Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1275: Pilot (subscription)

"What do you say? Chinese network has become a pilot of the real-name system of the network?" Feng Yu was very surprised.

Sure enough, there is still the idea of ​​implementing a real-name system, but Feng Yu did not expect that Shi Dazhu actually won such a condition.

Since it is used as a pilot, it will give a certain support policy, which is of great benefit to the development of the Chinese network.

"How can I agree on the top?"

"You don't need them to save money. Everything is done by us. It just gives a simplification of the name and related procedures. They can know whether this real-name model is easy to use. Why do they disagree? Maybe you don't know, Both South Korea and the island countries have begun to promote the real-name system of the network."

This news, Feng Yu is not unexpected, the first developed country in the world to implement the real-name system of the network, is South Korea, in 2005, and then the island country. As the world's best network construction country, South Korea is also the first country to successfully implement the real-name network system. In terms of network, it is indeed ahead of the world.

Of course, this is related to the small size of South Korea and the small population. They were promoted through several companies and then promoted to the whole country.

South Korea is just a few of the top companies, such as the four-star group, Daewoo, LG, Hyundai, etc., when these pillar companies have agreed, it is much easier to promote.

After all, South Korea’s politics are also influenced by these big companies, and their basic interests are also consistent.

After the past life was under the real-name system of South Korea's trial network, Huaxia was stimulated and began to reorganize the network public information service from Penguin. For example, the creators and administrators of the oq group should have real-name system, the forum version should be the real real name system, and even the ID card should be registered. number.

Of course, when these were implemented, they encountered a lot of resistance, and the real name system could not avoid counterfeiting. Just like ID cards, coins, etc. are fake, let alone talk about the Internet.

Many people are lucky, I use fake names, and you may not catch me. Besides, you let the registration ID number, I registered someone else, as long as the name is right, who knows the true and false?

Just like the real name system of mobile phone numbers, hasn't anyone used the number of other people's ID card?

If Feng Yulai is to make a decision, it is best to implement the real name system for mobile phone numbers first. Of course, this implementation is also very difficult. After all, there is a high roaming fee for mobile phones across the market. Many people have to travel frequently and like to buy a space card.

When the mobile phone fee is lowered, the roaming fee is lowered, and even the roaming fee is gradually abolished, this implementation is much easier.

But like the real-name system of stock accounts, is there a small number of people who used to open an account with one or two hundred ID cards in the past life? When Feng Yu was a stockbroker at that time, he also operated this way.

Buy some ID cards from the countryside, and then you can open more accounts, so that you can take advantage of new, tax, financing and other aspects. When the mobile phone real name system is used, there are also some people's mobile phone cards, which is how it is handled.

“They didn’t ask us to let each user register their ID number?”

“No requirement, we can use this as an optional item when registering, just like the mobile phone number, let the user choose.”

"Well, is this so good, has the model bundled with the companies come out?"

"Get it right, when registering, oq number, e-mail, forum account, etc. are all related, they are not willing to suffer." Shi Dazhu is a little depressed, but unfortunately they refused to have a network of products that can not get the hand.

"What about the basic architecture? When can it be made?"

"In fact, it has already been made, but it still needs some support from the top. For example, we need detailed information of all schools and need detailed information on all the streets. These must be agreed above."

Feng Yu understands that this is also difficult. If you don't have the above help, you will not be able to sort out the accuracy, and the time will not be too late.

But without these detailed information, you can't find a person exactly. By name search, the name rate can be too high.

Their website is mainly to help you quickly find the person you want to find. If you can't, then you lose the core value of this website.

“How long will it take to get out?”

"Three months or so, the basic code is written by Sina, 馊 fox and Penguin Group. They have relevant development experience of similar products and made the fastest, other company's technical staff, as a support and vulnerability test."

"The fee-based service is written by NetEco and Ali. The network security technology is responsible for even thinking of Yinshan. Search is responsible for thousands of degrees. In other respects, we are responsible for the network. We all do our job and are sure to be the fastest. Speed ​​to complete the construction of this website, and put it into operation." Shi Dazhu said.

The hardest part of this is the collection of information that Shidazhu is responsible for. However, Shi Dazhu proposed another method, which is to introduce state capital.

Let a national investment company participate in the investment, so that public relations is much easier. Of course, the company holds only 5% of the shares, and it can't make any decisions at all.

It’s just that the boss of the state-owned company heard that it was Feng Yu’s company that they got together, and they felt that they could make money. Another one can also do business with Feng Yu, and he also feels that it is an excellent opportunity.

If you don't say anything else, if the company opens a board of directors or a shareholder meeting, you can talk to these people, maybe you will have more opportunities.

When Shi Dazhu proposed this plan, Feng Yu did not object to them. Of course, this investment company is also a minority shareholder of NetEase and other companies, and a non-voting shareholder, that is, a company that repurchases NetEase and other delisting shares. Only the boss has changed.

“History, this site is well done and may be more popular than other sites. And in the future, other apps can be developed to make a profit for the site.”

"I know that since everyone chooses me to be the chairman, then I will be responsible to the company."

At that time, because the shares were too scattered, although the Taihua Holding Group was a major shareholder, Zong Qingxian did not have the experience of managing the network company. So when everyone gave in, when Shi Dazhu was self-recommended, he became the chairman and president of the Chinese network. Everyone is named a director, but the specific thing of the company is still responsible for Shi Dazhu.

Although Shi Dazhu has the greatest power, he has to pay the most hard work. That is, Shi Dazhu wants to be a network technology company, but there is no good product under his name. Otherwise, the chairman and president, he may not be willing to do it, and the salary is not high.

"History, this idea, but we China first proposed, there will be a lot of follow-up in the future, I believe that no matter which company has to admit, we are the first to turn this idea into reality!"

Little Zach, you can only be called an imitator in the future!


Book Friends Group, 5,020,98, 4,68, welcome to the group (to be continued.)