Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 426: Are cursing AIWA

After the acquisition of the bully, the factory will produce two brands of products, one is the Aiwa learning machine, the other is the bully super learning machine, the price is also slightly opened, the retail price of the bully super learning machine is set at two thousand Six hundred and eight.

The learning machine, this product market, was finally in the hands of Feng Yu.

Dahe Dianxiong has been paying attention to AIWA. After all, AIWA has not paid off their debts with them. AIWA's two Walkmans launched this year, once again defeated Sony, and was completely defeated. Now AIWA has occupied more than 40% in the world's Walkman market, and is still gradually improving. Sony's market share has fallen to around 30%, and is still falling!

But Dahe Dianxiong discovered a major mistake of AIWA, that is, after AIWA cooperated with Nintendo, it actually produced a learning machine!

What is this, the game machine is not like a game machine, the computer is not like a microcomputer, this product is put on the market, may be popular? It seems that this year, AIWA's profits on the Walkman will be wasted on this learning machine.

For this kind of product, AIWA is still looking for Nintendo OEM. Is Nintendo stupid? Why is the profit of this piece mostly given to you AIWA, because there will be no profit at all! Nintendo is interested in the sales channel of AIWA in China.

The Chinese boss of AIWA is really stupid enough to actually help the public relations success, so that China allows the game machine to import.

After Nintendo and Sega entered the Chinese market, the Chinese game console manufacturers were all finished. Not to mention this ridiculous learning machine, it must be eliminated, this is a typical introduction of the wolf into the room, the mouse eyes!

AIWA is likely to be dragged down by a failed product just like it was before.

Once the AIWA funds have problems again, it is the moment when Sony's Walkman rises again. Sony is now developing ultra-thin Walkman, and after the listing, it will definitely be able to make a turnaround!

AIWA puts its energy into this learning machine. I heard that it has exchanged some technology with a Chinese company and purchased two production lines to say what new video recorders to produce.

Dahe Dianxiong is very happy. Liu Shengyi is a greedy person. He wants to do everything, and he doesn't want to think about it. Can AIWA's strength take care of so many aspects? Are their technical developers sufficient? Not every company, there are so many technicians from Sony!

In this way, AIWA will inevitably be surpassed by Sony in the technology of the Walkman! Especially at the end of this year, AIWA will also return Sony's arrears, and see AIWA now spend a lot of money, at the end of the year, how to get money? The Chinese kid, is there money to take it out?

If Liu Shengyu was fired by the boss of China because of this incident, then AIWA is really finished. Without Liu Shengyu, AIWA will not have a chance to re-emerge!

In Dahe Dianxiong, including the entire Sony executives, and even other electronic products companies in the island countries, they are waiting to see AIWA, and when they look at the jokes of Liu Shengzhen, they suddenly get a message, Aihua learning machine, sold out in China, The dealer waved the check and asked AIWA to speed up the production and delivery.

Then, the learning machine began to appear in the markets of other countries in Southeast Asia. Although the sales situation was general, but there was no competitor, it did not lose money. And it seems that once the market is cultivated, it is likely to make a big profit!

This time, Dahedian was arrogant, and Sony was paralyzed. The electronics companies of other island countries were paralyzed. They have started to study, why this learning machine can fire up, why is this learning machine able to make money?

In their view, it is nothing more than an old-fashioned cassette game machine. Although there are more functions of typing and learning foreign languages, the technology is not too complicated, and there are no special features. But as far as this product is concerned, it is so popular with the market!

Then, Aihua actually acquired a company in China and began to produce another brand of learning machine, and AIWA also began to sell learning machines in the island.

What they can't think of is that this learning machine has many people in the island country to buy. Since AIWA's learning machines are all sold in their own stores, they don't need to be too publicized. They have a lot of traffic, and the learning machine is actually recognized in the island market.

And now there are people who say, AIWA's technology, doing micro-computers are enough, better than Sony, it is just a joke! Is the computer so good? Are we Sony's microcomputers already produced well? AIWA's technology in the field of consumer electronics is definitely not comparable to our Sony, except for the Walkman!

But they firmly believe that this is just a short-lived, AIWA will not rely on this to make money. What's more, AIWA is now producing new video recorders, which is even more ridiculous!

It is impossible to make money for every product of AIWA!


At the headquarters of Nintendo, the president is furious.

China market has entered a month, sales? What did you say at the beginning, Huaxia is a blank market. After entering, it will inevitably increase Nintendo's sales and increase Nintendo's profits in a short period of time.

The results of it? In the second month, there was no dealer to order, because the first month's products have not been sold out yet!

The game machine that the factory has intensified production cannot be sold at all, and the product has a serious backlog. In this way, it can only be sold at a reduced price. If the market is stolen by Sega, he can still accept it. After all, Sega is currently the second in the world, and some technologies are still ahead of Nintendo.

But actually? It is the Chinese people who do not recognize Nintendo's game consoles at all! Don't even recognize the Nintendo brand!

Advertising fees have also been given, but how can only the advertisements in newspapers, television media? China has such a satellite TV station covering the whole country. Why not advertise? What, can't you buy? Waste, all waste!

Nintendo is still wrongly estimating the market in China. Their products are too expensive, and Chinese people simply do not accept it. Those who sell it are just over a thousand game consoles. More than two thousand, it seems that no one buys them.

Because it is used, the effect is the same. They bundled up with new games, but they found that their new game cartridges soon appeared on the market, and the price, for a few dollars to a dozen dollars, their cassettes, to sell hundreds of dollars.

At this time, Nintendo suddenly found that it seems that the learning machine, selling very good. Although this learning machine is the brand of AIWA, AIWA also takes more profits, but they are not without making a profit.

But very quickly, they found that AIWA actually reduced production, they acquired a Chinese company, licensed technology to the other side, produced a super learning machine called Xiaobawang!

Nintendo feels that they have been played by AIWA, giving technology to AIWA, and helping AIWA to develop a successful learning machine, and now the profits are not much!

"Call, contact Liu Shengwei, if they still want to cooperate with us, give me an explanation!"

Nintendo's president thought that with the strength of Nintendo, it would definitely make AIWA make concessions, but Liu Shengzhen did not hesitate to say that if Nintendo felt that the cooperation was lost, then the strategic cooperation agreement would be void!

At this time they only knew that Nintendo was really played by AIWA! Just like they used to play Sony.

AIWA tore up the agreement, but has already got some of Nintendo's technology, and the technology Nintendo got is far less valuable than the one they paid. Although they got what they wanted most, they entered the Chinese market and shared the sales channels of AIWA. But the products are not sold at all in China, they are losing big!

Now Nintendo is also like Sony, cursing AIWA downhill, cursing the learning machine is a flash in the pan, cursing the AIWA video recorder, nobody cares!