Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 319: Escape from military training can also t

After entering school, it ushered in the most painful military training. ??.??`co?m Perhaps this is not a big deal for Wen Dongjun's over-excited people, even very interesting. But for Feng Yu, what do you want to do to turn left and right every day? What is the use?

To say that you can quickly become familiar with the classmates and integrate into the group, Feng Yu feels that he is not as good as the students who want to eat two meals, or play basketball, football and other sports and entertainment activities. This military training is too boring!

It seems that I still need a big move~~~

"Teacher, I am with Yan Yan, may not be able to participate in military training." Feng Yu handed a leave of absence, followed by a medical record, spent a hundred pieces.

Even if it is not in the Ice City, it is too easy to get a sick leave. In this year, it is good to have money!

The teacher looked up and down Feng Yu: "Is it with Yan Yan? How did I see you playing football with my classmates last night? Can you play football with Yan Yan? Classmates, are you wrong, the hospital is easy to misdiagnose!"

The teacher's tone, expression, and darkness are very obvious: your fake sick leave is still taken back, don't force me to poke you!

Nima, I shouldn’t have been playing football yesterday. Why did I happen to be seen by the teacher?

This can be adjusted, and there is still one month left. Feng Yu is really far from insisting. At this time, he can just be busy with business matters. In his view, the future is a peaceful era. At least before he was born again, China did not fight, and military training has a hair?

Even if it was really smashed later, it would not be enough for him. There are too many soldiers in China, otherwise there will be no major disarmament in later generations. w?ww.` Really want to fight, the big soldier has a hair, advanced weapons, is the key to winning! To put it bluntly, it’s money!

Besides, this military training method is not scientific at all, affecting physical sports. He is also prepared to grow a little longer.

"What, teacher. I heard that our school's stadium is a bit worn, my family just has a little money, why don't I come to pay for it, give us a school to repair this stadium?" Old way. If the sick leave is not enough, then use the money!

The teacher opened his eyes and this kid is enjoying him. Stadium, can it be repaired for thousands of pieces? At least 100,000 can be simply renovated, if you want to repair better. That will cost millions or even tens of millions! Your kid has money at home, can your parents agree to give so much money?

There are many students who want to escape military training. He has been a teacher for several years. Feng Yu is not the first time to see him. However, these tricks are too old, just like Feng Yu just said that there is a sputum, not to let him scam, and he has time to watch students play football!

"You want to renovate the stadium for the school? Well, the teacher thank you on behalf of the school. The school wanted to repair it last year. Unfortunately, there is no money. Not too much, one million is enough!"

After that, the teacher’s mouth sneered, kid, see how you blow, one million scared you! I thought it would be awesome to send a student? I also sent it in the same year, and also sent a graduate student!

"No problem, teacher, then I will go to prepare, so these days of military training. . . . may not be able to participate." Feng Yu Daxi, one promised down, and then put forward their own conditions.

Anyway, he will go to school at this school in the future and build a better stadium. He can also use it, and it is even more fun to play football.

After two years, you can build a gymnasium. The naming rights must be taken down and done a good thing. Don’t you remember how to do it? This will be the student of the University of Beijing. I will never forget the Taihua company. After recruiting, I can also play emotional cards.

"You are fat, you are still breathing. No problem, one million, what have you seen in a million? Do you know how much a professor of our school spends a year? As a student at Jingcheng University, except As stated in the school motto, we must remember to be honest, not to blow the atmosphere, and to put satellites!" The teacher taught.

This student is really unpleasant. If you don't look at your resume, you can say that this student's English and Russian are very good, and he is the first to perform in the interview. He must be serious.

Will you be able to play these small smart things in the future? How can the future of the country be handed over to such people!

"Teacher, I am a student at Jingcheng University. How can I not know this? I really can get a million. The teacher, listen to me, you see, this wind and rain fan in your office, this It was bought the year before. Last year, the storm card introduced a leafless fan. This old model has been discontinued. This windproof appliance is my home!” Feng Yu pointed to his nose.

"Wind and rain appliances, is your home?!" The teacher was shocked, his mouth was still whispering, wind and rain, Feng Yu, wouldn't it be true?

Wind and rain appliances, this is currently the most famous electrical appliances in China, humidifiers, leafless fans, I heard that they are exported to Europe and the United States, in Europe and America, is also very famous. If Feng Yu didn't lie on this, it really got a million!

"Teacher, we have the word science in our school motto. This product of our family can be reflected in science and technology. Yes, teacher, I want to donate to the bioengineering department of our school, that is, to provide some funds for the professor. We have money to do research. Specifically, we can talk back."

The teacher's mouth is getting bigger and bigger, this Feng Yu, but also donate research funding?

We are, what kind of students are coming!

This kind of student, I think I don’t care much about the diploma and the assignment of work. Can I manage it? However, this can make a big contribution. I have done this well. He did not run because of his intermediate title!

"I have to talk to the school leaders about this matter. I can't do the Lord. So, I will take you to see the school leaders tomorrow morning. As for the military training, let's talk back."

The next day, other students were still in military training. Feng Yu was called away by the teacher. When I arrived at the school leadership office, Feng Yu once again said what he wanted.

However, this time the conditions are not so simple, donate to build a stadium, the stadium should give him the right to name. Of course, he also promised that in the future, he will donate some projects for the school every year, but the conditions are the same, and the naming rights should be left for him, just like the Yifu Building. What is different is that Yifu Building also needs funds from the school and the city, but Feng Yu, he is all out, don’t need a school to pay a penny!

As for the research funding donated to the professor of bioengineering, he has to meet with the professor, and he only contributes to the project and does not donate to the school. And the research results of the professor, he has to share with the school, but also have priority to buy the right.

A group of professors from the University of Beijing gave him a job and helped him to research some hangover drugs, diet pills, calcium tablets and other health products. I was excited about it.

And these things, the future will definitely bring him hundreds of times the return, definitely make a big profit!

Of course, there is also a benefit in the short term, that is, the guide has accepted his leave of absence and only needs to participate in his final military training show.

From the office of the school leader, the teacher of the teacher took Feng Yu’s shoulder and kept praise, talking and saying that the future of the country should be handed over to the young man like Feng Yu... (to be continued. )

Ps: Thank you for not being a thin ticket, thank you Wang Shunfeng 1987, f1y Xiaoyanzi, 禹%#.¥- for the reward, no more tonight, starting at 9:00 tomorrow morning. The reason is that the fourth child cooked fifteen yuan 宵, looking at the size of the meatballs, who knows that a boiled, rising like a small cage, fifteen, the fourth and tm support! The fourth year summed up, I made a wish a few years ago, the financial resources rolling, who knows that careless, achieved three-quarters, the rest is round! ! !
