Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1397: So clever? (subscription)

Bill Gates found that things didn't develop in the direction he imagined. It wasn't that the officials on the Chinese side were all looking at the money, or did they forget the political achievements?

Injecting 10 billion US dollars, 50% of the shares, according to the market value of Yinshan at this time, the premium is 20%, which is not satisfied?

What's more, they are Microsoft, Microsoft invests, and how many companies can't ask for it.

This is not a Microsoft technology investment.

It seems that the price did not satisfy the other party. I did not expect that the appetite of the Chinese people is already so big.

He asked Ballmer to call Feng Yu ahead of time, just don't want the premium to be too high. If you can negotiate with Feng Yu and think about the cooperation of Yinshan, you should be able to save a lot of money, and you can avoid Feng Yu’s head again and die with Microsoft.

But in the end, Mr. Wei still promised to let his secretary go with Bill Gates.

Bill Gates is quite satisfied with this point. It is said that the Chinese officials are particularly cattle, and the secretary is out of the way. Should the other party easily compromise?

He did not find out that this is that Wei did not want to talk to him at all.


"Seeking, Ray, after we buy shares in Microsoft, it will increase your salary, not just cash, but also add some stock rewards." Bill Gates threw his olive branch.

These two are even the founders of Yinshan. As long as they agree, then things will be much easier. Even if it didn't work, the two men were dug into Microsoft China, and they were half successful.

The two men have to change jobs, always bring some elites to come over? With this change, Microsoft will inevitably re-suppress Huashan in China.

Asking the Bo army and Lei Dajun to look at each other, said that Microsoft's management team is very powerful, but Bill Gates's management ability is general, now they can see it, this statement is really no exaggeration.

If you don't need to come up with a good way to lead a big company, you can give it to your subordinates. The subordinates want to come up with a few methods. The leader can choose one of them.

Therefore, many people say that the top 500 corporate executives in the world are important people, not their ability. Even a primary school student can be a good executive because there is a huge management planning team below.

Of course, if this executive is superior, it would be better, just like Ms. Whitman of Yibei, many companies are rushing for it.

Even thinking about Yinshan Software Company, seeking the Bojun is the chairman of the board, Lei Dajun is the president, but they are both small shareholders. Now I think that the equity of Yinshan Software Co., Ltd. has changed several times, even thinking that the group is 30%, Taihua Holdings is 35 percent, Polar Bear Holdings is 25 percent, and the army is 3 percent. 2% of Lei Dajun, and some other old employees and executives hold a total of about 5%.

Three percent became the chairman and two percent became the president. It can be seen that the three controlling parties trust them. Of course, this is the condition that Feng Yu promised them.

Although it was only a verbal condition, Feng Yuxin kept his promise, and they really did not suffer in management.

But once Microsoft is holding, can the chairman be them? Most of them are discrete presidents and ceo, and they are not necessarily allowed to come. The power of the company is in the hands of Microsoft. Can they make some decisions so easily?

Bill Gates said that he gave them a salary increase. If the salary increase is in exchange for the company's power, they would rather not raise their salary. Besides, the current income is not low. And the plan is to think that Yinshan will go public next year, and when the stock price will definitely soar, they will not even spend money.

So Bill Gates came out with conditions that were considered good, and in their view, there was no attraction at all. What's more, when they founded and even wanted Yinshan, they wanted to be China's own software company and beat foreign software companies.

Kirilenko became a shareholder because Kirilenko was involved in technology, capital and market participation, and the same commitment did not affect the company's management.

For such a long time, Kirilenko also fulfilled his promise, and the technical strength of the other side is really strong. It is said that it has played a major role in the development of their systems, anti-virus software development and translation software development.

Bill Gates is totally different. He wants to hold them and even think of Yinshan. How can they agree to a company that belongs to China and a company that belongs to the country?

"Mr. Gates, our reply is still the same. If Microsoft Huaxia is merged into the company of Yinshan, then you can talk about it. Other ways, free talk." Ask the army to say faintly.

Bill Gates is so dying, I am here to talk about the acquisition of you, and together you want to buy our branch now? We are Microsoft, we have always bought other companies, have not heard of being acquired by others!

Accompanied by the president of Microsoft Huaxia Branch of Gates, said: "Together, Mr. Lei, our chairman came here this time, but it was received by your country’s leaders. And for our company to buy shares, even want to Yinshan, you Huaxia political axe It is also supported, otherwise how will Director Xu follow?"

Director Xu of General Wei said: "I came here with Mr. Gates and made a referral. Nothing I should leave, the country will not intervene in the normal business activities between enterprises."

Mom, you are a Chinese. If you join the nationality of the country, you can count it in your country. If you are not afraid of the bad influence, Director Xu wants to poke his spine and ask where your tm was born!

Originally, they were really worried that the state would intervene, but now it seems that there is absolutely no such thing. It is clearly a fox and a tiger.

They looked at Bill Gates with fun and made Bill Gates very embarrassed. This idiot does not mean that Chinese officials will definitely help us? How could this be?

Bill Gates thought that relying on his name, it would be very easy to invest. In many European countries, he does this.

The other party is his Bill Gates, which one is not ecstatic? Can be biased to China, how is it not salty for him? Isn't China really in need of investment? Doesn't it mean that Chinese officials like this kind of investment promotion?

At this time, a person who made Bill Gates very unwilling to see appeared.

"Hey, Bill, so smart?"

Feng Yu’s face with a smile, the slightly raised eyebrows, seems to be full of ridicule.

This Feng Yu must have known that his investment failed and came to see him jokes. But this time, he must succeed.

"Feng, it's not a coincidence. I came here exclusively. Even if I want Yinshan Software Company, I want a 51% stake. You can open a price. I know, you can do this."

Feng Yu’s face was so clever and surprised: “Ah? You want to buy even the equity of Yinshan. So smart, I want to ask you if Microsoft Huaxia Company sells it. I don’t want to sell it. I bought all the shares, you open a price."


Ps: The fourth child should be attending other people's weddings at this time. Mom, it is too hurt to attend other people's weddings, and there are others who are very loving. (To be continued.)