Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 893: How to sell (request for a ticket)

"Fu brother, the patent for this new drug must be applied as soon as possible, especially in Europe and America, with a focus on the patent of the country." Feng Yu handed the document to Fu Guangzheng for up to three years. This medicine can be given to the Ice City Pharmaceutical Group every year. Bring hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue!

Before the past, Pfizer relied on this drug. During the peak period, the annual profit exceeded one billion US dollars. Even if the brand of Bingcheng Pharmaceutical is much worse, there is no problem with one or two hundred thousand dollars. What's more, it is not allowed to develop the Chinese market earlier.

"This is not a strong ~ Yang medicine, you said the magic medicine, this thing?" Fu Guangzheng's face tangled, Feng Yu how to let the pharmaceutical company develop this medicine?

"This is not a strong ~ Yang medicine, just a drug that is forced to start. It is important that there are not many side effects on the kidneys, etc. It is mainly used to treat yang ~ 痿, and there is not much delay effect." Feng Yu explained .

"Hey~~ Is there any difference?"

"The difference is that there is no concept of strong and yang in foreign countries. This medicine is a prescription drug. The traditional Zhuang ~ Yang medicine, known as the tiger wolf medicine, used the wound, and this, there are no side effects."

no side effects? Fu Guangzheng’s eyes lit up: “Is it so useful to you?”

Feng Yuyi raised his eyebrows: "You can try it yourself. But you have no problem. It is enough to choose a 50-milligram piece. Maybe half a slice, don't eat too much."

"Okay, I will try again. I will talk again tomorrow. If you can't find a female companion, I will introduce you two."

"Come on!" Feng Yu smiled. When everyone is like you, want to burn!

In the afternoon of the next day, Fu Guangzheng called: "Feng Laodi, where are you?"

"At home, are you, just get up?"

"Wait, I will go to your home."

Half an hour later, Fu Guang was squatting on some food, and Feng Yu had to drink with him.

"How, it seems that you are aware of the benefits of this thing?" Feng Yu shouted after drinking a beer.

"Hahaha, this is really a good thing. Yesterday, three of them, all of them were fixed by me!" Fu Guangzheng erected three fingers and said loudly.

Feng Yu "..."TM You take this medicine, it is still very sued!

"Fu brother, this is just a cure for yang ~ 痿 drugs, if you are not ill, don't take it. Although the side effects are far less than the ordinary tiger wolf medicine, but the drug is three-way toxic, you should understand?"

"Understand, I have no plans to take it regularly. But how is your prescription drug?" Fu Guangzheng asked with some dissatisfaction.

Prescription drugs, no doctor's prescription, how to buy? Besides, how do prescription drugs advertise?

"Fu brother, is there no pharmacy in Xiangjiang? Is it true that all pharmacies are so rules? Without prescriptions, prescription drugs must not be bought? Besides, this is not an anti-sleep medicine, I want to prescribe a prescription. Not too difficult? This is the medicine used to treat the disease, of course, the prescription drug."

"Yes, many pharmacies have pharmacists. They can prescribe drugs for themselves. Registering for something, just get your own. Can you advertise, how?"

"In the pharmacies and hospitals, low-profile promotion, let doctors to sell drugs. As for private, you can go to those small mixed ~ mixed to promote, and I have an important promotion channel." Feng Yu said.

“What are the important promotion channels?”

“A film company, a film company in an island country, an island film company specializing in body art films!”

The Sixth Sense Company can not only acquire a TV station, but also set up a film company in the country, which is legal in that state.

"Body art film?" Fu Guangzheng suddenly realized, "What do you mean is color ~ love movies?"

"Vulgar! What color ~ love movie, that is a body art film, it can also be said to be a love action movie!" Feng Yu looked at Fu Guangzheng, "You said that the actors in the movie, how fighting?"

"Looking is good, but not all cut."

"If I said, this is not cutting, but taking us this Wei Ge?" Feng Yu said with a smile.

"There will be a lot of people who want to be so brave, and buy this medicine! This is really a genius idea!" Fu Guangzheng laughed.

It’s absolutely impossible to sell this medicine with a color-love movie!

"We don't have so many three-level films released every year in Xiangjiang. Can't we put in an advertisement? There are too many companies that shoot such movies all over the world. The propaganda role. In fact, there are more people in Asia and America than in Asia."

How did the past Pfizer sell Viagra? This is the method used by Feng Yu, which was implanted in the movie of Cheng~, advertised on the channel of the person, and then publicized through the mouth and publicity in their private, and then walked through the hospital. Let this medicine become the medicine recommended by the doctor.

On the other side of the country, it’s much more than Huaxia. This is a problem that plagues many men around the world, or it is also plaguing women. Sometimes, this medicine is taken by a woman who buys it for her own lover, and even secretly gives it to her lover.

The country said that the regulation of prescription drugs is very strict, but if you think about the extent of the spread of the disease, you know that the country of the country is actually a bright surface. It is not difficult to prescribe prescription drugs as over-the-counter. In particular, there are a lot of private doctors in the small clinics in the country.

As long as they give benefits to those people, then they will distort the facts. If you are not ill, you will say that you are ill and mildly speaking. The average person in the country rarely changes to a private doctor, so they are not afraid to be debunked.

After using this medicine, they experienced the effect, who would say anything. Many people even go to the doctor and give him this medicine.

To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is a very influential thing for men's self-confidence. Most men are very concerned about it and will try their best to improve and enhance their ability. This will give them a thrill of conquest!

"Okay, I know I should do it. I will arrange for people to apply for patents right away. Well, when will you get the drug on sale?" Fu Guangzheng asked.

"It will be fine in April, and now we are working hard to produce it."

From the New Year's Day, Feng Yu let Bingcheng Pharmaceutical start production, this drug should be listed globally, not just the Chinese market. Mainly the packaging is a bit cumbersome, to get a variety of text instructions. Feng Yu feels that after a year or two, after the market opens, it is necessary to establish a number of pharmaceutical factories around the world.

Even if you only produce this medicine, you can bring a steady stream of profits. With some vitamins and other nutritional products, it is definitely more cost-effective than export.

"Well, I am going to contact the pharmaceutical distributors of various countries to ensure that this medicine can enter the market of many countries in the world at the fastest speed. I know that the main attack on the rice country, you said several times."

Feng Yu hasn't opened his mouth yet, and Fu Guangzheng knows what Feng Yu wants to emphasize. Feng Yu told him very clearly that the company has a drug similar to this. If it is a late step, I am afraid that the huge market will be taken away.

After Fu Guang was leaving, Feng Yu picked up the phone and called it to Masaru Kadori. This matter also required the help of Masahiro Kaita.