Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1099: Forum should be managed

On the weekend, Feng Yu registered the legend and found that Zhou Kexin was still not online. He asked the two people who had practiced. Zhou Kexin was occasionally online, but never responded to their news.

Feng Yu sighed and seemed to think about other ways.

Bored Feng Yu logged into the 馊 fox forum, want to go shopping in the forum, look at the current forum, what it is.

At this time, the registration account is extremely simple, there is no need for mailbox verification, no verification code, and there is no contact information such as mobile phone number. Feng Yu randomly entered a set of numbers and registered successfully.

Going back and talking to Zhang Chaoyang, the account registration, you can also advertise. For example, the registration needs to fill in the mailbox number, so you can send a verification code to your mailbox, and then the mailbox of NetEase will not be promoted? Net billion can give you advertising fees.

There are also contact methods, mobile phones are not popular, but it is not difficult for netizens to apply for an oq number? Let them leave the oq number, when you can collect an advertising fee with Penguin, how can Zhang Chaoyang think of such a simple way to make money?

There are still a few companies that can cooperate with each other. This is a business opportunity. Why are you so dead?

While sighing, Feng Yu browsed the forum.

Culture, history, military, entertainment, sports, finance, cars, women, emotions, stories, topics...

Hey, this forum has a lot of sections. Even if one section is maintained by two or three people, it will take a lot of people. This is very good, to give people a feeling that anything can be discussed in the forum.

Since the ancient forum, there have been more people, and there are more people here!

Click on the car forum, a post on the top is to comment on the performance of the new Oriental deer, the evaluation given above is very high. Feng Yu nodded with satisfaction. This evaluation is very objective, not exaggerated, nor demeaning, very good.

The second is the Songjiang-s1 sports car launched this year. There are only a few buyers' comments, saying that the performance is not worse than the imported sports car, and the repair and maintenance is simple and the shape is more beautiful. The rest of the piece is a commentary, the retail price of this car is 1.08 million!

Can afford, are local tyrants!

The third is Songjiang-Dihao, Songjiang's high-end custom cars, the price between one million and three million, the first order, and then produced. There are also some people who have said that it is so beautiful to see an emperor in xx.

The rest is the introduction of other brands of cars, but Songjiang's posts account for nearly one-third, and the top five posts, three are Songjiang, and the remaining two are newly listed joint venture cars.

Knowing that using the forum to advertise, Li Mingde’s mind is still not so outdated, which is not bad.

Sports is the report of the upcoming Sydney Olympics. Feng Yu has no interest in this. The athletes who want to focus on it have already signed down. After they win the championship, the advertisement will start to be launched. This year, the investment in five sets of advertising has increased a lot. During the Olympics, the ratings of the five sets may exceed one.

There is a post that makes Feng Yu very want to laugh, is to congratulate the Los Angeles storm team, won this year's US professional championship. As mentioned above, it is a big step for the Chinese people to invade the sport of the country.

Feng Yu Khan, wherever you sing high-profile. The main players in my area are all from the country, even if they are big, it is a substitute.

Yes, when the Chinese men’s basketball delegation did go to the training camp in the country, I hosted a lot and let them play a friendly match with the team several times. This is to let the big man stay and squat on the bench. The scoring ability is still good.

The history is open, there are all kinds of wild history. Feng Yu browsed it. There are so many people here. Even the historical prototypes of Guanyin Bodhisattva are found out. Really tm genius, there are still people who believe it!

Pointing on finance, there are some so-called experts on the Internet. The Internet stocks will be big, and the temporary decline will be a technical adjustment. It will rise later.

This tm is not brain damage, it is child care. Normal people should be aware that online stocks will be hit. Although it will not be destroyed, it is not the time for the company to hit the banner of the network, so that the stock price will rise.

Whoever wants to start the bottom-up at this time is to take his own money to the water.

Feng Yu replied to his comments below this post, making people buy with caution. As for anyone who wants to listen to him, he will not care. If you are a person who wants to die, you can’t stop it.

Feng Yu went shopping one by one, and when I went to the emotional column, I found that something was wrong. How do you post so many posts in the emotional column? And the number of replies is so much? Now people like to talk about life on the Internet? Is there online dating? No, this is the forum!

I will open it one by one, I will wipe it. This is not the kind of article!

Look at the neat reply downstairs to know: the landlord is a good person! The landlord is working hard!

Nima, this is an emotional forum. Feng Yu thinks that it is the kind of forum that talks about emotions and talks about the shortcomings of parents. How did it become a place where such articles are rampant?

Since there are in this section, what about the other sections? For example, culture, women, life, etc., are there such articles?

If this is noticed, the forum must be blocked.

Who is the moderator of this forum, what to eat! Still said that Zhang Chaoyang knows, deliberately connive! If it is the latter, it should be too bad!

Feng Yu immediately grabbed the phone and dialed Zhang Chaoyang's phone: "Hey, Zhang Zong, I Feng Yu."

"Feng, what's the matter?"

"Zhang Zong, our forums are now very large, and we are very happy."

“It’s all the credit of the company’s colleagues.” Zhang Chaoyang said modestly.

"I am a little curious, are you going to this forum?"

"Go, every day, I go to the forum to see, mainly to see the economy." Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile.

"This forum is a place where people can talk freely, but it is not a statement that can be said casually. Does the forum post, does it need to be reviewed?"

Zhang Chaoyang heard that Feng Yu’s tone was wrong. He cautiously asked: “Feng, is there any question in the forum?”

"There is not one, there are many, and even the entire section, there are problems! Is there any moderators and administrators in these sections?"

"Yes, a moderator, a sub-moderator to assist in management. You also know that there are more sectors, more people need. This work is more boring, so there are inevitable omissions." Zhang Chaoyang explained.

"If there are only one or two posts that have problems, it can be said that they are omissions. I can understand this. But if you go to the post on the emotional column, there are eight of the ten questions. If there is any problem, you have any problem. After reading it, tell me!"

Zhang Chaoyang listened to the busy tone on the phone. Some of them were awkward. He clicked on the forum, logged in to the account, and saw the post in the emotional section of this section.

Zhang Chaoyang's face turned red and grabbed the phone on the table: "The person in charge of the technical department and the content operation department will come to my office immediately! Also, inform the moderators and sub-moderators of the emotional section of the forum to come over, by the way, let the finance put this Count the two wages!"


Book Friends Group, 5,020,98, 4,68, welcome to the group (to be continued.)