Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 708: Can the farm be renamed?

A bright black car parked downstairs, and many people who swept the snow below stopped working. Looking at the beautiful car, it was definitely for Lao Feng.

The old man Feng, who gave birth to a good son, lived that day.

The door opened and a person came down from the cab and quickly opened the back door. Feng Yu came down from the inside.

Yeah, this is the old Feng family kid back?

"Xiaoyu, you are back." An aunt took the lead. It seems that the first one to say hello to Feng Yu is a very big glory.

"Aunt Li, you are sweeping the snow. Let's go here, I am coming. Uncle Zhao, Uncle Wang..." Feng Yu greeted him in a circle, and now these people are also old neighbors.

"You don't have to use it. Auntie is just active and active. Are you not going to have a winter vacation before, will you come back?"

"I have something in Ice City. No, I haven't missed the New Year."

A tiger-headed boy stretched his head from behind the adult: "Feng Yu brother, is this year still releasing fireworks?"

"Haha, Xiaobao likes to watch it, then let it go. This time, put a lot of it, New Year's Eve and Lantern Festival are put to ensure that you have seen it!"

"Yefeng Yu brother, you are so good." Xiaobao shouted excitedly.

At this time, Zhang Muhua, who had been standing in the window and looking down, went downstairs. When her son came back, she must definitely go downstairs.

"Uncles and aunts, I will go home first. Everyone has time to come home to sit down." Feng Yu was polite, and he was empty on the floor, and the driver and Liu Jichuan went to the building together.

After examining Liu Jichuan for a period of time, Feng Yu asked Liu Jichuan to study and manage. Although it is not a small hair grown up from a young age, but also a company out, let Liu Jichuan give him a bodyguard, always a bit awkward.

The new bodyguard is called Mei Zhigao and is also an Ice City man.

"Dachuan, you should go home first, and Liu Shu should wait for an emergency. Zhigao, you will go back to the New Year, I am on the farm. Nothing, let's say there is still a big man."

Da Zhuang is the bodyguard that Feng Yu arranged for the old man. His parents have passed away, and his sister has married to the field. Just stay on the farm and spend the New Year with the Feng family.

Mei Zhi nodded. He already knew that Feng was not polite with them. After thanking him, he went downstairs with Liu Jichuan. Liu Jichuan will send him to the passenger station, just waiting for the passenger car to return to the ice city after half an hour.

"Son, how come back so long, those business things, are not all handed over to others?" Zhang Muhua said with some complaints.

"Go to the glutinous rice country and buy something. If you are not busy, you will come back soon. If you both move to the ice city, you can always check the Xiaozhixing." Feng Yu said casually.

Although the air in the farm is very good, there is no way to compare with the city for medical care or transportation. Let's talk about the current ice city. The air is still good.

"Well, I am planning to buy a house on the riverside with your dad. It is convenient for your father to fish."

"Ah? Have you figured it out?" Feng Yu was a little surprised, and advised how many times, the father and mother did not agree, how did this suddenly agree?

"Your uncle is going to transfer to Bingcheng. Your dad doesn't have a friend who can chat on the farm. Besides, your grandfather is not very good. Your dad is going to take your grandfather to the ice city, in case there is a sickness. It is also convenient to send a large hospital for treatment."

"Uncle Wen wants to transfer to the ice city? He is promoted again?" The speed of the promotion is too fast. The legendary rocket cadre?

"It seems to be a flat tone, when the city of agriculture ~ Bureau of the deputy ~ bureau ~ long."

Feng Yuyi raised an eyebrow: "Is that bureau~ long is it retire?"

"Yeah, I heard that there are less than two years, how do you know?" Zhang Muhua was curious.

This is still used. Uncle Wen is going to take over. Ice City is a deputy ~ province ~ city, high half of the grid, so that can not be used for two years, Wen Shushu will become a deputy ~ Hall? The last time can also enjoy the deputy ~ hall treatment. In just a few years, from the deputy division to the vice-hall, how many people are envious of it. However, the achievements made by Uncle Wen can not be done by others.

"I guess. My dad, go to the factory?"

"I used to go to the old Zhao head of the company, and said that I want to eat fried oysters. You said you want to eat if you want to get it yourself, is it not enough for him to buy?"

"Hey, my dad is playing, or do you still let him play mahjong every day?"

In the afternoon, Feng Xingtai came back, and she got back a pot of pots and some small fish. On this subject, Feng Xingtai also asked Feng Yu to call Wen Dongjun and their family to come and drink, as if this is something that is not delicious.

Wen Dongjun ran early and played games with Feng Yu. A small fighter second-generation computer learning machine, plugged in a game cassette, the two yelled, it seems that they have not played so much together.

"Hey, the farm has opened a new game hall, will you go to play together tomorrow?" The holiday is for the Wendong Army. Especially when others can't play with him, Feng Yu is back.

Is there a game hall at this time? Feng Yu is really interested in seeing it, so he promised to go around tomorrow.

Wen Dongjun’s mother helped to cook together, and it was very fast. When Wen Deguang came over from work, the table was full of dishes, and the main dish was fried.

"You two boys should graduate this year, what are your plans?" Feng Xingtai asked.

"I? Do business."

"You are not saying that you want to be a business official?" Feng Xingtai was somewhat upset. Was this kid fooling me?

"Dad, I am doing this for the country. Is the tax glory heard? Do you say that your son is now at home and go to others?" If you are really competitive, even if you are too young, you can at least become National Committee of the CPPCC ~ staff?

"Old Feng, the child has his thoughts, let him let go." Wen Deguang persuaded, then turned his head and looked at Wen Dongjun: "What about your kid?"

Wen Dongjun was screaming in his mouth, eating his mouth full of oil, and hearing the old man suddenly asked him, quickly swallowed his neck and swallowed, and poured two beers before he swallowed.

"I am going into the office." Wen Dongjun said indifferently. Zhang Han’s father helped paving the way. If he didn’t enter the organization, it’s not silly. Besides, his ideal is to be an official and a great official. As for how many officials, what to do after the official, he never considered it!

"There are more organs, which department do you plan to enter?" Wen Deguang also knew about his son and Zhang Han, and he knew that Zhang Han’s father would definitely arrange it.

"Ah? I don't know." Wen Dongjun looked blank.

Feng Yu grabbed his head with his hand: "So long time, you never thought about it?"

"I thought about it, which department of Zhang Han entered, I will enter which department!" Wen Dongjun, I have already considered it.

"Nothing to look like!" If it wasn't at Feng, Wen Deguang would like to smoke this kid now. How can a man, a man, be like a man!

Feng Yu looked at Wen Dongjun's height of one meter nine. This head, to which department, the leader can like it? Perhaps only the police and sports are more appropriate, just the Wendong Army, can you do it in the police department?

"Dongjun, you still don't go with Zhang Han, let Zhang Han go to the police, then you go to the sports general bureau, the two work in one unit, you are destined to have a person to go low. You are this body, to The leader will definitely let you make concessions. When you get to the sports department, you won't be too conspicuous. And you can usually exercise with those people, which is quite suitable for you."

Wen Dongjun’s eyes are bright: “Yes, I’m going to take care of sports. I can still play with those athletes! Dad, I think, I’m going to the sports department!”

Wen Deguang shook his head, the sports total ~ bureau on the sports total ~ bureau, this kid is too straight, if you go to other departments, certainly offended the leadership, to the sports total bureau, maybe it can be better.

"Okay, you have an idea."

"To the uncle Wen, can we change the name of the farm?" Feng Yu suddenly asked. (To be continued.)

Ps: The fifth, there are two chapters in front, don't miss it. Complementing the ten, the eight chapters owed by the May 1st, the fourth is the tenth chapter, is it still diligent? Well, do you still have a monthly pass?