Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 506: It is us!

Seeing the news on the news broadcast Wang Junxia, ​​Qu Yuxia their smile, Feng Yu is also very suede. Look at the cut shots, especially the sports field training shots, which have the words of the wind and rain training base, which has great benefits for the brand of wind and rain. The more famous these athletes are, the more they gain, and the easier it is to enter the international market.

He has already thought about it. He will continue to contact several newspapers with good relations tomorrow, spend some money, and then help these people to boast that they have the power to break the world record.

The next National Games is indeed the world record they broke, as well as the World Cup marathon, and the top four, which are worthy of the book.

When they break the world record, it is the best time for the ice city pharmaceuticals to enter the international market! In foreign countries, the influence of athletes is far beyond that of China, not to mention the athletes who broke the world record!

But when Feng Yu continued to prepare to enter the overseas market, the newspaper suddenly came up with some remarks, pushing Ice City Pharmaceuticals to the forefront!

"The exposure of the health care products industry turned out to be a conspiracy!"

"Some people made false news in order to sell medicine!"

"Bingcheng Pharmaceutical, it turned out to be behind the scenes!"


The major newspapers in the country, the headlines of the front page, are the news that Ma Jiaotou bombarded Ice City Pharmaceuticals. It is said that he is a victim. He does not know what Chinese cockroaches are fake drugs, and he also donated the advertising fee and the cost of selling life nuclear energy formulas at the first time of the incident. Used to compensate consumers for losses.

Li Jialu, the boss of Zhonghua Jingjing, was originally an employee of Bingcheng Pharmaceutical. He was the endorser of the brand that was blinded and recognized by the big pharmaceutical company. The advertising words were also given to him by others. He signed the contract and did not say no. He believes that this is a complete conspiracy, otherwise the health care products disappeared. Why did the ice city pharmaceutical products that supplemented the human trace elements suddenly emerged, and sold so hot?

Such as the smearing of Ice City Pharmaceuticals, Ma Jiaotou said a lot, but also said that he was implicated, the former top ten coaches in the country, now there are no athletes.

He also said that in the early days, many countries hired him to be a coach, and he did not go, in order to give the country a strength to bring out the athletes who glory for the country.

But the athlete who got good results in the track and field world championships did not mention him. This is a typical ungratefulness, crossing the river to break the bridge! These athletes have betrayed him more than a month ago, but can the athlete's performance be improved in a month or two? The performance of these athletes is inseparable from his training. With the deer-style running method he invented, the ostrich running method is inseparable!

And then, these athletes advertised the drugs of Bingcheng Pharmaceutical. Which medicines did they take? It’s all fake, it’s all deceptive!

Ma Jiaotou can only make this decision, and he can only return to the leadership's sight. Although he will inevitably be punished, if he does not do this again, he will be ********, and then he owes so much money, he will crush him!

Zhang Ruiqiang, the general manager of Bingcheng Pharmaceutical, and several other people called Feng Yu to find Feng Yu to discuss how to deal with it. If this pass does not pass, then Ice City Pharmaceuticals is just about to take off, it will encounter Waterloo.

Seeing the overwhelming news in the newspaper, Feng Yu secretly rejoiced, but fortunately the network is not developed, and the TV media did not dare to report these, only the newspaper, he can still cope.

The shortcomings of the newspapers are also very obvious, that is, the reports of the reporters are not the same, and it is easy to pass the rumors and make things worse. Good news, there is never bad news to catch the eye.

Isn't it just a mouthful? When did the buddy lose?

Feng Yu asked some news. After confirming, let the general manager of Bingcheng Pharmaceutical hold a press conference. In this year, only the government government has a press conference, and no big stars. As a result of Ice City Pharmaceuticals, many reporters feel fresh. They are trying to dig news here, and Ice City Pharmaceuticals is willing to take the initiative to say that they are certainly welcome.

"I will explain to you first, the smug charges that Ma Jiaotou complained about! First, Zhonghua Jingjing was established at the beginning of last year, before the establishment of our Ice City Pharmaceutical Group. Second, Li Jiazhen was indeed the predecessor of our Ice City Pharmaceuticals. The salesman of XX Pharmaceutical Factory, but only worked for one month, the pharmaceutical factory, is also a joint venture, and is privately held. Third, our prescription is developed by experts and professors of Jingcheng University, and has passed the international standard certification. We want to export foreign exchange immediately, so there is absolutely no problem with the quality of our drugs. Fourth, none of our advertisements are false, and any one sentence is true!"

"Five, according to our understanding, the reason why Ma Jiaotou took out 11 million yuan is not that he took the initiative, but the state was fined and the nature was completely different. Sixth, Ma Jiaotou said the achievements of those athletes, It’s all his credit, what about the other coaches? He alone, with dozens of athletes? Seventh, Ma Jiaotou said that he is a victim, but you forgot what the athletes said, why did they leave? Ma Jiaotou? Eighth, Ma Jiaotou said that after these athletes leave his training, the results will be worse and worse. I don’t think so at all. I think those athletes will be led by the new coaches after leaving him. Create a world record!"

The speech of the general manager of Bingcheng Pharmaceutical has made all journalists excited. All the accusations of Ma Jiaotou have been refuted, and they have been bitten back. These words are clearly implied, no, it is simply that Ma’s head is planting! Also completely denied the credit of Ma Jiaotou!

"How do you explain that the health care products have disappeared, and your various medicines for zinc supplementation, calcium supplementation, blood supplementation, and vitamin supplementation have begun to occupy the market? Although these are medicines, everyone still takes them as tonics." A reporter asked Road.

“Is there any problem? The disappearance of health products is because their products have problems. Our products are no problem. Of course, they are more worthy of being trusted by consumers. People need to add some nutrients needed by the human body to buy our medicines. This is also normal."

"Then the head of the horse said that the health products were exposed. It was driven by your ice city pharmaceuticals. Do you admit it?" Some reporters raised sharp questions.

The general manager of Bingcheng Pharmaceutical smiled slightly: "Yes, it is us!"

The reporter is amazed, it is really them. That horse teaches the head, is this not wrong? Is this all really inseparable from Ice City Pharmaceuticals?

The people next to the ice city government ~ government are also anxious, how can you say anything? Whether it matters or not, you should say that it doesn't matter, your brain is in the water!

But then, the general manager of Bingcheng Pharmaceutical said: "Can we expose fake drugs, and where is it wrong?"

The reporters are stunned, yeah, what is wrong with exposing fake drugs? !