Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1938: Domineering brother

I talked to Alexander once, and it seems that Kirilenko’s mood has also improved a lot. The update is the fastest, maybe it’s related to good news.

The Lituo Group replied to the Polar Bear Mining Group, and the relevant approval procedures for the EU and other organizations were all settled. Everyone signed a formal contract, and then after the funds were received, the Lituo Group was officially placed under the Polar Bear Mining Group.

This is really a very good news for Kirilenko.

The more than $100 billion acquisition is also the biggest acquisition by Kirilenko and Feng Yu, which is completely different for Kirilenko.

Feng Yu took a special plane with Kirilenko and flew to London.

Paul Ruskinna has long been waiting in London. He is the most supportive person in the case of the Rio Tinto Group's acquisition by the Polar Bear Mining Group.

The acquisition was successful, and all of his Lato Group shares will be sold, and a large amount of cash will not be mentioned. He can continue to serve as the chairman of the Lituo Group and become the eo of the parent company Polar Bear Mining Group.

These two positions, not only have a generous cash salary, but also a certain equity incentive, his future power will be greater, and his income will be higher.

Correspondingly, his position in the industry will also rise.

When the chairman of the Board of Directors must meet with him, he will always be very angry, and in the future, his status will be completely reversed.

Kirilenko told him that the iron ore business is determined to cooperate with BHP and support the establishment of a joint venture company. The 50% equity of each party is a good result before negotiation. What are the remaining conditions? Talk, let Skinner take the lead.

Skinner has long waited for this day. He has to show it well. Let Feng Yu and Kirilenko know that he is a capable person. Maybe he can still serve as a polar bear holding group or wind and rain. The director of the holding group, then, can get another one.

Kirilenko, Skinner and many people from Britain and Australia attended the signing ceremony. The economic media of the world have also gathered in London, which is the biggest acquisition in the industry this year.

And many people didn't know much about it before, but now I know that the Polar Bear Mining Group was wholly acquired in cash.

More than $100 million in cash!

It’s really a joint venture between the world’s richest man and the second richest man.

They did not interview some of the hundreds of billions of dollars in mergers and acquisitions before, but they were all mergers and acquisitions, using shares to exchange with the shareholders of the acquirer, and let the shareholders of the acquired party become shareholders of the acquiring company.

To put it simply, there is a merger of two companies, but the acquisition company is the mainstay and controls the power of the acquired company, but the boss basically does not change.

Now the boss of the Lituo Group has completely changed, Kirilenko also announced that from today, the Lituo Group officially withdrew from the market, and when it will be listed again, it is not yet fixed.

However, many media have found out why Feng Yu did not appear?

Is the big shareholder of this polar bear mining group not Feng Yu? Why is Feng Yu not having any position in the Polar Bear Mining Group? Is it true that the relationship between the two richest people is noisy?

This is big news, and if so, many rich people may have to laugh.

The first and second richest people teamed up, they are really competitive, but if the first and second richest opponents, their chances will come.

"Mr. Kirilenko, may I ask this time to sign such an important contract, why is Mr. Feng not coming?"

"Mr. Kirilenko, some people say that your relationship with Feng Yu has deteriorated. Is it true?"

"Mr. Kirilenko, it is rumored that the stake in the Polar Bear Mining Group has undergone major changes. Is Feng Yu only withdrawing shares? Is he voluntarily withdrawing shares?"

"Mr. Kirilenko, do you have a big change in the relationship between Russia and China?"

"Mr. Kirilenko, may I ask if you want to split other businesses that you are working with?"


The anger on Kirilenko’s face flashed away. This guy remembers that today is the press conference of the Polar Bear Mining Group and the Lituo Group officially signing the acquisition contract. The funds arrived in the afternoon, and the Lituo Group officially entered Under the Polar Bear Mining Group, Polar Bear Mining Group will become the world's number one mining group!

You don't ask such important news. We don't ask about our future business plans. What are you asking? Also, I have a bad relationship with Feng. Where did you hear about it?

"Everyone is quiet. If anyone talks loudly, I will let the security guards pick him up!" Kirilenko no longer holds any gentlemen. He is not such a person.

“Today is the press conference of our polar bear mining group to acquire the Lito Group. The contract is signed and the funds will arrive immediately. We don’t ask these related news, what are you asking?”

"Why didn't Feng appear? When did you meet Feng for an interview? He doesn't like you reporters catching the wind and catching the shadows. It's no secret, who don't you know?"

"The two major shareholders of the Polar Bear Mining Group are still Wind and Rain Holdings and Polar Bear Holdings, and this will not change."

"The reporter from the country asked us about the relationship between Russia and China. It is a pity that I am not an outside officer. I don't know how to answer you. But as far as I know, the trade volume between our two countries has risen again last month."

"I want to split the business with Feng, depending on whether the spin-off will be more beneficial to the development of this company. We have a lot of cooperation, but at the same time we also have their own investment direction."

"I hope that you will pay attention to the news of our company and not ask some irrelevant issues."

Kirilenko just finished, the reporter of the country of the country shouted: "Kili Lenko, since you said that your relationship has no problem, saying that Feng does not like to be interviewed, then why did the representative of the storm holding group not appear? ?"

Kirilenko glanced at the reporter of the country: "It's very simple. The representative doesn't like to be interviewed. He doesn't like to be with such rude people who don't ask themselves."

"You can understand this as your attack on our media industry?"

Kirilenko dismissed the coldness: "First of all, you can't represent the media industry. Secondly, you look around. Others are raising their hands and waiting for questions. Who I am talking about is rude, obviously. Finally, I I have to say a word, the security guard, drive him out, and any of my press conferences will not invite this media again, let alone such people!"

"And, this media has disrupted our press conference site and brought us serious losses. The legal staff prepared the information and I want to sue them!"

Feng Yu watched the live broadcast through the network in the old castle. He saw Kirilenko let people go out to the reporter of the country, and he laughed happily.

This kind of unscrupulous person is also called a reporter? The industry is being broken by such people.

The brother finally returned to the image of the domineering before, and he completely tore off the gentleman's disguise. Being awkward, still true, I don’t like you, just tell you directly. You still slap me in front of my eyes, then I will let you regret for a lifetime!
