Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 732: Thesis defense (request for a ticket)

A classroom in Beijing University is currently working on a thesis defense.

The head of the department and two professors sat behind a table, each with a paper in front of them, and not far from them, stood a confident student. Behind the classmates who stood there, there were many students who were nervous.

"Get ready to start," said the head of the department.

"Respected teacher, everyone, everyone. I am Feng Yu, a management department of the 91-level management department. I am very happy to have a paper defense here today. I hope that my thesis defense will make you gain something."

The following students whispered, this Feng Yu is too arrogant? We all say that we hope that the defense will satisfy the teachers and students, or that they will conclude their careers. This Feng Yu actually said that he hopes to make you gain something. This means his paper, and the professor can also gain something?

The school has said that Feng Yujia is rich and has bought a house outside the school. Moreover, the professors with good conditions in the school are just riding motorcycles. Feng Yu has already started driving the car. The most annoying thing is that Feng Yu’s car was originally very expensive. I heard that it’s going to be hundreds of thousands. Later, I changed another Songjiang car, or the Songjiang car that I have never seen before. I heard that there is a seat. The chairs are all leather, old and soft.

Others said that the school has a good relationship with the principal and the class leader. I have been on leave for two days, but I have never hanged the subject!

I don't know how to make it, but I also became an exchange student at Xiangjiang University. Other people's exchanges are one semester, he is actually a year!

But your relationship is hard, will you come over? How do you say this, is this meant to point to the professor?

If the professor is not happy, I will not let you pass, let you answer twice, see what you do!

Besides, your relationship is harder, isn't you still not signing a work unit? For us, we have all entered the Ministry of State. Don't look at what work is now said that it is not allocated, it is for the average university. The graduates of Beijing University are still Shannon. Many of them, who do not plan to study for graduate students, have basically determined their work units.

There are only a few, and I have not yet determined the work unit. It is ready to go to private enterprises to work. I heard that the salary of private enterprises can reach one thousand a month!

"The above is the basic situation of my thesis. I welcome all teachers to ask questions."

Twenty minutes later, Feng Yu did not read the manuscript, and the content of the paper was basically repeated, which made many students feel ashamed. Some of them looked at the manuscript and screamed, read the serial, and Feng Yu actually had no problem with the manuscript!

However, I welcome all teachers to ask if this sentence is not appropriate. Just now a classmate has said this, but he can be reprimanded by the department head.

Hey, what happened, the teachers didn't ask questions, they actually took Feng Yu's papers to communicate. There should be no problem with the thesis. After all, I have seen it for the thesis supervisor. The tutor is still very serious and responsible. Is there no big problem?

The dean of the department looked at Feng Yu: "Feng Yu, I remember that you are a student, right? And you attended the summer camp in Moscow. Russian has left a deep impression on the interview teacher. I noticed that the paper requires translation into a foreign language. And you have chosen to translate into two foreign languages, Russian and English. Are you mastered in both languages?"

The students are stunned. What is the problem? Thesis defense, is not to ask some questions from the paper to ask questions? Why are you still asking questions about the language?

And this Feng Yu's paper was actually translated into two foreign languages, which is too obvious? With the so strict character of the department head, Feng Yu is unlucky!

"Yes, I can use these two foreign languages ​​to defend my thesis." Feng Yu said proudly.

The paper itself was written by himself, and he also consulted a professional dictionary. He knew the uncommon words inside, let alone ordinary communication. For him, the defense is actually much simpler than writing a thesis.

I heard Feng Yu say this, the students began to whisper again. This Feng Yu is too arrogant? Actually, I have to use a foreign language to reply, and I can say that two foreign languages ​​can do it!

This time, his cowhide can be blown away. Professor Niu and Professor Huang happen to understand English and understand Russian. It seems that Feng Yu is preparing for a second reply!

I know that Professor Niu asked two questions in English, and Feng Yu actually answered it easily. Listening to his fluent English, many students who want to study abroad but are stuck in the language are ashamed.

When Professor Huang asked questions in Russian, Feng Yu also answered questions. The questions asked by the two professors are not difficult. They are all some of Feng Yu’s own ideas. Feng Yu is of course very clear.

"Quiet, now other students are defending the thesis. What are you talking about below?" The head of the department took a table unpleasantly. These students, even the basic discipline can not comply, how to get into the job in the future?

The students in the back became jealous one by one, and they wished to hide their heads under the crotch. If the head of the department is eyeing, then the defense will be finished.

If the final defense can't be passed, then they don't want to participate in the work. Before that, there is no precedent!

Next, the head of the department asked Feng Yu a few questions. There were some questions about the theory, the other method, and a special question, but these problems were not difficult to live Feng Yu.

Feng Yu answered these questions with ease. No problem was stuck, and it seemed that they had not been thought.

After Feng Yu answered the last question, the head of the department discussed with the two professors and said to Feng Yu: "Very good, we are very satisfied with your paper and defense. This reply, I can tell you now. You are the perfect score, the only one score!"


The following students are amazed, how is this Feng Yu announced the full score, or the only perfect score? Is his paper very good? What can be a good place to discuss agricultural management?

This Feng Yu is definitely going to the back door, otherwise I will definitely not get this result! When he answered the question, he didn't have to think about it. He could tell the answer by opening his mouth. I am a school debate team. I can't do this. The only possibility is... Feng Yu is thoroughly clarified, knowing in advance what questions the teachers will ask, and be prepared!

Hey, is this the highest school in China? Even a thesis defense must be falsified. It seems that it is right to continue to study. The society is too realistic. It is still early to step into the society to adapt.

"Thank you all the teachers." Feng Yu whispered and turned to the back seat.

His face was indifferent, as if there was no tension at all, and it seemed that answering these questions should be the same. Especially his mouth corner, but also slightly upturned, it seems not only self-confidence, it seems to reveal a little triumph.

This makes those mentally dark students more convinced, Feng Yu is definitely going to the back door, the reply is completed, who is not relieved, this Feng Yu clearly knows that he must pass, so he is not nervous, there is no surprise!

Dark, too dark! (To be continued.)