Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1346: Come on, burn money (6/10)

"President, we sued the case of Yangtai, and the court accepted it."

"Hey, they don't dare to pick up, otherwise the public opinion will crush them! The people in Yangtai say, do you agree with our conditions, and we directly reconcile?" John looked proud.

This time, with so many companies joining, he was introduced to be a decision maker, not only because of the strength of his company, but also because he has the strongest ability.

They also don't want to be really noisy with the CCTV, so that in the future, the product will inevitably lose one of the most important channels of publicity. They just want to let the other party compromise, and get some benefits, such as halving the advertising fee next year, or giving them an advertising time and so on.

"President, there is still news that our case has been picked up, but it is still going through the process, and when I came back today, I brought it back."

John took a look and was shocked. He quickly opened it, how could this be?

"This is... the court's notice, we are accused? How do you do it, are we not plaintiffs?" John was furious.

"President, this is the case they told us. The court said that they have been filed separately. Their procedures have been completed first, so the case will be tried first. And the two cases have the same, so they have to be tried together. They have already The materials have been submitted, and our materials are not ready yet."

"What are you talking about? Their materials are all ready? The deception is too much, the Yongtai will tell us?" John thought that the Yongtai was only ready to sue their materials.

"No, we are the defendants, and at the same time, they have submitted all the information."

All companies have become defendants and the information is ready. How is this possible?

Or they just have this plan, or they have a stronger team of lawyers. But once you tell so many companies, how can they please afford such a big team, it must be that they have already planned!

"They want to go to court, we are accompanying. With our team of lawyers, we must definitely look at the CCTV. If they are difficult to return, if they are obsessed with it, let them lose one person!" John said with a wink. After working in China for more than ten years, he is also considered to be half of Huaxiatong. Even idioms have learned a lot.


"Boss, these people are the representatives of the law firms and the most famous lawyers. They are very good at playing such cases, and each time they get the most benefit for the employer, so the employer is very satisfied." Wilson in the small meeting room Introduced more than a dozen people to Feng Yu.

"Do you all speak Chinese?" Feng Yu asked.

Many people face each other. They used to develop in Europe and America. Where would Chinese be?

Feng Yu frowned at Wilson: "How do you get it? This is a lawsuit in China. They don't even understand Chinese. How do you argue? Do you think that when you go to court, can you still carry a translation?"

Seeing Feng Yu’s dissatisfaction, Wilson quickly explained: “The bosses, they are all on the side of the field to support other aspects of the work, the real debate is the people of my law firm. And using the off-site media to influence the judge’s judgment, They have the most experience. Although China's legal system is different from Europe and the United States, but also consider the impact of public opinion?"

Feng Yu nodded, this is true. Just as many Chinese law sentences are a range, the evidence is conclusive, and it must be judged, but the sentence is too heavy, and the gap can be too great. The influence of public opinion is reflected here.

Sometimes, even if this person is offended, it is not particularly serious. The lawyer said that it is also a slap in the face, but after the influence of public opinion, it is also subject to the maximum penalty prescribed by law.

Just like the two Li’s things that Feng Yu knew before, it was because the influence of public opinion was particularly bad, and thus the sentence was very heavy.

Feng Yu’s lawsuit has a bit of self-confidence, that is, the foreign lawyers invited by the company have not used it because they do not understand Chinese. And how do Chinese lawyers dare to talk to Yangtai?

At least those careers are successful, and the famous lawyers are not dare. There are many Chinese lawyers who don’t look at the companies, but most of them are newcomers or problematic lawyers. If they can lose, Wilson These lawyers who come here will not do this in the future.

"The conditions have been told to you. If you can make a successful claim this time, you will see yours. The stronger your ability, the more you earn. If you have nothing to do, the last thing is a mixed money. Don't blame me. ! Feng Yu reminded.

Those lawyers havetened to ensure that they will actively support the public opinion abroad and let those companies pay the price. In the eyes of these lawyers, this is a business, nothing to do with the country. In their country, it is not the case that there is no company to sue the government.

They believe in money supremacy. If they are not abroad, lawyers and doctors are called vampires by many civilians.

However, although their fees are high, they have never been charged so much. This time the amount of the claim is several billion dollars. There are more than three billion dollars in the central bank, and there are large online companies in China. The amount of the claim will certainly not be lower. Even if they can only claim back three hundred million dollars, they can also be divided into one hundred and fifty million dollars, and the average is distributed to each law firm, which is also 10 million US dollars.

The most important thing is that they still don't have to pay too much for this lawsuit. They only need to provide judgments of similar cases and conduct public opinion guidance in foreign media. In this respect, they are best at it.

There are fewer things and more money. What else can you be dissatisfied with?

What's more, if they have done this thing well, then maybe they can really get on the line with Feng Yu, the world's richest man. Look at that Wilson, it was not as good as many of them in the first place, but since becoming the legal director of Feng Yu Company, his net worth has skyrocketed, and even the new law firm has opened so much.

Feng Yu's chief lawyer, this name, can bring a large number of customers and a lot of income.

Go out and don’t say, I’m asking a lawyer from the world’s richest man to be a law firm, and others are not looking at it!


"President, I have inquired clearly. The lawyer who called for Yongtai, called Wilson, is an Englishman. He also has an identity, that is, the legal director of Fengyu Company and the chief lawyer representative."

"What? How did Feng Yu mix in with this? But what are you afraid of? We have such a strong team of lawyers, dozens of people, this time we must win!"

"President, I also heard a message. It seems that Wilson has united more than a dozen of the world's top law firms, as well as China's top law firms, their team of lawyers, and hundreds of well-known lawyers!"

"How much? Hundreds of people?!" John is dumbfounded. Does this TM lawsuit require so many lawyers? I have heard of a lawyers group and have never seen such a large group of lawyers. Do you not know that the fees of lawyers are very expensive?

What does this central station mean, the upper layer of China does not care, this is not obvious burning behavior!
