Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 924: Floating exchange rate (booking for a ti

Please enter the text "This is your company? This is not the case, so many people are crowded in such a big place, but also chaotic." Feng Xingtai after the wind and rain consultation, I commented.

"Dad, this is not a provincial place. Do you know how expensive the office in Xiangjiang is?"

“How expensive is it, can it be more expensive than the capital?”

"It is eight times that of the capital!" Feng Yu said as he gestured with his hands.

"Hey? On this broken place, this broken building, still eight times? This is not stealing money! You are a loser, how to get such a expensive office!" Feng Xingtai almost jumped up, how could it be so expensive?

"So, I bought this building two years ago, and the other floors were rented out. The places they saved were made to make money."

Feng Xingtai immediately became happy and smiled: "Ah, this building is ours. You can understand it at a glance. Don't all say that Xiangjiang is a bit of gold!"

Seeing his father's attitude change quickly, Feng Yu smiled and shook his head.

"Dad, I may be busy during the day, let the light go with you, and I will go to everyone at night."

The Thai government has been unable to stand up, and will immediately take the "seemingly correct" measures, and then be completely beaten, the Thai baht will fall to their heartbreak.

Now that the Thai baht has reached 28:1 against the US dollar, it will definitely fall again this evening. The money borrowed from the Thai government has been thrown in, but it is still fighting the army of Soros.

Feng Yu also wants to stare at it. Before the Thai policy is introduced, he will stare at him.

"Well, for the country, Dad understands you." Feng Xingtai confessed to Feng Yu's ear, and the mysterious secret whispered.

Feng Yu is foggy, why is it for the country? I am making money for myself. He saw the look of the side of the light, and he was very clever.

The company was like that. Nothing to look at. Feng Xingtai was taken away by Fu Guang, and everyone else was waiting. They came here in the name of the tour group. Is the visa easy?

Li Na’s parents also came, but they didn’t come to the company to see them, and Li Na was waiting in the car.

This time Feng Yu’s performance made Li Na’s father very satisfied. The seats were not enough. Feng Yu and Li Shiqiang stood on one side, but they were sitting.

Since the opening, Li Na’s father has also seen it. Feng Yu’s kid seems to have nothing bad. This kind of good thing, still thinking about them, is also a heart, some unconscionable son-in-law, regardless of the father-in-law, knows to turn other people to run.

Feng Yu also said that he was not allowed to go to work and directly took the couple to the capital, but he did not agree. I don’t want to go to the job, I don’t want to go to the capital, but my father-in-law runs to go to the daughter-in-law. It seems that he is more greedy, Feng family is cheaper, how should the family look at their family, especially the two children have not yet Married, he can't afford to lose that person!

If he had to retire, the two had children. They used to say that they helped to see the children.

"Boss, you are more happy than me. When I mix my head, my parents are not there." He Zhaoji exclaimed.

"Then you have to struggle for your wife and children, this time, you can get the money, enough for you to retire directly to support the elderly!" Feng Yu patted He Zhaoji's shoulder and said.

"I am not ready to retire so early, as long as the boss does not take me away, I will work for a few more years." He Zhaoji said with a smile.

"No problem, you are doing well, I will not treat you any one. The Thai baht in our hands is ready. Once the Thai government has adopted a floating exchange rate system, it will immediately cooperate with Soros to quickly sell and fight against the people of Thailand. The confidence of the government hits people's confidence in the Thai baht!"

"I have already prepared, just wait for the news to appear."

Yesterday they were also watching Xiangjiang return, sleep is not very good, at this time there are still some red eyes.

Their company is different from other companies in that other companies are refreshingly using coffee or tea. Their company uses blue cans, not to mention that after drinking this drink, it can really make people less tired.


"General generals, we only use this method. If we can't borrow money, the Thai baht will continue to fall. We have already fixed the exchange rate and have already fallen below."

Since the fixed exchange rate has failed, all the borrowed money has been put into it, and it does not help. If the money they borrowed is in one step, perhaps they can still struggle. It is a pity that the money is slowly in place, and once again, Soros has been ruined a little.

Now only by breaking the fixed exchange rate system and adopting a floating exchange rate system, introducing more external funds and buying Thai baht will make it possible for the Thai baht to have more resistance.

This trick is simply to dig meat and make up the sores. It seems to be good on the surface, but it is useless.

But this is the last resort of the Thai government. They believe that according to the supply and demand relationship, they have acquired so many baht, then the baht should be in short supply, while the dollar is in a situation of oversupply.

In this way, what Soros wants to face is not only the Thai government, but the Thai government has also got rid of the fixed exchange rate system to restrict economic policy autonomy.

Most importantly, according to their agreements with many countries in Southeast Asia, those countries also retain a lot of Thai baht. If they do not want to lose money, they must not buy baht and raise the exchange rate of the baht.

Bashu believes that this is a move to forcibly drag other countries into Thai tanks. Although it may not be able to pull back the exchange rate of the Thai baht, it will at least not fall again.

If it falls below 30:1, then Thailand's inflation will inevitably happen!

"Are you sure of this method to avoid the Thai baht continuing to fall?" Xiaowali has some doubts.

"This is the last resort. The floating exchange rate system can spontaneously adjust the balance of payments function and help curb the massive financial speculation, which is just right for us."

What Bashu said is a theoretical advantage. However, he does not think about the shortcomings of the floating exchange rate system. This will bring greater foreign exchange risk to trade and financial activities. The inflation tendency in monetary policy will increase, and it will be exposed. The original value of the Thai baht is virtual. High illusion!

Fortunately, the difference is not understood, the new finance minister knows, but I can't think of other better methods, so I shut up and didn't talk, he didn't want to be a black pot.

If this policy is successful, he will get some credit for it. Once this policy fails, then it must be responsible for this, so he is supported by both hands!

"Well, if the baht continues to fall tomorrow, we will announce that we are using a floating exchange rate system, and the government is no longer in charge!" Chawary made a difficult decision. Although he does not understand finance, he also feels that this will lack supervision and is even more dangerous.

At the moment, the situation in Thailand... he has no choice!

Book Friends Group: 5, 20, 98, 4, 68, welcome to the group (to be continued.)