Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1288: Set-top box (subscription)

"General Feng, you said that we are going to start making set-top boxes now?" Zong Qingxian frowned at Feng Yu.

"Yeah, how, can't you?" Feng Yu had some doubts. As early as in 1998, the country carried out a cable TV village-to-village project, although some remote areas used their own antennas to watch TV, but most of them The area has already seen cable TV, right?

In the city, there are already satellite TVs, and there are also some set-top boxes. These set-top boxes are produced by subordinate units of optoelectronics. However, in general, many people think that the charges are too expensive.

Before the cable TV, they looked good. Just watch a TV. Do you need so many channels? Of course, there is no denying that some cable TVs can only receive more than a dozen TV stations, but they are cheap. You can receive so many sets of set-top boxes, and the charges are too expensive!

Another advantage of cable TV is that with a splitter, you can pay a penny to connect multiple TVs. But the set-top box is not good, a TV set-top box, if your home has three TVs, then you need three set-top boxes and pay three yuan!

A lot of people think that a lot of money is expensive, let alone three yuan.

This year, Huaxia Optoelectronics has just selected forty-nine cities as a set-top box pilot city. From the beginning of the year to the present, there have been more than 100,000 set-top box users.

But most of the users who use set-top boxes now are official servants and corporate cadres. Anyway, their money is paid by the unit, and they won't feel expensive. For their family members, how many more can be seen, how good.

These people's set-top boxes are not bought, but local operators, free of charge to cable TV users, just waiting to collect the usage fee to earn back. Of course, these set-top boxes are trial users, and some of them will not continue to renew in the future.

But next year, the set-top box will usher in a big explosion. Now there are plans to vigorously develop digital TV. The European and American sides began in 1998.

According to the memory of past lives, next year's set-top boxes will enter a million families, from the southeast coast to some pilot cities, full bloom. Feng Yu's past life was also the set-top box installed at this time. It is said that his family was already one million in the country at that time, which means that in 2004, there will be at least one million set-top box users.

As one of the major producers of the world's set-top boxes, many of China's set-top boxes are still exported. Therefore, the market for set-top boxes in the year has at least tens of millions of sales, and now it is still in time. If you wait, just miss this good time.

"Feng total, this set-top box, are you going to export first?"

Zong Qingxian did not see that there is any market for this set-top box in China. Now many people may not have heard of set-top boxes.

Before the wind and rain appliances or Aihua Electric, it is now domestic promotion, after occupying the domestic market, and then slowly expand to foreign countries.

It is now obvious that this product only has a market in foreign countries, and the country has just begun, so that is to say, this time we must first open the market from abroad.

In the past, no matter what kind of electrical appliances or electronic products were produced, the domestic market could digest a large part. But now, the domestic market has not done it at all, it is necessary to go abroad to fight hard, which is easy to fail.

And once the product fails abroad, the impact on the brand is not small. The weather card has been well-known abroad, and all the products launched before have been successful.

If there has been a failure before, then there is nothing. But this set-top box, if it becomes the first failure, it will be too big for the storm card that is rising.

"Domestic and foreign markets take into account. I know that there are not many people in the country who know this set-top box, but in the next three years, the set-top box will definitely usher in an outbreak. Maybe by the time of zero, the domestic set-top box can exceed 1,000. Wantai. What's more, now that foreign countries are also the outbreak of set-top boxes, we can't miss this good time."

"Would you like to make a cable set-top box or a ground set-top box? You don't want to be a satellite set-top box?" Zong Qingxian suddenly thought that Feng Yu said that he would buy a satellite.

"How, can't it? The set-top box on the ground has no way out now. Cable set-top boxes and satellite set-top boxes are better to sell. Among them, satellite set-top boxes are mainly used for export, and cable set-top boxes are facing the domestic market. Of course, we still have to be two-way set-top boxes and high-definition set-top boxes. , multi-function set-top boxes, etc."

In addition to the most basic functions of watching analog TV and digital TV, this set-top box should also have high-speed data broadcasting, Internet connection, software online upgrade, videophone, video on demand, music on demand, shopping, games and other functions.

In the future, set-top boxes have many functions. Bill Gates has always wanted Microsoft to enter the set-top box market. He also wants to produce such a versatile set-top box, mainly combining the modem with the set-top box, so that the set-top box can directly access the Internet.

I believe that many people have used that kind of TV set-top box cable, and can be used as a network cable.

"This technology is not very simple? We can start from scratch, can we have time?" Zong Qingxian had some concerns.

"How come it is too late? In fact, this basic circuit is not very difficult. With the technology of our company, some people can be opened up. It is very easy to develop their own technology. Combining some of our new ideas, we can launch a multi-function set-top box. Occupy the high-end market. Just this chip and software is a bit more difficult, which requires even the cooperation of companies such as Yinshan."

"What about promotion?"

"Domestic, promote to Changhong, they are selling TV, selling a set-top box, should be no problem? And don't forget, Changhong is also the key support enterprise, this set-top box should be easy to sell optoelectronics. And it is a brand-name product that should be sold better."

"As for foreign countries, I think it would not be too difficult to sell channels with our brand of wind and rain. If you encounter resistance, then I will go to Bill Gates. In this respect, I can cooperate with them. They There is also a lot of experience in software development for set-top boxes."

Can you not find Bill Gates to cooperate, of course, not to find better. Going to find it, it seems that the wind and rain card can not make the market.

"Then I will convey this idea to the following to see which company is willing to accept the project. If there is no subsidiary to accept it, then it can only be forced."

"Right, the kind of machine card separation is that the core smart card and software are separated from the basic receiving equipment. We can specialize in smart card and software development, and outsource the basic receiving equipment to other small factories. Reducing manufacturing costs and reducing user access costs can increase our competitiveness."

Zong Qingxian's eyes are bright and can have an advantage in cost. With the brand of wind and rain, this product is not difficult to succeed!

... (to be continued.)