratched his head, it seems to be this rationale, but a pork, what brand? Anyway, if Feng Yu says that he dares to call Taihua, he will blow the big ear!

"Then you talk about, what brand do you want to make? Warn you not to say anything on the handsome, the last time you made that couplet was played by Xu deputy director, and then he was hospitalized for high blood pressure!"

When Feng Xingtai said this, he still wanted to laugh. He didn't think so much at the beginning, but Xu deputy director saw the "door god" of the captain of the canopy, and saw the Shanglian, and then he went out to the next line: "The pig is under!"

The result attracted everyone to laugh, and Xu’s blood pressure was picked up at the time. If someone was behind him, he might have planted it on the ground. Anyway, since that time, Xu’s deputy director has never been to a pig farm, but Feng Xingtai has saved a lot of hospitality.

"Do you want to call spring ~ bright?" Feng Yu carefully proposed. Spring ~ bright and bright pigs, listening to more festive, catchy, easy to remember.

"Spring ~ bright! What broke the name, no!" Feng Xingtai knows that the TV series of the future hot screen, refused.

Feng Yu has some regrets, but with the name, he can get ten or eight at random, can't think of it, can't steal the good names of past lives?

"How about Shuanghui, discount, and affordable."

"Sell a pork, concessions, what time are you selling something more expensive than others? No!"

"Then, named after the place name, how about the name of our farm?"

"No, the name of our farm is not happy, let alone the name of the martyr. Can the name of the martyr be used on the pig?" Feng Xingtai stunned Feng Yu.

Feng Yuxi smiled and felt that it was not appropriate.

"There is how the ice city pig farm, anyway, our main target market next year is Ice City!"

"Our pig farm is not in the ice city, what is the ice city pig farm?" Feng Xingtai continued to oppose.

"Then the canopy, the name is concise, everyone knows that it is selling pork!" Feng Yu said casually.

When Dad opposes it a few times, he said that he called Jin Hao, and he opened the way. The meaning of gold comes, this dad definitely likes it. What Feng Yu did not expect was that Dad seemed to be very interested in this name.

Feng Xingtai squinted his eyes and looked back at his wife: "What do you think of this name?"

"Tian Peng, Pig Ba Jie, can this name work?" Zhang Muhua couldn't help but laugh. The two men discussed it for a long time and got such a "good name"?

"No objection, then... so fixed. To change the information tomorrow, I am registered in the ice city, I promise that our Tianpeng pig can be hot in the future!" Feng Yu has some regrets, the name Jin Hao No use. Although the spring is light, but the name of the canopy is not bad, he comforted himself.


The length of the field looked at Feng Xingtai in front of him, what did this old Feng do, a good pig farm, what is the Tianpeng pig farm? The one that was last made is handsome enough to be speechless. This time it is still coming. Is this deliberately disgusting to Xu’s deputy director?

"The length of the field, does this not violate the rules? Our name is not casual, it is well thought out."

The length of the field can not help but belly, are you still thinking about it? If you want to start from scratch, what is the name, pig pig or pig?

In fact, Feng Yu originally had a more powerful name, called the Marshal of the Pig, but because he was homophonic with a founding leader, he was afraid to be said to have slandered the leader and had to give up.

"Old Feng, this pig farm is called a pig farm, can't you do it? What do you call Tianpeng?" the field manager couldn't help but ask.

"The length of the field, this pig is also to have a brand! You see our soybean oil, sugar, after the brand, how good is the sales? This pig is the same, there is a brand is not the same as the brand, the brand can bring others A sense of trust." Feng Xingtai is now selling and selling the words of Feng Yu yesterday.

"Brand? It's better to name it with the name of our farm." The director wants to borrow light. If Taihua brand soybean oil is used, the name of the farm should be good, and the side also promotes the farm.

"The name of the martyr can be used to name the farm? The canopy is so good that it is a **** pig when you hear it. Yes, at the time of the New Year, our farm is going to donate ten pigs to the farm union to comfort those. Poverty-stricken households." Feng Xingtai once again said that Feng Yu taught his rhetoric. Sure enough, once the hearing was good, the field leader no longer refused.

From this day on, the summer days of the hot summer pigs officially appeared! ~~~ Ask for collection, for recommendation, these two data are not satisfactory, please support the fourth, recommend a ticket for each thousand, the fourth and the other chapter! Now count four thousand three, can you add more, see everyone.