Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 302: Flying a kite (the sixth is more snake p

Although according to the solar terms, it has already passed the summer, but the solar terms at that time were calculated by the Central Plains and Jiangnan. The temperature of the ice city is only a dozen degrees, and it is not too much for spring. Novel

The sky is clear, there are clouds of white clouds, and the sun rises, not yet at the most intense moment. The breeze passed, blowing the willows on the river. Under the willow tree, stood a girl in a light green dress.

The girl slammed the wind-blown hair behind her ear and directed Feng Yu to reveal the white and neat teeth. At that moment, it seemed like a lotus flower.

Seeing the opposite boy running, especially in the arms holding a giant kite higher than the human, some stumbled, she also hurriedly ran over: "You run slowly, don't worry."

After that, the girl used the handcuffs in her hand to wipe the boy's sweat from the forehead.

"Inquired clearly, the uncle Liu who was on the boat went to buy cigarettes. I said that I have contacted him. He has collected all the deposits. It is impossible to come. Wait a moment, he will come back soon."

Yesterday, Li Na promised to fly a kite with him. Feng Yu found a boat at night and paid a deposit. He agreed to wait for him at the riverside at 9:00 this morning. He can take a boat to the beach on the other side and can take many roads. He also prepared some self-service barbecues, which can be picnicted at noon.

But it was nine o'clock, and the uncle Liu who was on the boat did not come. Feng Yu asked Li Na to wait here. He went to inquire.

Today, Feng Yu is the most active, especially the Wendong Army who has a beautiful scenery. Wen Dongjun sprained his foot a few days ago. Who asked him to give him a free exercise, and he was a physical education class every day.

Feng Yu is extremely happy inside, telling you that you like the ball, you can play more shots or something, you have to play football, twist your feet?

At least this week. Wen Dongjun can't jump.

Originally, Wen Dongjun was also entangled today. Feng Yu told him that he would not play this kind of game that needs to run fast. In particular, Feng Yu said that he will never take care of him. The reason is very simple. Flying a kite is too busy. No time to take care of this half-disabled person!

There are game machines in the house, there are video recorders, if it is really boring, there are wool and needles that Feng Yu took from her sister. Feng Yu told Wen Dongjun very seriously: knitting sweaters is always interesting, but you need to persist. If you persist for a few hours, you will be able to experience the happiness that others can't realize. Don't believe you try!

Wen Dongjun asked Feng Yu to try? Feng Yu looked at him with contempt. Yizheng said that I am so busy, how can I have time to play every day, well, you have to go and play sweaters, I am going to fly kites!


After a while, the uncle Liu, who had sailed, came, and apologized to Feng Yu, let the two boarded. Feng Yu wrapped his boat down today, as long as he opened to Jiangbei. Then you can sleep in the cabin and you can earn money that you can't earn in a week.

The ship sailed to the bank of Jiangbei, and Uncle Liu landed. Park the boat.嘱咐 Feng Yu two people, do not swim, the current river is still very cold, swimming is also easy to cramp.

Feng Yu rolled up his pants and jumped into the water, letting Li Na kneel on his back. He put Li Na on the case. On the back of Feng Yu, Li Na feels very happy, and she always thinks like this.

Help the kite to the shore. Uncle Liu returned to the cabin and opened the semiconductor. Lying outside the cabin, basking in warm sunlight. Beautiful eyes squint.

"You come to the line, I carry a kite, run here, the wind is easy to float up." After Feng Yu put a line, he handed the coil to Li Na, and he ran for more than ten meters with his kite.

Li Na took the coil and began to run forward. After Feng Yu ran for more than ten meters, her hands were lightly loose, and a huge butterfly flew into the sky.

"Receive the line, good, put, put, put it again. Take the line, get the line fast, get up, fly up!"

Feng Yu and Li Na cheered together, the first time they succeeded, and both of them were full of sense of accomplishment.

The kite is made by Feng Yu, a veteran craftsman who is very beautiful. When Li Na saw the first sight in the morning, she liked it. In fact, Feng Yu ordered two, and there is a giant cockroach he likes very much. After thinking about it, Feng Yu still didn't bring it over. Forget it, the black cockroach is still given to Wen Dongjun.

As the kite flies higher and higher, Li Na keeps laying the line. Two people are pulling the line together, and from time to time, they receive a lot of laughter and laughter, and they are far and far away.

"Look, the kite is not too high, too beautiful!" Li Na pointed to the kite and said to Feng Yu.

"That is, tell you, there is a pattern I painted on the butterfly's wings." Feng Yu said proudly.

"Is it in the middle of the wing on the left?"

Feng Yu was shocked: "How do you know?"

Impossible, when I was making a kite, Li Na was no longer there.

"Because I saw it, the place is the most ugly!" Li Na said with a grin.

"Well, you dare to make fun of me, obviously the best of my painting, you have a problem with your aesthetic vision, you take a closer look!" Feng Yu was angry.

"Ha ha ha, good, you paint the best."

The two played a kite while playing and playing. After more than an hour, the sun was almost in the middle, and both of them were tired.

Feng Yu began to pick up the line and pulled the kite back a little bit. Not to mention, this kite is also a physical activity!

Feng Yu returned to the boat, knelt down the barbecue, poured half a bottle of alcohol on the charcoal, crossed a match, and lit charcoal.

"Cough cough~~~"

All the previous steps were fine, but unfortunately the wind suddenly changed. Feng Yu turned from the wind to the downwind, and a cigarette sucked in, so that he could not be drowned.

Li Na's laughing flower trembled and patted Feng Yu's hand: "I still come, have you not had a fire at home?"

Feng Yu "..." Is it good for my family to live in a cottage for the first two years? The wind has changed, and it is completely unrelated to my fire technology.

In a short while, the charcoal turned red. Feng Yu put the skewed lamb and chicken wings on top and baked it with a small brush.

"What are you brushing on the chicken wings, so sweet, why do you smell some sweet?"

"Honey, I haven't eaten it, I tasted my craft for a while. Grilled chicken wings~~ I like to eat~~ Especially~~ I like to bake to Li Na~~~" Feng Yu roasted while singing in the movie of Stars Divine Comedy, also changed the lyrics.

"What are you singing, it's hard to hear." Li Na gently beat Feng Yu.

"This is the song of the roast chicken wings. Come, I teach you to sing. Learn with me, roast chicken wings ~~ I like to eat ~~ sing!"

"..." Li Na: "I don't want to learn. You roast first. I called Uncle Liu to eat and give me a baking pan."

Feng Yu is a little depressed inside. This song is so nice. Is it bad for me to sing? I must have just played well, um, continue to practice: "Roasted chicken wings ~ ~ I like to eat ..."

Uncle Liu came over, holding a small basin in his hand, which contained the small squid that he specially fried in the morning. Feng Yu gave so much money, and he also prepared a little bit for Feng Yu. Feng Yu tasted one, the taste is really good, crisp and delicious.

"Young man, what drama did you sing, is it a Beijing opera?" Liu said, cheerfully.

Feng Yu "..."

Li Na smiled and shivered, and this time Feng Yu was still proud!

"Well, Grandpa Liu, you got it wrong, I am casual, I can't understand Peking Opera. Uncle Liu, you are really delicious, how to do it, teach me 呗~~"

... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to the deity & Flying Eagle's monthly ticket, tomorrow's fourth child continues to work hard, the zero point is not updated, and will be updated around 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, the fourth child continues to fight, first take a bath and sleep, sit for a long time, fart ~ stock pain ! ! !
