Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1092: Plunging (request for a ticket)

In the afternoon, a Wall Street investment company owner, sitting in the office, turned on the TV as usual, watching today's news.

Suddenly, his face changed dramatically. He immediately grabbed the phone and noticed: "From now on, throw away all the shares of Enron we hold. You don't care how much loss we will have. This is the order! If you can't Drop the stock in half an hour, then pack it up and get out!"

Not only this boss, but the bosses of several investment companies and securities companies, after seeing the news on TV and the articles of the two professors in the newspaper, chose to throw away the stock in the first time.

Some people who are not concerned about these news are very surprised. What is wrong with this, why are there so many people who release Enron’s stock? Enron also said yesterday that there will be a large amount of income immediately, and the stock price should continue to rise.

Some people speculate that it is a so-called technical adjustment?

If this is the case, then it is likely that the dealer is washing the dishes. They should take advantage of this opportunity to eat some Enron stocks again and share the low cost.

So when a lot of people sold Enron stock, there were still some companies that started eating a lot of Enron stocks, and they didn't notice the news.

Doing financial, even real-time information is not well mastered, and losing money is not surprising.

At this time, Enron temporarily held an enlarged meeting of directors, not only the board of directors of the company, but also some important executives of the company.

"Everyone, now our stock price is plunging. Who told me what should we do?" asked the chairman of Enron.

"I think we can make people refuted Feng in the media hill. He is not a professional financial officer. His words are not credible!" Someone suggested.

"What about the two professors at Harvard Business School? They are professional and can be called authoritative."

"We can change those two, I think nothing is priceless." The bite replied. Apart from this approach, he couldn't think of a better way.

When he saw this news today, he also let his agent cash out all of his Enron stocks. Although he sold so much, he lost a lot, but if he waits until tomorrow, the loss will be more.

At this time, some people who did not read newspapers and TV received news on the Internet. Enron was suspected of financial fraud and falsely reported profits.

They wanted to throw away Enron’s stock at this time, only to find that they couldn’t sell it.

Since everyone is throwing, there is no one to pick up, which leads to Enron’s stock not only being sold, but also the stock price is still falling. Those people hold orders, one is lower than one.

I am afraid that later, these stocks are equivalent to one piece of waste paper!

At this time, the securities companies and investment company bosses who had bottomed out in the afternoon were crying. They thought they were cheap, and the result was a pit!

It’s rotten now, and the stock will open tomorrow, guaranteeing that it will continue to fall.

Those who sold Enron’s stock first were relieved at this time. Although the crazy sell-off, they lost a lot, and some big companies even lost tens of millions of dollars. But it’s always better than nothing in the end.


"Stumble! Hahaha, Feng, you are so amazing, this Enron stock really started to fall. You said that such a big company, how to issue so few stocks, we have not borrowed much Short." Kirilenko has a regrettable look.

"That's not bad. At the beginning, you still intend to invest in the stock of this company." Feng Yubai took a look at Kirilenko. If you invest in Enron, just wait for the blood to go.

Well, maybe the court will later sentence Citi and other companies to make compensation, but the compensation is definitely not enough.

"The agent has already been opened by me! I know that with the flow, if I am at this level, why should I give him such a high commission?" When it comes to this, Kirilenko is coming. The agent he invited, how can there be such a big gap than those invited by Feng Yu!

This time, they borrowed the shares of Enron from the securities company and then waited for a while to buy them back. They only had to pay a deposit.

Unfortunately, a stock can not be borrowed much, so don't look at the high profit margins, but the overall profit is not much, but it is enough to make up for the loss of their online technology stocks.

When Feng Yu chatted with them, Ralph knocked in the door: "The boss, Enron has responded. The chairman said that your remarks are purely filthy. They have never faked any data. They have commissioned a lawyer to send you a letter of attorney to you and the cable television station of the country, asking us to apologize publicly and compensate for the loss."

After the news was released, Enron’s share price really rose a bit, and some of the listed orders were finally delivered successfully. Now those investors are divided into two factions, one is to sell quickly, and the loss is recognized. The other faction is taking the opportunity to copy the bottom, waiting to turn over tomorrow, making a big profit.

Kirilenko frowned and said: "They are too shameless. Didn't they respond to the Benford's specific law?"

Feng Yu smiled and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, the accounting firm I want to give to Enron will respond to us soon."

Sure enough, the accounting firm, which is very famous in the United States, fired two senior accountants on the same day.

Feng Yugang said that they made false accounts, and then two accountants were fired. It is okay to say that, who believes!

After the news broke out, Enron’s share price plunged again and again, and Ladu could not hold it.

"Feng, should we buy back?" Kirilenko asked, borrowed stocks, always have to be back.

Feng Yu shook his finger: "I am not in a hurry. How much has it fallen today? It will continue to fall tomorrow. Even I think that the stock of this company can not fall below one dollar."

"How much? One dollar? This morning, their stock price is more than sixty dollars!" Kirilenko widened his eyes.

Feng Yuxin said that if the price falls below one dollar, the company will go bankrupt.

"Nothing is impossible. If their company makes false accounts, they will have to bear legal sanctions. The evaluation agency will reduce the credit rating of Enron, which is a fatal blow to Enron. Besides, Think about it, why are we still selling Citigroup stocks?"

"You mean, Enron's things are big, will Citigroup be involved?" If you can bring in Citi, it is not impossible.

"Inevitably, Citi is one of the most famous financial groups on Wall Street. Now, the network bubble, Citi is also one of the promoters behind the scenes. How many companies in this company have invested in stocks, and they have a lot of profits. There is no substantial evidence. The attack on Citi will not be too big. But Citi’s account with Enron has been done, and Citi may not know?”

Feng Yu is full of confidence, and Citi must pay a heavy price for it!

... (to be continued.)