Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 263: Zhang Ruiqiang’s question

After the contract was signed, Feng Yu had already begun to supply Kirinenko to various Soviet goods that were tight in the Soviet Union. Kirilenko also promised that the first batch of Figure 154 aircraft would arrive at the Ice City Aircraft Factory before New Year's Day. "

The procedure for receiving the aircraft is very cumbersome. First, the ice flying factory will send people to the factory for acceptance, and then Kirilenko will get the flight before it can take off.

When entering the country, you should also get in touch with Huaxia's aviation management department. The landing will also be agreed by the Ice City Airport. The details are more complicated. Of course, Feng Yu does not need to worry about these procedures, and Hou Haitao will give them all.

When the first batch of ten maps 154 landed at the Ice City Airport, the acceptance personnel of the major airlines all rushed over and they all wanted to get the plane first.

Of course, the people of Shencheng Airlines first arrived. After all, the Ice City Airport was also managed by Shencheng Airlines, and they also took the lead in taking two. The money to buy the plane has been remitted to Feng Yu’s account in Fengjiang’s storm advisory company.

Other airlines have also taken away one or two aircraft, and the company that has been divided has kept urging Feng Yu. Figure 154 does not need to be modified. You are not saying that there is a spot, how is it?

Seeing the amnesty of these domestic airlines, there is no one to blame. Feng Yu is very satisfied and patiently explained to them that the next batch will be able to fly next week, mainly because the Ice City Airport is not big enough to stop.

These airlines have accused the head of Shencheng Airlines, why are you so embarrassed, the ice city airport is such an important place. I don't know how to make it bigger?

The person in charge of Shencheng Airlines is very speechless, how easy it is for you to say. Also, our company has the money to count, and then the airport construction, but also the local cooperation, you ask the ice city government ~ government or Longjiang provincial government ~ government, they gave us the planned land has been approved?

Even if the government here is done, it must be signed and agreed by the planning committee. Ice City is only a few flights a day. Need a big airport?

However, the leadership of Shencheng Airlines did not refute anyway. Anyway, his two planes were driving back. You are willing to say that when Ir 76 entered, it was the fastest move on our side. Who made this our site? ?

A week later, the second batch of ten 154 passenger planes arrived in the ice city. This time, the bosses of other airlines were more satisfied, and the quality was all right. Feng Yu also did not use second-hand goods to make old-fashioned.

With such a big movement, it is impossible to win the ice city administration, and even the provincial leaders have heard about it. Some people in the ice city can buy cheap and easy-to-use large aircraft for the country. This leader also feels very proud. But there are also some places where they are very dissatisfied, and ordered the Bingcheng government to talk to Feng Yu.

The work of this conversation naturally fell on Zhang Ruiqiang’s head. Who in the city did not know that Feng Yu was Zhang Ruiqiang’s person!


"Feng Yu, you can really, the more the business is tossing, the industrial equipment from the Soviet Union. This is all about the Soviet aircraft?" Zhang Ruiqiang did not expect that Feng Yu could get the plane, it seems Feng Yu In the Soviet network, it is even stronger than he imagined.

"Zhang City ~ long, a little business, mixed mouth to eat." Feng Yu said with a smile.

Zhang Ruiqiang said with no anger: "The business of more than a billion yuan is also called a small business? If you want to eat it, can I only go to the bark?"

Feng Yu exaggeratedly said: "Zhang City ~ long, you are the leader of the ice city, if you have fallen to the bark, what the ice city will look like!"

"You kid." Zhang Ruiqiang ordered Feng Yu. "Do you know what it means to find you this time?"

Feng Yu blinked: "Isn't I just chatting?"

Zhang Ruiqiang "..." This kid is getting more and more angry. By the end of the year, when I am busiest, I still have time to chat with you?

"I asked you two questions. First, if you buy so many planes, where are the money, are you speculative? Second, why did you register a company in Xiangjiang, why not use Taihua?"

"Zhang City ~ long, speculation can not be said that this crime can not be said, I did not raise prices, the aircraft I sold to airlines can be far below the market price, and the quality is all qualified, otherwise those airlines will not accept payment. Besides, I did not sell short, I used our Chinese goods, low-cost, aircraft bought from the Soviet Union, and then sold to our country's airlines at low prices. How can this be speculative? Whoever is cheap? Those airlines!"

"Also, I am registered in Xiangjiang, that is because it is convenient to do business. You also know that our company exports so many goods, Xiangjiang traffic is more convenient, and it is suitable for European and American legal systems, it is not easy to be used by foreigners. The same is true, I am afraid that if the old Maozi does not accept the account, I am going to sue them!"

Feng Yu said half-truth, in fact, Feng Yu is even more afraid that domestic airlines will not accept the account, and he is of course ready to prosecute.

"I guess you registered a company in Xiangjiang for at least two reasons. First, it is the issue of foreign exchange. I heard that, recently, Taihua has not had the inflow of rubles. Second, you are afraid that airlines will pay their debts. Don't give money?"

Zhang Ruiqiang pointed out the focus of Xiangjiang Company. Of course, there is one point that Zhang Ruiqiang is not clear, that is, Xiangjiang Company can better invest in foreign financial markets.

Feng Yuxi smiled: "Zhang City ~ long, I am so worried about nothing wrong?"

"You, you, why don't you believe in the country? Can the country rely on you for the money of the masses?" Zhang Ruiqiang said with distress.

Feng Yu answered very seriously: "If I am doing business with you, I am not worried, but I am worried about it with outsiders. I am also borrowing money from foreign banks. If those airlines are reluctant, they are fine, I am It’s over."

"It's all loans. Which foreign bank is willing to give you so much money?" Zhang Ruiqiang smiled and asked.

"The bank of the Soviet Union, Zhang City~ I don't believe it. I will give you a copy of the loan contract."

Zhang Ruiqiang couldn't help but look at Feng Yu's relationship in the Soviet Union once again. Feng Yu could still borrow from the old Maozi. It seems that it is not a small amount.

"This is not necessary, I believe in you. Just the above leader is a little dissatisfied. You use Xiangjiang's company to do aircraft import, this tax?"

Feng Yu's big eyes: "Taxation? The contract states that airlines pay customs duties. What does this have to do with me?"

"You can sell it to a civil aviation plane. There is always income. What about this tax?"

The provincial leaders are the most dissatisfied with this point. For the business of more than one billion yuan, the tax is definitely not a small amount. As a result, I got a company from Xiangjiang. The tax was not paid abroad. Xiangjiang is still in the British Concession!

Feng Yu leaned around Zhang Ruiqiang, and mysteriously said: "Zhangshi~long, this tax does not need to be given to the ice city. So, I will tell you an important news that will let you enter the line of sight of the leader. Isn't it a matter of time?" (To be continued.)

Ps: The fourth child will go home on the bus tomorrow. Maybe the book review area can only ask the moderator copy to be pig management. If you have any questions, you can find him. The fourth year will be on the qq, WeChat, etc. during the Chinese New Year. Time problem, the amount of update is not stable enough, maybe only two more on a certain day, everyone forgive me, after the fourth is back, it must be filled in the shortest time.
