Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 408: VCD prototype (booking for a ticket)

Returning to the capital, I started school, and Feng Yu once again enjoyed a beautiful campus life. You can read a book every day, you can play basketball with your classmates in class, and even the feeling of bragging B will make people feel very relaxed.

On the day of class, Feng Yu’s BP machine began to vibrate. He sneaked a glimpse, did not say anxious, so after class, Feng Yu went to the toilet, pulled out a newly bought Sony Z1, dialed the number: "Hey? I am Feng Yu."

"Feng total, the prototype came out!" On the other end of the phone, Jiang Wanmeng shouted excitedly.

So fast, the prototype actually came out? Feng Yu's mouth can't help but lift, and another cash cow will appear.

"Is there a total notice?"

"I have already notified, paying the general explanation day to bring people to come and see, when will Feng come over?"

"Also tomorrow, I can't help it, I want to see the prototype as soon as possible!"

Back in the classroom, Feng Yu and Tian Lei said, let him help to give two days off, he will go to Hefei tonight, the earliest tomorrow night can come back. Tian Lei did not ask Feng Yu what to do, patted his chest and said that he was on his body.

At noon, I heard that there was a flight to Hefei at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Feng Yu did not go to class in the afternoon and drove straight to the airport.

At five o'clock, when Feng Yu came out from the airport, there were already people who had been sent by Jiang Wanmeng, holding a big brand to pick up the plane. Pick up the car... is a dilapidated van!

Feng Yu was very satisfied. Jiang Wanmeng did not take his money to enjoy, but invested in research and development and construction. This is very good, and it does not mean Fei Fengyu’s share of Jiang Wanmeng.

"Is it paid?"

"Pay the evening, he will turn in Tianfu."

At this time, the river has no direct flights from Xiangjiang, and even the planes that Hefei and Pengcheng travel to and from, only once a week, still have to stop at the magic.

Feng Yu was resting in the hotel at night, but he could not sleep. VCD, if this is successful, it is really a revolution in the history of home appliances!

Video recorders and LD DVD players will be replaced by VCDs. With the in-depth development of compression technology, there will be super VCDs, DVDs, etc., which are all products that can be sold out of stock.

But this time Feng Yu will not only launch the VCD, but also the Aihua VCD. The technology is slightly different from each other and compete with each other to prevent them from accusing the monopoly.

If they know that Fengqi and Aihua are both big bosses, then Feng Yu will use this technology to cooperate with him and let the CD-ROM drive completely replace the floppy drive on the computer.

I finally got in touch with it, but the result was that Feng Yu was very disappointed. At present, even if there is no reform, it is not a shareholding system. Liu Chuanzhi and others have no shares.

But this is the case. When Feng Yu asked to ask Liu Chuanzhi to change jobs, he was also rejected by Liu Chuanzhi. Because the computer research institute has already loosened its mouth, it has plans to reform the shareholding system.

When it was changed to the shareholding system, Liu Chuanzhi and other veterans, technical backbones, and management backbones would all reward certain shares. And Liu Chuanzhi is sure to still think of the boss, even the above leaders also said that Liu Chuanzhi has the opportunity to become the chairman!

This is not the choice of chicken head and phoenix tail, both of which are golden phoenix. Even if there is national support, Liu Chuanzhi believes that in the future, it will inevitably become the top PC production and sales company in the country and even the top international. Although Feng Yu promised to invest and give shares, the core power is in the hands of Feng Yu.

Liu Chuanzhi refused to change jobs and made Feng Yu very disappointed. But he remembers that when he even wanted to change the system, he seemed to sell the shares to other companies, and it was a private enterprise. This is why the future is why it is called the leader of private enterprise technology companies, because the proportion of state-owned enterprises holding shares has been reduced to about 30%.

Liu Chuanzhi did not change jobs, and he remained firmly in his thoughts, but he did not dispel Feng Xin’s shareholding. Even if you want to develop quickly, you will need funds. Past life thoughts were developed by means of profit rolling, which seriously restricted the speed of development.

It was not until 1996 that even when we wanted to have a price war, we became the boss of the country. After a few years of accumulation, we had money to stir up the international situation.

Can't dig you Liu Chuanzhi, but I am a shareholder, can you kneel down to stop it? The emergence of 586 next year, after the release of the WIN3.2 system, the development speed of the microcomputer will be faster, and foreign products will flood into the country.

Feng Yu didn't believe it. At this time, he wanted to raise shares, and he was willing to buy shares at a premium. Even the holding company that he thought could refuse.

The Computer Research Institute, but always needs state funding, they do not want more research funding, continue to innovate technology?

And next year, VCD will be listed, and the wind and rain card can be regarded as a powerful force in consumer electronics products. If it is too big, it can be changed.

In the middle of the night, Feng Yu was asleep in a confused way. He went downstairs to eat breakfast the next morning and saw that Fu Guangzheng was also eating water. Yesterday, Fu Guang was in the middle of the night, and did not bother Feng Yu.

After breakfast, the two went to the institute together and Jiang Wanmeng had already been waiting here.

"Please look at the two, this is our successful VCD prototype!" Jiang Wanmeng pulled a red cloth to reveal the machine inside.

Twenty centimeters thick, fifty centimeters long and forty centimeters wide, is much larger than the VCD in Feng Yu's impression. The outer casing is all metal, so it is not light.

"Ginger, how many prototypes?"

"About 13 kilograms."

Twenty six pounds? This is too heavy, right? A video recorder is multiple, about five kilograms, Feng Yu remembers that VCD is much lighter than video recorders.

"Ginger, can't this volume be reduced? And it's too heavy, can't you alleviate some?" Feng Yu frowned and asked.

"It should be no problem. This is a prototype. After all, many components can be replaced with lighter materials. But in this case, the cost will rise a lot." Jiang Wanmeng replied.

“Does it affect playback quality?”

"That's definitely not. The quality of playback is the most important technology of this VCD player. How can it not make this happen? This is just a prototype. In another month, we can guarantee that the weight can be reduced to eight kilograms. Buttons, etc. can be replaced with plastic, and the quality will never be affected."

Eight kilograms, that is acceptable. A previous LCD TV, weighing 15 to 20 kilograms, seems to be the more Shen, the more precious it feels. If it is made very light at once, it will not work. Others will think that it is an empty shell.

"Well, there is a VCD disc, try it out, let me see the effect."

Jiang Wanmeng unplugged the antenna signal connector behind the TV, connected the cable of the VCD player, pressed the switch, put the disc into it, and pressed it a few times to start playing.

On the TV, the opening speech of the host at the New Year's party was released. On the screen, the host's facial features were clearly visible and the sound was not distorted.

When the first song appeared, Feng Yu listened to Nan Ge’s voice and nodded very satisfied.

"Fu brother, what do you think?"

Fu Guangzheng slaps and slaps hard. "Fortunately, I have invested in this company. This VCD will replace the video recorder and will be popular all over the world!"

Fu Guangzheng is very proud of it, following Feng Yu's investment, it is really a loss!

Fortunately, I am with Feng Yu, a friend!