Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 428: Military training (request for a ticket)

The careful listening of the class still played a big role. Although there is no teacher to focus on what, but Feng Yu feels good play, many questions, he can instantly think of the answer.

Even the elective business negotiations played well, and Feng Yu even felt that he understood more negotiating tips.

The freshman year is over, but for the students of Jingcheng University, the freshman is not over. Because there is a practice in Beijing University, the summer vacation of the freshman year, go to the army and participate in the closed military training for half a month.

This is not a simple turn to the left, turn to the right, but also includes training in the field, shooting, etc., unless special reasons, otherwise are not allowed to take time off, otherwise it is necessary to repeat!

Feng Yu was also a bit interested in this. He did not go back to the door and followed everyone to participate in military training.


"I know that everyone is a proud son, and the level of culture is far better than me, but this is not the reason for your slack! You must know that you are a reserve. Once in war, you are also likely to go to the battlefield! Even if it is Now, in the southwestern part of our country, small-scale wars are still taking place. A country without strong military strength is impossible to become a powerful country! Now the first training is carried out, regardless of gender, all have, push-ups, one A hundred times!"


Everyone is so forced, push-ups a hundred times? Is this military training? Are the troops the amount of this training?

Feng Yu knows very well that this is just a matter of Mawei. It is definitely not for everyone to finish, just let everyone learn to obey orders. Besides, at least before he was born again, there was no war in China, otherwise there would be no further disarmament.

Everyone was kneeling on the ground and began to do push-ups. Feng Yu suddenly found out that the instructor was actually kneeling on the ground and doing push-ups together!

"One, two, three... ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred!"

When the instructor stood up from the ground, he was sweating too hard, but all the classmates were already sitting on the ground, and some were directly on the ground, and both arms were unconscious!

Feng Yu's body is not bad, but he has done more than fifty, and he is also taking a break. I am grass, why did the instructor not stop? Will not let everyone finish it?

"Everyone must complete, whoever completes first, who can rest, and a frog jump and other projects, when everyone has finished, when will it end. Not finished at noon, there will be no food at noon! Continue to do!" ”

Nima, we are not special forces, do we need to be so embarrassed?

Feng Yu bite his teeth and insist on it. With the deliberate exercise of these years, it is finally the second completion of the whole department. The first one is a child from the countryside. The cargo arm can catch up with the legs of many female students. Rough. Feng Yu is also very admired for it, while doing farm work, while studying, actually can also be admitted to the capital city university, really learning!

For a few days, it was a very painful drill. Feng Yu regretted it. She knew that she should take time off for the whole illness... The four years did not require military training. I am a billionaire, and I am sunning here every day!

This is July, although there is no such thing as the autumn tiger, but now the weather in the capital is sunny, there is no smog, the sun is shining on the body, Feng Yu feels that he must be a lot of black, hard to maintain the tender skin~~ ~

Only he found that the instructor looked at his eyes, how is it more and more strange?

Rub, this year, will not have this tendency in the army?


"Today we are practicing shooting, including rifles and pistols. Which one thinks that they are good, can you come up and try it?"

A few of my classmates raised their hands. Feng Yu’s eyes were also bright. The buddies played in the former Soviet Union but even the tanks. They must be more accurate than other students.

Besides, if you try it, you will definitely have more bullets than other classmates. He can also enjoy it.

"Well, how many of you, are listed! Have you ever fired a gun?"

Everyone nodded, Feng Yu had some small pride inside, and those people, it is estimated that they are playing shotguns? The buddies are playing rifles and pistols of the Soviet army. They are not a level at all!

Bayi Bar, turned out to be the classic gun type of China. Feng Yu was in his hand and checked the clip. The empty bombs used in practice are also afraid that students are in danger.

When everyone was kneeling down, the instructor saw that Feng Yu’s eyes were more heated. The student seemed to be very standard in movement. He also knew that the magazine was inspected. Was there someone in the family who was a soldier and practiced in the army?

At this time, China still has the largest number of soldiers in the world. Even Beijing University, there are many parents of students, who are from the army.

There is a benefit to growing up in the army compound, that is, when I was a child, I might have touched the gun and even practiced it.


Everyone took turns to shoot, the target distance was very close, Feng Yu's five bullets, all on the target, and there was still a red heart, it was so cool!

At this time, some people began to report, Feng Yu knows that seven people are shooting, he is only in the middle. Thirty-nine rings, Feng Yu is very satisfied with this result. What are the three enchantings that he is more accurate than him?

The three students, two of whom were raised in the army compound, and one of them was a hunter, who was a small gun. Even the three who are worse than him, there are many bullets in this life.

Feng Yu said that he only played a few shotguns in the past. He only played a gun in the Soviet Union. This time, he was able to play such a good result.

“Comment! Li Yong, Zhao Gang, Wang Qiang, Feng Yu’s movements are more standard, and the other three students have a lot of movements. Let’s give you a demonstration of the standard shooting action. Everyone must study hard, every time off target, do ten Shooting a frog and jumping. There are three bullets per person for a while, I don't want to see my team, some people leapfrog!"

Although some people taught, but many of the students obviously saw the gun for the first time. After half an hour, there was a frog that raised the gun before the venue!

Feng Yu and a few others watched other people jump, and their faces were somewhat proud.

"You seven, come again to play a group of three bullets, less than twenty-four rings, but also to jump, one less ring, ten times!"

I am grass, this is obviously aimed at them!

So Feng Yu also made a frog, this luck is not very good.


The half-month military training soon ended. On the day of the end, Feng Yu and several other students were called by the instructor to talk to the company.

Feng Yu looked at it. It seems that the people who are going to go are all people who have performed well in military training. What do the instructors mean, should they be commended? If you send a certificate of advanced personal training, you will be happy for a long time.

"Several of you are the talents of the capital city, and you can make a great contribution to the country in the future. But there are many ways to contribute to the country. Have you ever thought of joining the army?"

What? Enlisted?

Feng Yu quickly shook his head. If you want to join the army, you can graduate from high school and you can receive special care. Now admitted to the capital city, you called us into the army? The fool promised it!

"Instructor, are you really? But I haven't graduated yet, how can I join the army?"

Nima, really want to join the army? Feng Yu turned to look at the past, is the classmate whose arms are thicker than the girls' legs.

"Two ways, the first one, the transfer of students to the military school, graduation is the second platoon leader! Second, after entering the school, after three years of training, you can go back to school to continue reading, you can stay in the army, you can also do To the second lieutenant! Who do you want to be a soldier? War friendship, brotherhood! Improper soldiers, can not be experienced. And when the soldiers, not only can touch the gun, but also tanks, planes, cannons and so on."

Feng Yu is guilty, you just blow it, and when you are a soldier for a few years, you are feeding pigs!

Seeing that only two people hesitated, the others refused without hesitation, especially Feng Yu, who was more optimistic, refused, and the instructor was somewhat disappointed. Compared with the cadres who graduated from Jingcheng University, they still do not want to be soldiers. How can it be so difficult to recruit a few high-quality soldiers?

From the closed troops station was released, Feng Yu seems to feel the new life, and finally escaped from the bitter sea!

I don't know, what is the company doing now, is VCD listed as scheduled? How about sales?