Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1828: Poor rice country

The two-room group was taken over by the country’s political axe. When everyone thought that the two-room group might weather the storm, Feng Yu let people publish a series of data in the media.

These include the fiscal revenue and expenditure of the first year of the year, the debt amount and debt ratio of the two-room group, the loss of the major banks in the country, and the default rate of real estate loans.

Once the data was released, it suddenly caused an uproar.

Ordinary people may not pay too much attention to these things. They only look at some superficial phenomena. They think that the country is the richest country in the world, and the country’s political axe is certainly the most rich political axe.

But when they saw the fiscal deficit, they were surprised to find that the country’s political axe had no money.

Moreover, the number of national debts issued by the country’s political axe is far beyond that of other countries, which is 1.5 trillion US dollars, and has been purchased by many countries in Europe and Asia.

The interest on treasury bonds is higher than the interest on banks. That is to say, even if the tax is not bad, the country must first pay the maturing treasury bonds held by other countries before it can be used for the normal operation of the political axe.

The taxation of the country cannot support this normal operation. They can only continue to issue government bonds and operate liabilities.

Although it seems that the economic development of the country has been very good in recent years, when Xiaobu 10 was in office, he launched a war. The money consumed by the war is also an astronomical figure.

It’s not just buying those weapons and equipment, but also paying the soldiers’ compensation and pensions. This is a very big expense.

Infrastructure, welfare, etc. can not be stopped. The number of unemployed people in many industries in the country began to increase last year, which increased the number of people receiving government axe welfare and increased the expenditure of political ax.

In the last year and the first half of this year, in order to stabilize the market economy and rescue those financial institutions, it is also a large expenditure. The current national political axe is simply a situation in which the debt ratio is extremely high and it is unable to make ends meet.

How can such a rice country political axe save the two-room group?

If you have money, everything is good to say. It is difficult to make 10,000 yuan for 10,000 yuan, but there are a million. There are still many ways to make 10,000 yuan soon.

The problem is that the rice country axe has no money at all!

The pit in the two rooms is simply hard to save. Some consortiums have money, but they will never take out this pit.

Generally, when the political axe has no money, there are actually two ways. One is to issue government bonds, and the other is to go to bank loans. Then, next year, I will try to increase the income repayment, and I can raise the tax rate and stimulate the economy.

However, at this time, the national debt of the rice country could not be issued normally, and the economy of the country was like this. Who would buy the national debt of the rice country?

Xiaobu said that he talked with Huaxia. He found that he can now get a lot of cash, which is Huaxia. Unknowingly, China's economic development is so fast, and the development of China's state-owned enterprises is also very good, and its income has increased dramatically year after year. China's political axe must have money.

Xiaobu Shiben wanted to sell a large amount of national debt with China, so that the country has money to operate normally, and he is willing to pay a high interest rate.

But unfortunately, this was directly rejected by China. Huaxia’s reply is that China is also short of money, and in order to organize the Olympic Games, a lot of government bonds have been issued, and it is now time to repay it.

And because the Olympic Games has more funds for the capital, other provinces have complaints, so Huaxia intends to increase funding for other provinces, invest in infrastructure, transportation, and really have no money to buy the country's national debt.

Although China's foreign exchange reserves are many, most of them have bought European government bonds, and cash is very small. If you buy a large amount of foreign national debt, China's foreign exchange reserve cash will be insufficient.

However, since Xiaobu 10 has opened up, Huaxia has to express its attitude of friendship and mutual assistance. Then, buy a five-billion dollar US national debt.

Xiaobu ten heard these words, almost did not mad at the time!

Five hundred million dollars, so we are willing to issue government bonds? How can we start from tens of billions of dollars?

Which of China Huaxia is helping, it is clearly degrading us! We are so big in the country, so many places to spend money, five hundred million dollars, you are to send those small countries in Africa!

Xiaobu did not talk to Huaxia, and talked with the EU, the island countries, South Korea, Nanyang and other countries. Unfortunately, these countries do not have much money now.

And because of the shortage of banks in the country, they have already helped a lot of money. Where else is there more money? If it is a few hundred million dollars, they can come up with it, but for hundreds of billions of dollars, they can all answer it.

Xiaobu 10 certainly knows that they are also an excuse, and that the country where he turned to help can get it. Especially in the European Union, how can a strategic alliance of so many countries not have $10 billion?

These distinctions are excuses, but he is helpless. Other people's money, why must we help the country?

Originally, the country could still borrow with the bank, but there are already too many banks in the country, and the remaining banks and currencies are also in short supply.

Although banks seem to have strong assets, there is not much money that can really be made. Most of them are lending or investing.

Now the economic situation is like this, their cash is higher than usual, in order to cope with the possible concentrated payment situation, they can not hold the bond or what to pay for the customer?

The bank wants to lend, and the credit rating of the country’s political axe is still very high. But they really don't have money. A small loan can be like a foreign country's political axe, which is a loan of tens of billions of dollars. The Bank of America can't stand it.

Don't forget, at this year, the highest layoffs were financial institutions such as banks, and more layoffs than the auto industry in the country of bankruptcy.

It can be seen that in order to save money, the commercial banks in the country also use various means. What's more, in the hands of these banks, there are still a large number of mortgages and car loans that may be breached.

The former rice country encouraged financial innovation, and various financial derivatives were the most in the country. But when the economic situation deteriorates, the loss of financial institutions is also the biggest.

Their short-term transaction flows simply cannot solve the current predicament, which has caused a large number of financial institutions in the country to go bankrupt, and has spread to many financial institutions in Europe and Asia.

When everyone saw these data and situation analysis, they were shocked.

The rice country’s political axe, which has always been full of confidence, has already reached the end of the oil lamp.

Then, after the country’s political axe took over the two-room group, will it be dragged down by the two-room group?

Can the two-room group really save back?

After the opening of the day, the shares of the two-room group fell again, with a drop of more than 40%!
