Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 227: Classmates, be brave

Feng Yu is very satisfied with the island country and his team. Liu Shengzhen and Kameida Masao are all first-class talents. At least in management, they are much stronger than Feng Yu. Want to read?

The company is also very skilled and the future exhibition can be expected to be very good. Feng Yu also learned about the industrial situation of the island country at this time, to see if there is any company that is now lonely, and the future generations have come up and rise, he can choose to buy shares, or even holding.

Unfortunately, it seems that he started some late. Those companies have either been injected by big companies or they have chosen to unite. There is nothing worth investing in. In the end, Feng Yu just let Liu Shengyu dig from a research institute that is going to be unable to run. Some electronic engineers, talent reserves, must not be broken!

One after another, but one week, Feng Yu’s visa expired and flew back to Beijing. Of course, there is one more important thing, that is, the military training show.

In the last few days, Feng Yu finally appeared in the team and followed suit. They are all relatively simple projects, kicking in the right way, shouting slogans or something, he is easy to adapt, there is nothing to color, but did not give the class off the chain.

After the military training ended, it was just a holiday. His modified Land Rover was also sent to Beijing, and the dealers in Beijing helped to hang up the photos of the capital, making Feng Yu more convenient. It’s going to be cold, he won’t ride a motorcycle.

Feng Yu drove to the Beijing Normal University.

In a month's time, Feng Yu's house bought in Ximen was packed up. It was originally renovated. He just added some furniture and electrical appliances and repainted it again.

I have to say that Tian Lei is quite capable, and actually found the house for Feng Yu the next day. ??w·a?n? After Feng Yu opened a high price, the homeowner sold it without saying anything.

Two rooms and one living room, the use area is only more than 60 square meters, but for Feng Yu, it is enough.


The current campus is not as strict as the management of the later generations, at least Feng Yu’s car. Directly entered the National Taiwan Normal University, the door guards did not stop.

Those who can drive are either leaders or rich people. Which one he can't afford!

Feng Yu went to Li Na's dormitory downstairs and saw a boy in a school uniform and glasses. He was holding a book in his hand and looked at a girl from afar. He wanted to go up. But I dare not speak.

Although the girl blocked her face with a book, she was also sneaked at the male classmate, but the two looked so far away that they didn’t dare to sit together.


This year, although China has already raised a wind of freedom, at this time, most people are very conservative in dealing with emotional issues. If you stop a **** the road and want to send her home, it will definitely be treated as a Small stream ~ 氓. I want to arrest you by the police.

Ming Minglang has sentimentality, and he is not interested in how to approach it. Anyway, Li Na will take a while to get down. The buddy will be an old man today.

Feng Yu parked the car aside and walked to the classmate: "Man, look at the female classmate?"

"Ah? No, no, I just passed by.?? c" glasses men panicked and bowed, listening to accents, looks like people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Passing by? Passing by, are you standing here for a long time? Turtles are walking faster than you!

"Hey~~~ classmates. Men, you have to be brave. Are you looking at the short female student? Do you know which class she is? Do you know where her home is? Do you know which classroom she usually attends? Don't know? Ask! I want to be with people, how to be so courageous."

"Ask? Still not, I don't dare." The glasses man is a bit depressed.

day. Look at your brave child, so shy, so good love can disappear, the face is not thick enough, and will definitely fall to the blind date! This year, when the university is assigned. It is possible to apply for a share, and the unit will generally help solve it, and it will be more humanized than the companies in later generations.

Besides, they are all teachers, and it is not too difficult to work in a school.

"Man, you are too embarrassed. Is the girl from the south or the north?" Feng Yu sighed and asked.

"You, what are you asking about this?" The glasses man looked at Feng Yu with vigilance.

I went, slammed, you thought I wanted to chase the girl. The girl is not ugly, but it is not too beautiful, at least worse than Li Na.

Feng Yu suddenly thought of a famous saying in the past, what is love, that is, both of them look like monkeys, and have been worried that the other party was taken away!

"I am also waiting for the girl, not to rob her with you. You tell me where she is, I teach you two tricks to ensure that you catch up with her."

Feng Yu even suspects that in fact, there is no need to chase, as long as the glasses man walks over, the girl can promise. But this glasses man is too embarrassed, actually even go forward and say no words, this year there is no woman chasing men!

"She is like me, it is also Hangzhou, we will know in the fellow villagers."

I went to the fellow villagers and knew each other clearly. I didn’t dare to talk in the past. This glasses man really came home!

"I told you that girls like simple and direct, you go now, I promise that she will put down the book and look at you. You tell her directly, like her, want to be friends with her, she will definitely not take a bite Refused. If you hesitate to go so far, see no, many people are watching her, when they are chased away, you regret it too late!"

"Is it? But... but I don't dare."

Feng Yu almost didn't mad, just like this, he can only play secret love!

"Li Na, I invite you to go to the movies, starring Xiangjiang movie star Zhou Run, I heard that I can see it well, I bought it."

Feng Yuyi turned back, I grass, but also tm here to help others chase the girl, their own girl to be taken away by others! What is the kid with the oily noodles?

"Sorry, I don't have time." Li Na looked annoyed at the people in front of her. When she was in military training, she often disturbed her, refused several times, and often wandered around her. It was not a good person at first glance!

Feng Yu patted the shoulders of the glasses man: "I am optimistic, how do I chase the girl."

Feng Yu finished the whole clothes and walked quickly to Li Na: "Hey, beautiful, one person. I know there is a newly opened ice rink, I will take you to ice skating!"

Seeing Feng Yu, Li Na’s face instantly smiled: “Skating, okay.”

"Hey, who is your kid? Li Na, skating is dangerous. If you like to play, I know there is a billiard room. I will take you to play billiards. The billiards are from the British aristocracy!"

Turning his head, the powder noodle whispered to Feng Yu: "I also want to eat swan meat, my father is the head of the city education ~ bureau! Li Na is a swan, I am also a swan, the swan will only be with the swan!"

Grass, a section chief, how big the official is, in the capital, a brick fell, killing seven people, at least six are cadres at level ~ above!

Feng Yu seriously looked at the noodle man: "You can compare yourself to a beast, don't say others. Also, have you rubbed the perfume on your body? The taste is really pungent! The chief, the big cadre! Beauty, Let's go?"

Feng Yu pulled Li Na's hand and turned and left.

The powder noodles are shocked. Does Li Na like it directly? This hand is pulled! I am grass, I know that I will go straight up.

The glasses man looked at Feng Yu and Li Na's back, and his heart struggled constantly. He looked at the girl in the distance, biting his teeth, and a pair of heroic heroes on the battlefield, toward the girls who often appeared in his dreams... ... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to the days of the day, if you are not a monthly ticket. There is still one more right now. Today, this state seems to be more than six. Everyone knows, what is the next big story?
