Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 662: I saw Liu Yonghao at first sight.

"I have to think about this, but don't you know, my father's Taihua agricultural and sideline products company is a competitor with Hope Group? They hope that the group is currently the number one feed manufacturer in China, and Taihua Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. is second."

Liu Chuanzhi stunned, and he knows where he is. This Feng’s father, who is doing a lot of business, is actually the second feed production company in China. But how is the name of this company familiar?

"Feng, the competition is also benign. There is no need to be so targeted. Besides, I have never heard of any contradictions before. Is this not a problem?"

"General Liu, if you can, you can help me with Liu Yong, I want to talk to him." Feng Yu said with a smile.

In fact, when Taihua Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd. was founded, Feng Yu’s first person to consider was Liu Yonghao, but at that time the Liu’s brother’s feed factory had developed.

In fact, Sichuan and Chongqing is the largest pig breeding base in China, and can even be said to be the largest in the world. The Hope Group, which occupies this vantage point, is of course very quick to develop.

If the pig feed of Taihua Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. does not have the digestion of its own pig farm, it may not be able to enter the Sichuan-Yunnan market, and the river dragon may not be able to hold the ground.

Feng Yu and Liu Yong did not know, but Zhang Ming must have known Liu Yong. It is still the Taihua Agricultural and Sideline Products Company, which has grabbed the market of Hope Group.

Fortunately, the hope that the group is not only pig feed, but also cattle and sheep feed, poultry feed such as chickens and ducks, etc., so although affected, but the impact is not great.

Feng Yu is very interested in Liu's four brothers, especially this boss Liu Yonghao.

"That line, I will make an appointment, and I will inform you. You said that this private joint-stock bank can really do it? Will there be people who are willing to save money?" Liu Chuanzhi asked worriedly.

“A bank is not an ancient money house. In fact, if you want to open it, it is mainly to let people have certain confidence in bank assets, and then attract customers through high interest rate and low interest loans. This operation is not particularly easy, but It’s not as hard as I imagined."

The most difficult thing to do now is to open a bank. If you save money here, you can go to the field but have no business office. You can't get it out, or you can take it out, but you need to pay a certain fee.

And Feng Yu has one of the biggest benefits. That is the number of employees of Fengyu Company, Fengyu company has abundant funds. Even if only employees pay their wages to this Minsheng Bank, it is not a small amount. If Fengyu’s capital flow can exist in Minsheng Bank, it would be even more perfect.

On the day of Feng Yu's return home, he called Zhang Ming and let Zhang Ming also come to Beijing. Even if the Minsheng Bank is not a shareholder, it will be very good for Taihua Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd. to have a cooperation with Hope Group.

It can be said that it is a good time for the mainland development bank, but it is also the most difficult time. Say good time, because at this time the state-owned banks are not as strong as they are in the future. And some management vulnerabilities have not been discovered yet. In addition, state-owned banks are more restricted than joint-stock banks. For example, local governments can often administratively intervene in bank management, although they do not have this right at all.

It is said that it is the most difficult time, because at this time there are already many state-owned banks in China, and Zhu Tiewei is the governor of the People’s Bank of China. He is a leader who understands the economy, and the state-owned banks have also developed rapidly during this period. There are many drawbacks. Then there is no UnionPay at this time. Although there are bank cards, there are not many atm machines, and there is no pos machine. Everyone basically uses passbooks.

And settlement between banks is enough trouble. There is no UnionPay, the handling fee is high, and it is very cumbersome. It is also very troublesome for a new bank to establish a settlement relationship with all banks.

What's more, people's ideas have not completely changed at this time, and you are a private bank. The first reaction is not safe. What if you don't have money? What if I want to withdraw money? What if you close down?

The joint-stock bank is not a business yet? Is it a business, it is possible to go bankrupt? In the past few years, they have seen fewer companies failing to shut down?

However, Feng Yu really wants to join, because if this Minsheng Bank can give him a loan, the procedure may be much simpler, and more money can be loaned out.

After the establishment of UnionPay, the number of ATMs increased, and Minsheng Bank should have developed. I don’t want to make much money, but when I use it, it will be much more convenient.

These people want to set up this Minsheng Bank, should this mean? To put it bluntly, it is a kind of fund-raising in disguise and legal fund-raising.

It seems that these promoters in the future have no loans at Minsheng Bank. And their business, the development is also very fast, and the funds are sufficient.


Three days later, in a box in Quanjude, everyone met.

About in the office, that is a more formal meeting. In the hotel, you can chat between friends. Even if you can't talk at the end, you won't hurt each other.

When Liu Yong saw Zhang Ming, he stunned: "You are Zhang Hua of Taihua?"

Zhang Ming smiled and reached out: "Liu boss, we are not meeting for the first time, I thought you forgot me."

Liu Chuanzhi quickly introduced: "Taihua Agricultural and Sideline Products Company is invested and controlled by Feng’s father. Feng Zong, this is Liu Yonghao Liu Zong."

"Hello, Feng Yu." Feng Yu smiled and reached out.

"Liu Yonghao. Long Yang Feng's name, today is the first time to meet. I really did not expect that this Taihua agricultural and sideline products company is actually the industry of Feng's family."

Seeing that Liu Yong had seen Feng Yu and Zhang Ming did not turn and left, Liu Chuanzhi sighed with relief: "Everyone is sitting, the dishes are already ordered, let's talk while eating."

Liu Yonghao proudly said: "This Beijing Quanjude roast duck, the ducks used, is also feeding our feed. Now there are a large number of farms, farmers and other countries all over the country to use our feed."

After that, I took a look at Zhang Ming. You only have pig feed, how do you compare with our hope group?

Zhang Mingxiao said: "We have Tianpeng pigs, and the current national pork sales are the first. We also have pig farms, as well as ham sausage and other meat processing products. Yes, we also entered the Taihua supermarket, is Taihua Supermarket, do you understand?"

Taihua Supermarket, Taihua Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd. Is there any connection between them? Liu Yong looked up and looked at Feng Yu, the smiling man. This Thai supermarket would not have the shares of their family. Doesn't it mean that this Taihua supermarket is invested by Xiangjiang's richest man, Li Chaoren? Also related to Feng Yu?

Feng Yu rushed to Zhang Ming and stopped Zhang Ming’s words: “Zhang Ming, Liu’s Hope Group, is indeed much better than us in terms of feed. But I seem to hear that you are a family management, and this is the money. Do you not hurt the feelings between your brothers?" (To be continued.)

Ps: Fifth, there are two more in front, don't miss it. I haven’t been able to explode today, forgive me. Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a ticket, and ask for a reward.