Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 414: Speak with facts

The atmosphere of the meeting was very strange, and no one took the initiative to speak first. Zhang Ruiqiang then began to name, the first is his childcare.

Ice City's new deputy city ~ long, is also the last deputy city ~ long, but the weight of his speech, but not much worse than the executive vice, because he was the secretary of the province on the 1st last month!

"I just arrived at our team, but I don't know much about the ice city. The restructuring of state-owned enterprises is a work that is being carried out all over the country. Our ice city is in front of the whole country. The restructuring work in these years has been fruitful. The leader is also very satisfied. Who is responsible for the main work of restructuring? It is Zhang City ~ Chang. It can be said that in this aspect of experience, we are all present, there is no Zhang Chang ~ long experience. I see this information I have to be very careful. I don’t know if you have noticed it. Most of the pharmaceutical companies produce the same main drugs. That is to say, our left and right hands are competing. And such resources and energy are too scattered, which is not good for us. Competing with pharmaceutical companies in other provinces. Integrating into a company can concentrate on superior resources and enhance the overall competitiveness of our ice city pharmaceutical industry... So I am absolutely in favor of Zhang’s proposal.”

There are a few who have intended to oppose it, and hesitated now. This is the origin of the province's No. 1 secret, what does he mean, does it mean the meaning of the provincial number 1? If the provincial number 1 is supported, they strongly oppose it. Isn't that a singer against the leader? Still want to promote the official? Want to go back to the second line in advance with the vice-president of Xu?

So the next few deputy-long-long speeches were somewhat vague, unsupportive, and not objectionable. In short, they were muddy. Said the benefits of integration, but also said some difficulties. The central idea is that integration is a good thing, but it is impossible to achieve, and so on.

When it is the turn of the executive deputy, the executive deputy has expressed fierce opposition.

"Our medical management ~ enterprises under the bureau, not counting the restructuring, there are thirty, count the restructuring, not entirely controlled by us, there are twelve, a total of forty-three enterprises. To these companies How much energy does it take to integrate into a group company? It can be said that if it is to be integrated, then the focus of the work at this time in the city must be this. Perhaps all of us will focus on this and may not be able to complete it in one month. Besides, there are also private funds and foreign-invested companies, which are integrated into the group companies. How do they operate?"

I found that everyone was listening carefully to what he said, and the executive deputy was somewhat proud. He was promoted by the Provincial No. 2, and his work style and governance philosophy are quite different from Zhang Ruiqiang. He believes that restructuring should change those companies that are losing money, those that cannot do business. Not a business, it needs to be reformed. If the restructuring fails, a good company will make a loss, and it will not pay for it. This example is not without it.

"Even if we all get involved, the progress of the restructuring is also very smooth, then the money? After the restructuring, it is necessary to concentrate on the superior resources, it is necessary to divest some bad assets, there will be people who will be laid off, some enterprises will go bankrupt, the city must take A sum of money will be used for resettlement, and this amount of funds will not be a small amount, at least 10 million yuan. The information also says that to expand the scale, it is bound to invest, and this investment will not be small. The number? If the city takes out the money, what about other jobs? How much money is needed for this year’s urban construction work? Where does the money come from?”

"So, I think it is absolutely not feasible to integrate all the enterprises. Let the leaders of those enterprises find their own way and revitalize the enterprise. Don't always count on the city. They sit in that position and take this responsibility!"

After finishing the conversation, the executive vice-chaired the teacup, drank a few mouthfuls of water and throat, and then looked at Zhang Ruiqiang, my questions, how do you answer?

Zhang Ruiqiang nodded: "Li Vice City ~ Long finished, health ~ Bureau, let's talk about your opinions."

Health ~ Bureau ~ Long thought about the wording, said: "We are in principle not opposed to integration, but the specific work, mainly by the medical management ~ Bureau, we can do assistance."

This sentence is obviously shirking responsibility. But others can't say anything, after all, those companies are really hanging under the medical management bureau.

Medical management ~ Bureau of money bureau ~ long see the city ~ long look at themselves, but also began to express their views: "I still have a better understanding of these companies. And I also visited other provinces of pharmaceutical companies, many are integrated A number of small companies have become a force in the country and have emerged in the country. If we want to rush out of Longjiang, then merger is the only choice. As for those companies that already have shares in others, I will communicate with them and bring them The shares are converted into shares in the new company, or simply paid for."

"The ridiculous, where is the money?" Executive Deputy angered.

"You can introduce foreign funds, and you don't need to pay in the city." Qian Bureau~ long said. The city ~ Changdu passed with him, he certainly chose to support the city ~ long, the position of the chairman of the group company after the restructuring, the city ~ long can already promise to him!

“Introducing foreign capital? Just like a mechanical company, giving state-owned assets to private bosses?” executive sarcasm.

At this time, everyone understands why Wu Zhigang will appear. This foreign capital party to be introduced should be Taihua Trading Company!

Wu Zhigang said loudly at this time: "I don't dare to agree with Li's deputy city~ What is the national assets and handing them over to the private boss?"

"Why not? Machinery companies, the introduction of foreign capital development, this is true, but now the city still holds the shares of machinery companies? Who is holding now?"

"Li Vice City ~ Long, I have a piece of data here, on behalf of our boss, handed over to you. Before the restructuring of the machinery company, it is best to have a profit of not more than six million a year, and the profit and tax never exceeded one million! And the machinery company The market value is not only more than 30 million RMB. Now, the city holds 28% of the shares of machinery companies. The market value of this part of the shares exceeds 300 million yuan! Last year, the profits of machinery companies exceeded 100 million yuan. According to the shares, the profits that the city can share are more than 30 million, and the machinery company pays more than 17 million profits. Does the city earn or lose? Is there any doubt?" Wu Zhigang said loudly.

This move is also Feng Yu called to let Wu Zhigang do it, this is called to speak with facts!

Put these data on the stage, don't always think that Feng Yu is a cheaper city. If there is no Feng Yu, this mechanical company is now developing well. If the assets can have 50 million, it is not bad. How much profit and profit and tax can there be? There is a great possibility that it will not withstand the impact of the market, and now it has lost money.

Although the city is no longer holding money, the city can earn much more than the previous two years. Otherwise, the above will not think that the reform is a success, and Zhang Ruiqiang has long been blamed.

"That is a mechanical company, a pharmaceutical company can be different. Can you guarantee that after the restructuring of a pharmaceutical company, can you make so much?" Li Vice City~ long argued.

Wu Zhigang looked at everyone and said aloud: "Our boss said, he can!"