Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 442: National automobile brand

The next morning, the director was still considering whether it was feasible for the deputy director Jia to purchase the Songjiang brand car yesterday. The secretary sent the newspaper this morning.

As usual, his first choice was to read the People’s Daily.

"Revitalization of the automotive industry is only a joint venture? 》

The front page article was an article published in a name he was familiar with, and he hurriedly began to read it carefully.

Automobile manufacturers in developed countries have used the joint venture to occupy the Chinese market. However, Western countries have set up barriers for our technical output, which is an obvious inequality! If you let it go, in the future, China's automobile manufacturing industry will rely on technology-dependent, affiliated with large companies in the West, and earn a lot of profits from each other. Our capital account will have a lot of deficits!

Developed countries, on the surface, transfer some technologies of Huaxia Auto Enterprises, but these technologies are all technologies that they have already eliminated or are about to be eliminated, and the real high-end technology will never be transferred to China.

Our automobile manufacturing industry seems to be booming. Both production and sales are growing rapidly. At the same time, most of the profits are earned by the joint venture foreign companies, and the Chinese people's money is earned.

In this way, we will become cash cows of car manufacturers in developed countries, eat our grass, and milk is squeezed away by them!

Our country originally had its own car brand, but now it has all been discontinued. The cars produced are all foreign brands, and our own brands are gradually disappearing.

In the long run, we are undoubtedly making wedding dresses for foreign brands. Domestic consumers are more inclined to foreign brands and national self-owned brands. There is no room for survival. Even if we want to re-energize in the future, we may not be revitalized. It's a shortcut, but it's actually drinking and quenching thirst!

It was a helpless choice at the time, but now we have a better choice!

In China's Ice City, there is a machinery manufacturing company. Without any special policy support, we have independently developed several models that are leading the country and even in the forefront of the world. Please note that this is also a joint venture, but it is a joint venture of state-owned assets, private funds and Xiangjiang funds. It can be said that it is entirely owned by our China.

They founded the Songjiang brand car, both in design and core technology, all from China, and the performance is fully ahead of the joint venture car. Even the first to introduce a diesel engine into the car.

This is a national automobile brand that has developed out of its own path, independent innovation and independence. The emergence of this brand will inevitably break the reality of the monopoly technology of automobile manufacturers in developed countries, and will inevitably lead us to the Chinese automobile manufacturing enterprises and embark on the top of the world!


The director read the newspaper and ordered a cigarette. The joint venture was proposed by the company, and then a joint venture boom broke out across the country. Now that the public has published an article and criticized the joint venture, is the wind above changed?

Fortunately, he did not object to the purchase of the Songjiang brand car yesterday, but to continue discussions. It seems that it is obviously necessary to support the Songjiang brand car.

The door of this Songjiang brand car is very hard. Even if you get through the relationship, what else can you hesitate? The car purchased in Taiwan is the Songjiang brand car!

Feng Yu is also reading this article. He simply wrote some words. After this modification, it turned out to be such a powerful article.

But writing it, no problem? Feng Yu vaguely remembered that the joint venture was originally proposed by the chief designer. Nima, Bingcheng Machinery Co., will not become cannon fodder?

However, the chief designer can still be on the stage. Since I dare to publish it, should there be nothing? If the chief designer agrees with this point of view, then the spring of the Songjiang brand car will come!

At the same time, many leading cadres across the country have noticed this article. They know that in our country, apart from joint venture cars, there are even cars with such good technology.

Not only the People’s Daily, but also a number of newspapers, and similar articles were published. Of course, newspapers from several major automobile industry bases in the country did not publish these articles.

The big leader of the Planning Commission called the person who published the article to his office. He wanted to hear why this person wrote such an article.

The two men talked for a long time, and the leaders of the Planning Commission were also convinced by the other party.

Indeed, in this five-year plan, the state will focus on the automotive industry as the key development industry, and the next five-year plan will soon be a pillar industry.

If the technology of the pillar industry is in the hands of foreigners, once the other party withdraws the technology, just as the Soviet experts withdrew from China, then the automobile industry in China will inevitably fall back ten years!

However, things are not as serious as those mentioned in the newspaper. Now the joint venture, the other party's technology must be transferred to China, which can greatly enhance the technical strength of China. In the technology of these technologies, further research and development will be carried out. May catch up with the pace of developed countries.

However, this ice city machinery company has been able to independently develop and develop the country's leading cars. It is said that certain technologies are also in the forefront in the world. This is really not easy.

Although he already knows that the Songjiang brand car imports the production line and technology of the former Soviet Volga and incorporates the automobile manufacturing technology of the ice flying factory, he never imagined that two technologies that are not too strong are combined. It has produced such obvious progress.

Can the various automobile companies in China jointly combine technology and develop more advanced technologies?

In this way, after the expiration of the joint venture contract, you can not renew the contract, concentrate on the development of the national automobile brand, and truly revitalize the national automobile industry!

And the chief designer, this time also carefully read this article. Before the article was published, he knew it and nodded. He liked to tell the question and let everyone discuss it. He didn't like to hide it.

Moreover, he does not care whether the Ice City Machinery Company is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise. As long as it is a Chinese enterprise. In the spring of this year, when he was still inspecting in Pengcheng, he published a cat theory. And Bingcheng Machinery Co., is undoubtedly the good cat he said.

Although the newspaper said that there is some objection to the joint venture, but he is not angry, only to explore the most correct way. This ice city machinery company, very interesting, should take the time to look!

On the morning of the same day, Feng Yu received a call from Jia Taichang, let Feng Yu go to the Central Committee to discuss the specific matters of car procurement.

Feng Yu was overjoyed, and the two-pronged approach was successful. After that, these buses were replaced with Songjiang cards! What Audi, Volkswagen, Honda, all stand by!